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Not what the name "Full Aroma" would suggest. It's not a bad tobacco, but not a great one either. A good average blend. A bit of tounge bite, but nothing too terible. I'd buy it again, but not my favorite. Nothing more nothing less than a classic dutch flavored mixture. A commercial tobacco, cheap and common. If you like flavored mixture this blend can be an all day smoke. In my opinion this tobacco is ordinary, unassuming. Not bad but not recommended. In my personal system rating from 1 to 10 my score is 6 and 2 stars.
I am a new pipe smoker. Well, for the first time in 35 years. I hope I am on track, let me know if I am not. Started off with a local Vanilla Cream Virginia blend from our only real specialist tobacco shop in Melbourne, Alexanders. Yes, and we have 4 million people in our city. But am now on Amphora which I have imported from the US. Still learning how to pack properly. Seems to burn so quickly.
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Have read "How to pack properly" Pipe tobacco here is outrageusly expensive. We are a nanny state. And we have plain packaging. Kept under lock and key. I hope you guys don't end up like this. I think weed is probably cheaper. Anyway a bit of background from down under. BTW I like Amphora. Still tastes like I remember. What ever happened to Borkum riff? Got a pouch of Amphora,the blend which I smoked last time 15 years ago. First I had my doubts about it. Opening the pouch the floral note came first ,then some Virginias,Burley and perhpas some Kentucky Filled a Stanwells Canadian after charring light a pleasant aroma filled my pallet.
Later at day filled BigBen's Bulldog and the result was the same. Nice mild aromatic with a pleasant room note. Better than I thought for a man who dosen't like aros. Very good OTC,gonna buy a few more. Since yesterday I've managed to smoke several bowls of Amphora Full Aroma. An enjoyable experience as with Original Blend. The pouch note reminded me of chocolate covered cherries, but never cloying and greatly subdued after the pouch has opened for several days.
Each garners a solid recommended and 5 stars! It's cheap and you can get it anywhere. Apart from that I don't see why you'd ever bother to smoke this over anything else. It really does't taste like much, and, while it smokes well enough, is not particularly remarkable in any way at all. It's great in a pinch if you really need a smoke and don't have access to something nice, but I wouldn't bother to put it on your regular purchase list.
This is one of those iconic must-try tobaccos many smokers like and many smokers started their hobby with. And being a true drugstore over the counter blend its readily available in most countries. The price is good and the quality of the used tobaccos, weather you like this blend or not, is good also. I do not know about its current reincarnation but i am guessing the recipe will not have changed much or any at all, being a perfect example for the new school dutch blends.
The tobacco is easy to be packed an lit and burns without any hassle to an exceptional fine ash. Do not talk with the pipe still in your mouth or dust the vicinity with the fine ashes.
But you have to smoke it rather cool and slow or it will develop some tongue bite. If you can manage that then its a nice smooth smoke. The taste offers some slight vanilla with a hint of citrus fruit and of course the virginia is readily to be tasted. If you have the tongue for it you can make out the wooden aroma of the kentucky as well.
It also gives this blend some body and strength so many people noticed in their reviews. I am not certain what the orients do in this blend but i am guessing it offers nice burning properties and maybe the hint of citrus to it. Aftertaste and room note are rather mild, and of some light spicy sweetness which is not necessarily a bad thing. This is a nice blend and usually people are not disappointed by it. I give it 4 stars for the fact of being an icon, if this where not the case i would give it 3 stars.
This is really something you should give a try to figure if it floats your boat or not. Because if it does you just might have found one of the most hassle free tobaccos around. Honest fairly full aroma tobacco.

A smoke that is satisfying. One of my trusted brands. If your choices are limited, go for this one,. I din't like it at all. I like aromatic blends and this is not for sure. Low quality tobacco. Tongue bite from the middle of the bowl. If you like aromatics don't waste your money. Easy to pack and light. Nice taste and aroma and doesent smoke to much, the smell of the smoke is nice though.
Pleasant flavouring that does indeed give alot of pleasure. A nice tobacco that should be smoked after lunch with a cup of coffee. This is a Good Amphora Slow Burning, easy to pack and light. Good grade tobacco, sweat, not so strong in Nicotine. It was very common found in Brazil, but now, is quite rare. This was one of the first tobaccos I smoked, when I was a teenager back inthe s. It was, and remains a pleasant and not overwhelming smoke. I'd rate it as the best of the OTC drug store blends. It's one of those I'd recommend to a beginner pipe smoker, if you can find it.
That recommendation comes not because it is of any ifnerior quality. It's not. But it is very forgiving. It's easy to keep lit. It doesn't bite if smoked too vigorously. It yields a very pleasant taste without having to coax it and will keep delivering that pleasant taste even if puffed hard.
