
Mac os x internet explorer tester

Download " Sauce " from the mac app store. I have been using Virtualbox the last two years and this is much easier to install, doesn't have huge VM files, and the interface is much smoother. Sauce also has the ability to preview in IE 10 which is complete crap. There is also another cloud based app called browser stack.

I don't have enough reputation to post a comment on Anirvan's answer which helped me greatly. I'd just like to add that Rey Bango's blog which advocates for security reasons to set Windows Update to automatic causes a problem since IE gets auto-updated as well! MS has created separate auto-blockers for IE 9 through I downloaded all the auto-blocker scripts and created a wrapper to call them on Dropbox.

Probably not as professional as the other answers, but if one just wants to see how IE is rendering the site, the following options are free and work without any heavy installation:. Similar questions were asked in SO here and here , but they are pretty old and the topics are closed. It's even easier than the others, setup is easier, saving state is easier, keyboard-mouse integration is better.

Generally its better. Paid software is actually my preference - it gives me some confidence that it will actually be maintained going forward.

What Tools You Use to Test IE on Mac? – Designer News

Plus I'm a developer Seems like a good thing. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. How can I test with Internet Explorer while on my Mac? Ask Question.

Are you a software vendor? IT guy ?

Michael Durrant. Michael Durrant Michael Durrant 8, 16 35 Wine is kind of unfriendly, but I have used PlayOnMac before which greatly improves the user experience. Microsoft now has free Mac virtual machines just for this purpose. In , Microsoft released a free officially-supported solution to help Mac developers test with Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 on Macs: Go to https: Chris W.

Anirvan Anirvan 1 6 9. Its a shame we need to do this at all, but this is the BEST solution.

How to Test Internet Explorer on Mac

Great share. For sure I wish we could emulate the browsers, or at least install them side-by-side. Too bad Microsoft has a terrible architecture across the board. On a mac the apps could come bundled with all the libs they need to run.

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Oh well. And as far as Web Dev Unfortunately, this solution is no longer available. This is achieved by using the freely available VirtualBox software from Oracle, and combining that with free Internet Explorer testing virtual machines from Microsoft Here is the scripts presented in the Article: MrDaniel These instructions are potentially outdated. Anirvan, I tried that link and it all seems to be about subscription services after free trial.

I have step by step instructions at apple. The age old question for web designers… VirtualBox is awesome, but a pain to have multiple versions of Windows taking up space on your hard drive. CajunLuke JamiePatt JamiePatt 3, 2 13 Ah, I remember the days of space being an issue in these decisions. Nowadays my GB drive seems to help quite a lot.

I will try to get in touch with them.

Emulation is ok, but you never know until you use the real thing, same with any device testing! Which IE versions do you test for these days? I try to use site specific usage stats, but usually that means IE11 and Edge. On some of the sites my charity is responsible for, there are still non-negligible cohorts of IE8 and IE9 users.

With something like BrowserStack, this sort of quick testing is actually much easier than when we used to faff around with local VMs. I've used both Browserstack and VirtualBox. VirtualBox works well but comes with a bit of set up time and space on your hard drive. Browserstack comes with cost but is much quicker to get rolling. I'm not sure of any other realistic options other than having a auxilary Windows -based machine.

I can reboot and go into windows 10 to test but rarely do. It's tiny, portable, and just the right amount of slow!

I'm currently using crossbrowsertesting. You can also test your locally hosted web applications for cross-browser compatibility on various IE for Mac. Maybe this will be of help: Designer News is a large, global community of people working or interested in design and technology.

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