
Mac os x mouse button 4

There are a few apps that can do this task. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Logan Logan 1 4 8. MikMak MikMak 4 Thank you very much: This is what I needed Downloaded, tested it, and worked perfectly! Deserved a tip for sure! It works on my Tecknet BM Bluetooth mouse.

That's it: You can also open the app menu and selectively enable or disable it as you please.

Tweaking Basic Mouse Settings

There's no CPU overhead or any weird polling — just some system-wide events getting sent out whenever M4 or M5 is clicked. I've suffered with poorly-behaving side buttons on all my third-party macOS mice for years, to the point where I just assumed that the problem was unfixable. But then I got my hands on a Logitech MX Master , and I was surprised to discover that the side buttons on this particular mouse and no others!

No blinking menu bars It was the first time I'd seen it on a Mac! Curious about the unusual behavior, I whipped out Xcode and wrote a quick application to capture mouse click events and do some analysis. First question: Testing several models, I discovered that the side buttons emitted standard M4 and M5 commands just as they did in Windows. It just so happened that macOS didn't want much to do with these commands, and they also couldn't be rebound in any native way.

Map Your Mouse's Back and Forward Buttons on a Mac · agfox.com

Inferring, then, that the Master was doing something special with its side buttons, I tried capturing them as well. To my surprise, they appeared to emit nothing! I guessed that perhaps the Logitech driver was doing something interesting to make them work this way. But what was the secret? The Master's side buttons behaved in a completely consistent way across all my software, so it probably wasn't some special-purpose Logitech code.

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Although I couldn't rule this out. The buttons were definitely not emitting keyboard shortcuts since they were missing the trademark menu bar blink and only affected views under the cursor. I also looked into AppleScript tricks, but those lead to a similar dead end. A bit stumped, I decided to capture all the events emanating from the MX Master. And there was a hit!


The side buttons weren't being seen by the OS as clicks at all, but fake three-finger swipe gestures. For several years, the standard navigation gesture in macOS has been the two-finger drag: However, a legacy three-finger swipe can be additionally enabled in Trackpad preferences, and while it's not nearly as flashy as its younger brother, it works far more universally across the OS. Under the hood, this gesture is basically free to implement: Then, if the user performs a three-finger swipe with the cursor over your view, it triggers the selector and presumably navigates in the corresponding direction.

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Unfortunately, the type of event that it emits — NSEventTypeSwipe — cannot be generated programmatically. I really wanted to port this behavior to my own third-party mice, but macOS was stubbornly standing in my way!

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  4. SensibleSideButtons!
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  6. How was Logitech creating these events? Did they have access to some private frameworks? Was there some reverse-engineering involved? I thought I'd have to either capture the binary event data and clone it for my own use, or alternatively send a contraband message to whatever Logitech process was handling this behavior. But I lucked out, as someone else had already done the hard work in this area. In order to create the gesture code for an application called Sesamouse , developer Nathan Vander Wilt reverse-engineered the data structure of gesture-based NSEvents and released his work as open source.

    Playing around with his functions, I quickly discovered the winning combination that would get me the same gesture events that the Master was sending out. The swipe event didn't even require a mouse position, so there was no need to reason about coordinates. The other half of the puzzle was stifling the M4 and M5 commands and replacing them with this falsified gesture.

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    Fortunately, macOS provides a very easy way to do this through the use of event taps. The callback is allowed to return an event other than the default, so I simply returned NULL for M4 and M5 and then sent out my fake events instead. As far as I can tell, event taps have almost no overhead. SensibleSideButtons is made by me — Alexei Baboulevitch. You can find me on Twitter archagon , and e-mail me at ssb archagon. My blog can currently be found at http: A huge thanks to Nathan Vander Wilt for the tremendous work involved in reverse-engineering event handling in macOS.

    How to Record and Play Back Mouse Activity in macOS

    I would have surely given up if his Touch project hadn't existed! SensibleSideButtons is free because I believe it's an optimal solution to a longstanding issue with macOS. I'd rather treat it as a bugfix than a product and make it available for anyone to download and enjoy! However, if you find that the app improves your productivity as much as I think it will, please consider leaving a small donation or buying something through my Amazon affiliate link.