Nowadays I can't find it in its original form bu have to get a few ounces in bulk in a 'match' blend. Recommended for smoked daily. For a brand that calls itself full aroma, I found this to be quite tasteless and a disappointment. As such, not recommended. On the package it says: It was very difficult to notice the flavor. The tobacco burns with good temperature and somewhat evenly. I wouldn't buy another pack. Ordinary tobac dominated by ordinary Virginia. When too moist this stuff can bite like no other tobacco i have know. You'll literally have bad mouth burns for days.
Fortunately it usually comes at the right moisture content but the crappy sorry, luxury pouches it comes in dry out very fast so careful rehydration is required if you dont want Satan's breath on your tongue! This stuff is not terrible, but rather, unremarkable instead, therefore not really recommended as there is lots of much better smokes for a similar price.
I'll give it two stars. I should also note that as this is a supermarket staple i have smoked many,many pouches of this when nothing else was available or I didnt know any better when i first started with the pipe 10 years ago. If your aromatically inclined then consider this a 3 star tobacco.
I started my pipesmoking hobby in the late 70's, this blend was readily available here in the U. Now, of course, it is no longer available here, I sure miss it. I have an old empty tin of it here to remind me of those days when I could enjoy this blend on a regular basis. Although I understand that, like many older blends, it just is not the same as it used to be, not nearly as good. I purchased a few pouches of this and just as I suspected Much lighter and sweeter than the original.
I will smoke what I have but won't buy again. I was introduced to this a couple of years ago by a pipe smoking friend, and was really taken by it. I don't usually like aromatics and was slightly hesitant at first but this is different very little casing could be detected if any, the smell on opening the pouch is delicious chocolate and wild flowers were predominant. The ribbon cut packs well and lights very easily on the second match.
I smoke this now regularly as an all day smoke, the price is great 5. You can puff this hard and still not experience any bite. I have tried many tobaccos over the years but this remains one of my favourites. I enjoyed this surprisingly well for an aromatic such as it is. I detected a strong coffee or chocolaty taste with a nice sort of burnt barely aroma when exhaled through the nose.
A nice mild blend, good for an early afternoon smoke or as a travel pouch. For sure a crowd pleaser. I bought this due to the totally inadequate selection we have where I live. It is packaged and priced like supermarket tobacco, so I tried this with realistic read low expectations. The tobacco doesn't look or smell very exciting either, which kept my expectations low. My first bowl was a disaster as I packed it too tightly. Tried it again, taking care to pack it loosely, and it worked!
Packed loosely, this tobacco smokes very well. I found the flavour to be mild, slightly spicy. The taste is pleasantly peppery, with a little sweetness in the background. Quite enjoyable. It is quite "smokey" though, with a fair dose of nicotine. I tasted none of the advertised cocoa or chocolate which is good, I suppose.
Not much room note, but quite pleasant. It also doesn't linger, and I can smokie it in my office, at work. Although nothing to get excited about, this is a good choice for a beginner, as it is not too strong to overwhelm, but not so weak that one would want to smoke it too quickly. It is also a good crossover for smokers wanting to try something sweet for the first time.
A pretty neutral choice, then. Broken flake of golden Virginia, slightly flavored with hint of chocolate and some floral aroma, nicotine is very mild, the taste is delicious, the smoke is dry and cool with absolutely no bite. One of the best pipe tobaccos available in pouch format, highly recommended for beginners as well as for veterans. Revising this review -- after smoking another pouch: A little too much Virginia for my personal taste -- I'm a Burley fan. Not as strong as Original Blend. Note - the blend I am reviewing was purchased in Canada where it is manufactured under licence, so it could be slightly different from the original manufacturer's version.
The best drug store blend by far! In fact, far better than most so-called premium tobaccos too!
I have more than different tobaccos in my cellar and Amphora Full Aroma definitely falls in my The pouch aroma is of leather, herbs and tobacco. The leather note comes through in the taste too. I also pick up strong black tea and hints of oranges. The combination of notes may sound strange on paper, but they form a great taste experience. Unlike a great number of aromatics, the taste of tobacco is ever present: This is not a sweet aromatic like a vanilla or fruit aromatic. It's drier and manlier. You can even smell a bit of sweat in the room note if you search for it. The room note is pleasant but, for non-smokers, more of an acquired taste than the typical sweet aromatic.
The pieces of broken flake ensure a slow, cool smoke. This is a unique tobacco and highly recommended. Still available in some countries, I'll be stocking up just in case this treasure disappears completely one day. I have just finished a bowl of Amphora Full Aroma for the very first time and this blend is worthy of my review. Blended under license for Van Nelle of Holland, this blend is just the right moisture in the pouch. In the pouch I pick up subtle hints of black licorice and perhaps chocolate. Carefully packed, it lights easily and stays lit. I tried this in my meer-lined Butz Choquin.
The smoke is dry and cool and mild with no tongue bite and stays that way until almost the end. There was only slight gurgle but my moisture trap did collect some fluid which ended back in the bottom of the bowl making things bitter. I had to dump my bowl at that end point where the taste was bitter. The remnant was a fairly large dottle which burned to ashes in seconds in the ashtray. The aroma is just slightly sweet and floral but predominantly natural tobacco The burley adds a nice body to the Virginias and rounds out the flavor just right and the Virginias offer that natural sweetness.
Left absolutely no aftertaste. This is a nice, mild all day smoke suitable for beginners and seasoned European-aromatic pipers. Between All the Amphora offerings available today, this is hands-down my favorite which I will add to my rotation. When I ran out of Captain Black Royal - which I think is mediocre at best - I saw a pouch of this and decided to give it a try. It was either this or Captain Black again, so I went for this.
The smell right out of the pouch seemed to be pretty good, and I got a strong scent of Virginia tobacco, like with Drum rolling tobaccos. Like other reviewers, I didn't get much fruity notes upon smelling it. Smoking it, I got no fruitiness whatsoever. What I like a lot about this tobacco is that it's extremely easy to pack and light, and keep lit. Another thing I absolutely love about it is that it requires absolutely no effort to keep smoking it.
I found it great in my church warden while reading a book. Slow, small puffs and just forget about tampering etc, and just read. A really good experience. I was expecting an aromatic, but quite frankly I got none, and I like aromatics. Captain Black Royal seems to be more aromatic than this. The taste is good, you can taste the tobacco, but it's just a bit on the dull side. Not very exciting, but that doesn't mean bad. It's basically just Virginia tobacco, slow burning, no tongue bite another thing I appreciate it for and decent flavor.
After taste is kind of, well, dull, but all in all, for the price it's a good smoke. I had 3 bowls before writing this review. A few more now and I can't feel my tongue.. A very good Cavendish tobacco if you take in consideration that it costs 6. Not a full aromatic. The color is medium to light red-brown.
When you open the pouch the aroma is a sort of cherry-chocolate,with a light natural tobacco sent. The body of this smoke its surprising for an aromatic. It is very smooth and cool-smoking,without a bite,no matter how hard you puff.
It burns very well,dry and clean to a fine light gray ash. An excellent all day smoke. The room aroma while smoking is pleasant with mild notes of fruits and natural tobacco essences. Recommended for beginners and experienced smokers. I was sent this pack of red by a buddy in Abu Dhabi to try and I am quite surprised at how good it still is. I expected a gooey, sticky, and cloying aromatic since it's labeled Full Aromatic. But it's not. It is actually fairly dry smoking, a great cavendish cut and rubbed from obviously pressed tobaccos, and it is mild and flavorful.
It is dark brown in the pouch and just looks quality, having a soft berry like fragrance in th pouch, kinda reminding of Stonehaven. It has to be loaded a little carefully into the pipe as the tobacco is very large and thick and could be packed too tightly if not careful. It lights very easily and stays lit well. The taste on the tongue is very VA like which is it's base but the burley gives it fullness. It has a somwhat berry backdrop, again like Stonehaven. It smokes nice and slow and is very mild and no tongue bite at all. It reatains it's flavor all the way doen and leaves a dark grey ash and just a little dottle but no moisture in the bottom of the pipe.
It's really a shame that we can't get it in the US as it's a very nice blend and I would keep it in my rotation. So I do recommend it very much. I tried this tobacco not expecting much. I had tried Amphora Brown years ago and didn't look back. Sitting beside Captain Black I can't stand on the shelf I didn't have much hope for this one.
I opened the pouch and smelled - tobacco esp virginia. The cut and texture is that of a quality tobacco. So far so good - no baking extracts. This tobacco packs nicely since it is not overly moist in the pouch. It had just the right amount of moisture no old stock around here - we have lots of Amphora in Canada.
I lit the bowl, tamped and lit again. A little burley nose burn and bright virginias - verly little casing. In the first third of the bowl you taste a little citrus and a little fruity but mostly just from the quality virginias. The pouch says it is flavoured to compliment the tobacco - just so. By mid bowl, sipping the smoke you taste chocolate.
Gently cycled through the nose you get chocolate, berry and citrus - tastey and refreshing. By the end of the bowl you get more chocolate but the other flavours are still there. I was left with a little dottle - not too wet, and a nice ash. This is a full bodied smoke. If you smoke fast you get a nice virginia taste all the way through the bowl. Smoked slow it has as many subtleties as higher end tobaccos.
I do not consider this tobacco to be in the same class with other drugstore tobaccos. I have a drawer full of high end brands that I enjoy but none has given me as much satisfaction for the money as this unique and expertly blended tobacco. It is just slightly aromatic in that the casings don't overpower the excellent quality virginias.
As an OTC class I give it 4 stars. If you haven't tried it go and buy some. Amphora Full Aroma was quite a surprise for me. I'm not fond of aromatics, and after reading the pouch description I thought I was gonna hate this one I don't like raspeberries at all. Good thing I read it after I had bought the pouch, or I'd never have tried this fine tobacco.
This is a great quality cavendish that burns easily and doesn't bite at all. The tobacco taste is the main feature throughout the bowl, spiced by a subtle almond taste and hints of cocoa and orange. Lukily, I never tasted anything similar to raspberries or flowers. I'll echo the comment about low nicotine content. I tend to smoke high-nicotine pipe tobacco I actually self-medicate for migraines The pouch aroma is extremely nice. I suspect it's largely golden virginia, or something and white burley.
Fairly cool-burning. I am very fortunate to be able to buy this blend from almost any corner store instead of having to buy from overseas. When I smoke this tobacco I get dark chocolate, coco and raspberry flavour notes throughout the bowl. It is never over the top or sickly sweet as some other aromatics become and are. It's also not cloying to the palate and it does not bite at all. It smokes cool to the bottom of the bowl to a fine grey ash, tipping the ash half way through the smoke is recommended. I seem to be reaching for this tobacco all the time now bypassing others and I highly recommend it to all.
Not a full aromatic, by all means Just a nice, clean, easy smoke. Elegant taste, but way too low on the nicotine level to satisfy me. Lights well, and smokes to the bottom with no maintenance needed. Burns very cool, even if puffed hard and smoked outdoors. Perfect for a beginner smoker and for public crowded places, like sports events or similar, as it is very respectfull towards others. A very good tobacco to begin your pipe smoking adventure. From the moment you open the pouch and smell its flowery aroma, you will think that it is a very pleasant tobacco. And it is. Once you light it up, you will love its tasty flavor.
The other thing that makes this tobacco nice is that, due to its cut, the burning time is considerably long, so you will enjoy this even longer. Buy this one and you won't be disappointed. I am looking forward to buy a new pouch. I tried it because it was offered to me as a gift from Germany. It reminded me of my first days of smoking a pipe.
Back then I had of course rejected it completely because I was stuck to Captain Black. It brings nostalgia back! I could not spend a whole day smoking only that we have become demanding smokers , but it is a good -not quality- solid tobacco with decent flavor, it does not burn the tongue, it is dry and in the end you can smoke it quite pleasantly if do not have any other tobacco. It is a mixture of oranges, raspberries, chocolate and flowers.
This would be my favorite among Amphora, after the Special reserve Black Cavendish. But its quality over the later is that it is more consistent in the leaf size. Apparently, the pouch description says it contains oriental, but it must be in small quantity This is also a large cut broken flake, the pouch aroma is very pleasant - dried fruits and vanilla, and the bakkie is very nice, golden , light brown and medium brown leaves. This is most probably the only Amphora that I still buy every once in a while - it's more available than the Black cavendish-, maybe once a year or so.
It tastes nice, it smokes nice and dry, and has a bit more taste than the regular Amphora. The room amora is appreciated by mostly everyone without any problem. Not a tobacco for the beginner; you need a couple years of experience before switching to this one. First pipe tobacco I ever tried! Worth having a pouch as a reference to the old good days..
Nice hints of oriental, virginia, burley and kentucky! A decent aromatic and a good value for money too.. Got this from a Friend, and boy am I in trouble Cause I like it. I like it alot. A good flavorful blend- boasts virginias, orientals and burlies on the package.
I can see that. Open the pouch and you get a great sent of Chocolate Mark this, I don't normally like sweet aromatics and what may be fruit- But more like a Chianti than fruity tooty if you know what I mean. Burn is clean- so far smoked in a cob and a falcon- slight nip in the begining, but that stopped. Settled into a nice Chianti tobacco flavor. I can see why this was so popular, but not why they stopped shipping to the US. Lucky I have friends over in the EU.
For your pouch blends this is first rate, and I'll always try and have some around I was fortunate to get an old tin version of Amphora Red off Ebay not too long ago. Did this one ever bring back memories of my early days of pipe smoking. Nostalgia in a can! I would not call this a bell ringer or a sublime way to spend your day with a favorite pipe, but it was a good, solid smoke with decent all-tobacco flavor and it was plenty cool. I don't think this stuff could bite even the wimpy tongued brats among us.
There are many, many good aromatics out there, and since smoking does actually kill you, you may as well smoke something worth dieing for. This is one that should be left on the shelf - think drum tobacco smoked in a pipe. Sorry to all those that enjoyed it, this is one of the only tobaccos sold in New Zealand, and we are definately the worse for it. I got given a pouch of this for my birthday phew and it is a nice smoke. In any case, the pouch aroma is very pleasant but not overwhelmingly so as with some other aromatics, but I decided, as a prudent pipe smoker should, to smoke it in my trusty cob.
The first few bowls I tried not rubbing out the tobacco which is very light in colour and was sorely literally as my tongue was fried disappointed-I got nothing out of the bowl apart from tongue bite and an acrid, unpleasant smoke. But by golly how things change! When some reviews talked about flavour changing with the consistency of the tobacco I thought they were joking, but after personal experience I can vouch for it! I would advise rubbing out. This blend is extremely 'easy' sometimes only one light is needed with perhaps one relight throughout the entire bowl, which makes this blend good while doing something else like reading a book outside in the sun or for you older chaps gardening: The first few puffs reveal little in the way of taste apart from the flowery casing,but the smoke smells delicious which is unfortunate as I sometimes am tempted to inhale through the nose.
Mid-bowl the flowery aroma fades and the tobacco flavour comes to the fore with the casing in the background-a very nice combination. I for one prefer the mid bowl and like many other tobaccos this one changes throughout from beginning to end each nice in its own way, although near the end there is a slight gurgle.
The smoke is not very thick but whitish, and there is a fine white ash left after the smoke so I do not think this would be good for breaking in a new pipe as the cake buildup is not great. Be that as it may, it's a pity you yanks cannot get a hold of this stuff anymore because it is very enjoyable as a relaxing, none too heavy smoke. I give it 3 stars out of 5. Boy, did cracking the pouch of Amphora Red bring back a flood of memories!
I had regained my youth: My muscles no longer ached, I had more hair and I had all my teeth?????.. I hadn? As it is no longer available in the U. This tobacco has one of the most delightful pouch aromas I have encountered: This is what I remember most about this tobacco. It almost smells good enough to eat. While I did smoke this blend in the past, I more often smoked Amphora Brown. This was in the late s.
In our group of about 20, there were 6 of us who smoked a pipe. It was these other guys who got me hooked on pipe smoking. But to get to the point, this is a great aromatic with a flavor that is definitely akin to its pouch aroma. Unlike many aromatics, it doesn? This straight Virginia is very sweet and tasty, smoked slowly it has a slight and rewarding degree of complexity. However, for some reason I can't seem to get a consistently enjoyable smoke because it can and does at times get wet and hot.
Even when paying particular attention to packing it lightly etc. I don't know about this one, I really don't. It smells beautiful in the tin and tastes great when smoked but this one might be too temperamental for me to buy again I think.
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I recommend you try it though because it is different to anything I've tried before in the 'straight virginia' department. It has a unique flavor. Va no. It burns very hot, produces a lot of moist smoke and can bite a bit. The taste is mild and the room note is pleasant. I couldn't taste the honey flavour.
But I think this is a solid tobacco for people who love smoking original tobacco without extreme flavoring. Also I detected a little bit of tongue bite but not extreme. You should give the tobacco some air to dry a little bit. Best pipe forms for a smoke is a Bent Rhodesian or a Prince for me. Love this to a cup of good coffee or espresso. On some days Virginia no. One of those blends that is not in my regular rotation but something I do reach for on occasion.
You can definitely taste the sugar and vanilla casing which isn't too bad in this blend. Definitely smoke it slow. This allows the Virginia flavor to come through and plays nicely w the flavoring put in the blend. It isn't anything out of this world, just a mildly sweet VA with a nice little topping. I try to pack about a half bowl with this one because the flavor tends to subside if I go at it any longer than mins, but I don't keep track It could last a little longer than that.
The flavor is definitely reminiscent of vanilla but there is also nice Virginia sweetness that brings out a nutty side to the blend. And that's about it, which isn't a bad thing, just not a great tobacco. It's solid and sometimes that's just what I need. The tin aroma is exactly as expected, vanilla, sugar, and a hint of citrus somewhere in there.
If you're put off by the ketchupy vinegar smell associated with some Virginia's then this is one positive with this blend because I don't get any of that here. Generally a mild smoke, but it does burn hot, so smoke her slow. If you like a sweet forward Virginia, this one might be right up your alley, and the room note is pleasant and doesn't linger.
A nice 2 or 3 star smoke for me. I'll go ahead and give it 3 stars as I'd recommend it to those interested in the style. Very good VA. A touch of sweetness, particularly when sipped, with the spice most noticed on the retrohale. VA No. But if one ignores the tongue bite it was a decent Virgina blend. I just got around to finishing the tin that I opened a year and 4 months ago. I have decided two stars to be a good rating, but it is tottering on the three star mark. Here is my justification for choosing two stars. It is a fine Virginia, but it does have a light topping to it.
I think this is what makes it such a firepot to the beginning puffer. The topping is good, kind of a honey sweet type topping. I would prefer a bit more citrus ala a Dunhill Flake. The topping slightly reminds me of the topping that is on Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Twist Flake, but I like that Virginia better than this.
This is problematic as that is a much more attractive leaf for several reasons. One of which is the cool flake presentation, another would be the price for that cool flake presentation. Thus this will remain a two star in my book, but I did enjoy the experience in retrying it. I just won't be buying more. The dangers of writing a review when you are a new smoker.
Three years into pipe smoking, I decided it was time to reevaluate this one. My earlier review tells you how this will effect the beginner's palate. I had my first bowl of the new tin yesterday and it smoked fine. It is bitey, but did not do the harm that the bowls I had when I first started out. It tastes hay sweet as Virginia should. After one bowl, I can't really give it a three or even a four star as of yet, but I am adding one star as it is better then the one star I previously gave it.
He had a lot of it and I wonder if he was really just trying to get rid of it to a naive fool like myself. The appearance was that of hay. I rubbed it like an amateur and smoked away. It was ghastly and strong and it torched my mouth. So much so that I started to search the internet to see if I had a serious medical condition. And this is where I learned of tongue bite.
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In a narrower search for Tongue bite, I happened upon TR and the rest has been smoking bliss. I tried blending this with several mild OTCs in hopes that I could somehow salvage this diabolic blend, but to no avail. Into the bin I pitched the remainder. I have since learned how to puff lighter, but I can't imagine it would have much of a difference with this weed.
I have also smoked much finer Va blends and have realized that Va does tend to irritate my tongue a bit so, although I enjoy them, I must restrict my use not to exceed one bowl a day. For that bowl, I would prefer something much better than this. Right now that something lies in the Esoterica Line by Germain. I see that some other reviewers do enjoy this. I imagine you must have mouths like leather. Perhaps the types who could down a gallon of tobasco and not feel it. People much tougher than me. Almost finished my first g tin I love the stuff! I delayed opening the tin due to reviews talking about bite.
I didn't find it too sweet either, just right on the sugar level Couldn't help but noticing that 4 stars had become my default rating so I decided to do updates. When I came to this one there's only one thing I can think to say. What was I thinking? True to the brand, this stuff bites like a kicked dog and the taste probably resembles what smoking an orange or lemon peel would be like. While it is certainly true that straight virginias are much more high maintenance than my beloved burlies, this one truly abuses the privlege and technique just doesn't seem to matter. Still it barely exceeds piss poor moving into the low end of mediocre.
For a burley smoker, initially at least, there was an "off" taste to this blend. Not a bad or unpleasant taste just not what I was used to. A very odd, variation between the grassy taste and the citrus, sweet and sour taste, neither of which I had ever encountered in a burley. Light up through about half way down the bowl I thought "Gee, this is I enjoy this tobacco a lot and can see myself returning to it often. I may not smoke Virginia 1 daily but there are days when this is all I want to smoke and on those days I consistently marvel at how nice and tasty a blend it really is.
This is Virginia 1's niche in my rotation. If I smoked it all the time it probably wouldn't be near as good to me as it is but employing it in this way seems to make it very enjoyable and a good intro to Virginias in general. While I didn't experience the severe tongue bite of other reviewers, I did find this blend much fussier than the old school burlies I'm used to.
It was very sensitive to how fast you smoked it or how it was packed. If puffed too quickly it became hot and if packed too loosely it would become a bit bitey and fussy. This being the case, it demands a bit more attention and definitely doesn't make my "mowing the lawn" tobacco list this is mainly the old school burley blends PA, Granger, Edgeworth and the like that are more set it and forget it.
Overall though, I found this a good change of pace smoke as an occassional treat. More importantly though, I think it probably peaked my curiousity to do more indepth experimentation with Virginia blends Old Gowrie is probably next These lighter, Virginia blends will probably become more routinely smoked as the spring and summer roles along.
Unflavored Virginias that cross the boundaries of subtlety into blandness. It delivers its share of nicotine, but that's where the pros end. Not a particularly terrible tongue biter, but the lack of taste leads to overpuffing, with dire consequences. If the latter isn't the case, you have dozens of better choices. This is just what I've been looking for in a summer smoke- lighter than my usual red Virginias but still tasty. Virginia 1 has a similar citrus tanginess as the Mac Baren's Scottish Mixture, but the golden Virginias are much lighter than the Mixture.
I also find this to be less sweet than the Mac Baren Virginia Flake, and haven't had problems with either of them biting. For me, this is a perfect smoke on a summer morning. A delicious, figgy raisin-esque tin note translates to a very similar smoking experience. Lights similar to a flake but a bit easier and smokes sweet and cool.
Has a light spice and gives you a sour not bad sour flavor with great natural Virginia tobacco coming through. Leaves a tangy aftertaste. I do not believe there are any additives besides maybe some moisture sugar water? My tin was made in so maybe this one needs to cellar to smoke its best? I was pleasantly surprised as I hate the 7 seas line and truly expected nothing from this tin.
It really is undeserving of all these bad reviews. Be patient! Great virginia for a great price. It's very, very sweet with some sour, citrus notes. Excelent choice, for new smokers, as well as those more experienced. Truly superb tobacco! A welcome wash to reset the palette after the heavier Latakia English blends. One of the few blends that I feel taste like the tin note. Lots of sweet grain in the tin note, and a lot of that making its way to the smoke itself. Slow your pace while smoking, and you'll avoid the bite. Too fast, it'll get you.
I was instantly impressed with this blend, and it became an instant staple in my rotation. It's not been pulverised to a shag or left so chunky it needs rubbing; it's just as I like to smoke my flakes. I get little in the way of an aroma from the unlit blend, nothing that brings many toppings to mind.
Onto the smoke: For me, the first thing to jump out is the heat; it burns too hot and it's a shame, this takes the edge of the enjoyment of the flavours. These flavours are quite good, nothing great but they would be enjoyable if it weren't for the heat; I get mainly a slight sweetness from the honey and the natural Virginias character but any extra spiciness eludes me.
I find the nicotine quite mild; it's not 'beginners level' but still, it's below medium. This isn't a bad smoke, nor do I find it a particularly good smoke. I'd say it's worth about two and a half stars. Fantastic, ready-rubbed straight Virginia with something in addition to Mac Baren's standard maple sugar casing. I will readily admit that your temperature regulation technique must be on point before Virginia No. Another Mac Baren blend that tastes good, smells good but bites like no other. Lovely tobacco that will have your tongue fried within minutes.
My sample comes from a g tin I recently purchased. Tobacco has a nice light to medium blond color and is a partially broken flake; which is how I would describe Mac's version of a ready-rubbed. The tin aroma was spicy sweet and the tobacco was not as moist as in the g tins. I loaded this in a taller, straight stemmed bulldog that I reserve for straight Virginias. Lights with a charring and after a tamp, an additional match.
No moisture in the pipe to speak of and no problem with "bite". Just smoke it slowly and you will be rewarded with a tasty smoke. There was a nice peppery sting to my lips upon lighting up, but this quickly settled down to basically nil as I consumed the bowl. A very mild flavor to my palate with a definite Virginia tobacco taste evident throughout. It had just the right amount of natural sweetness in my opinion. It is not grassy either, which is what I prefer in a Virginia. A very pleasant smoke that has entered my weekly rotation and I would have no problem smoking it on a daily basis.
A very enjoyable smoke indeed! One of the few tobaccos where after I finish a bowl, I immediately want another of the same. Different enough from Mac's Virginia Flake offering to include both into rotation. I have tried several of Mac Baren? I don? This blend has a beautiful presentation, being comprised of Bright and Golden Virginias in a ready rubbed format uniform in cut. Tin aroma: This is a mixture of matured Virginias, with a light topping of artificial tasting honey.
There seems to be a complete lack of complexity There is a slightly nutty quality as well, together, it is a fairly nice smelling combination, though not something that I'd say I have a strong preference for. The tin aroma also tells me to proceed with caution as with many other Mac Baren offering, this could be tongue bite in a tin. The sample I'm reviewing was gifted by a friend and dates from July of , I had hopes that the amount of aging would help tame the tongue fry I'd experienced smoking this in the past, no such luck. Lighting is usually temperamental seeming to require repeated application of flame to get going, once going try to keep your smoking pace way down, as tongue fry is nearly inevitable.
As expected, the initial flavor is very tangy VA and very sweet almost sickening and this develops into what I term? Mid Bowl: Approaching mid-bowl, the fullness tends to build and while this blend is not complex, just drones on an on in monochrome getting hotter and hotter as the smoke progresses.
There are subtle changes here and there but hardly what I've come to expect in a 'pure Virginia mixture'. While not particularly strong in nicotine, there is plenty of flavor and body to this mixture. It seems to be a nearly uniform choice in toppings for Mac Baren. Home Stretch: As end of the bowl approaches, the strength of this mixture has built to it's peak of flavors and fullness. The pervasive sweetness and artificial taste is somewhat annoying, often masking what appear to be fine quality Virginia tobaccos and constant threat of tongue fry does not help.
It has so much going for it, that what little I hold against it is probably not enough to bother most smokers. There are way too many other Very Fine Virginia mixtures out there for me to waste any more time trying to enjoy this. Supplemental Notes: I would recommend this to seasoned Virginia smokers for a change of pace smoke. If you are looking for a true Pure Virginia, look elsewhere, this isn't one.
I consider myself to be an experienced Virginia smoker in all of its formats, be they ribbon, ready rubbed, flake and all of its delightful breedings To my palate, this is the tobacco equivalent of Globalistic Warminating. Not just the bite factor, which is significant, but also in the bowl warming realm, which is off the charts trying to keep this lit. I've tried it dried to the point of being brittle, breath smoked it. You name it. It still burns hot.
I've written a few other reviews on Mac Baren Tobaccos, and have come to the conclusion that you should give their products a wee bit of time to dry out, before smoking them. The tin I bought of this Mac B. Blend is no exception. Upon opening the tin, I noted a scent, not unlike Ketchup, kind of a vinegary smell. It didn't taste that way though, in fact it was milder in flavor than what I was hoping for.
It rubs out easy enough, and packs well. I didn't have any trouble lighting this up straight out of the tin. One pre-light, then a tamped re-light was all I needed, as I started to smoke a medium sized bowl of this blend, till the tongue-bite began to rear it's ugly head. I'm gonna let this one sit for awhile, before I give it a Yay or Nay rating Besides the tongue bite, I just don't find this to be a flavorable tobacco. The flavor's too mild, and the tongue bite is just awful.
Other reviewers have said they detected no tongue bite. Well the tin I have is a fire-brand from Hell. I've tried this stuff in several different pipes, all to no avail. Hot, hotter, scorched beyond words I consider myself a fan of Mac Baren tobbacos, being a regular smoker of some of their blends. I tried this in a pouch initially and whilst I wasn't overwhelmed by it, I considered it a reasonable, good value, everyday virginia that did the basics - decent consistent sweet flavour, not too strong and little bite.
I subsequently bought a tin of it and it seems to be a different tobacco. Drier, with a more monotone "salty" flavour that burns exceedingly hot. I was reading a good book and before I knew it the tobacco had bubbled the finish on the high gloss Vauen billiard I was smoking it in.
I quickly dumped the load and let it cool. The pipe was a well worn number of mine with good cake that I have smoked many tobaccos in - luckily the finish didn't blister and pop but now it no doubt has a weak spot. Not to be put off I next tried No1 in an unvarnished, stained pipe. Sipping the smoke still made it burn uncomfortably hot to the touch. This stuff is just too much hassle. UPDATE - I dried some of this tobacco out overnight and it was better - smoked a lot cooler and less harshly but still a slightly acidic dry smoke.
I really like pure virginia, especially the sweet ones, and this could be one of those. But this one don't really taste that much and the tongue bite is really cruel. I don't know whats wrong with McB but they do have a problem with producing a baccy that don't make you feel like sticking your tongue in melted led.
It is a mystery to me that they are the biggest producer of pipe tobacco. This nuclear concoction has fried my tonsils more than once. The taste is great, although on the mild side. I have no problem in packing or lighting it, but I now believe I would have to be comatose in order to keep it from biting. Too bad,,,, a nice, quality,and easily available tobacco that I can't come to terms with. A cloyingly sweet Danish-style topping which happens to be sprayed onto ready- rubbed! Whatever this is, it was not blended by a VA lover, and I will not buy it again if I can avoid it.
This tobacco gave me a very rough start. It bit me every time I lit it up. Once I let it dry out a good bit, and I puffed very slow, I enjoyed the sweet taste it provided. However, I still had a hard time keeping Virginia 1 burning. | Web server is down
As a newbie, I have developed a taste for Virginia's, but this will likely be my last tin of this variety. I will revisit this tobacco on a later date. Maybe with some experience under my belt and some jar time, I'll have a different opinion. As for now, I do not recommend this for a newbie. It's hard to believe this was VA 1. The tongue bite was awful. I thought my tongue was on fire. The tobacco harsh and bitter. What did they do to this mixture? I really doubt I will ever buy it again. Original review: Every so often I get a taste for Virginia 1. However, sometimes, when you gotta have VA 1, you gotta have it.
I've tried to smoke this stuff for years now but no matter what I do, I cannot change or modify this blowtorch. I've tried age in the tin, perique, pressing and even Dubeck but to no avail. The first third of the bowl leaves me with the knowledge of what it must be like to smoke newly cut hay. Just at the moment where I'm ready to give it up, I do get a sweet Virginia taste that it really quite pleasant. By this time, my mouth has been bitten so badly so as to make everything else seem inadequate to justify the price I've paid. I will not do this again. When I was in that "tweener" stage of moving from all-aromatic blends to trying out more "real tobacco" blends, VA 1 was suggested by my pipe-smoking mentor.
Out for an evening of imbibing good liquor and enjoying a good pipe, I gave it a whirl and was interested.. This was an immediate mistake, as the tobacco right out of the can is a bit too bright, a bit too bitey on the tongue and somewhat flavorless. So I cellared it.. My goodness! What a change some time can make!
The tobacco has mellowed out very much from it's out-of-the-tin state. Visibly, the leaf has gotten a bit darker, the aroma a bit richer, not so sweet and honeyed as it once was. In the pipe the flavor is stronger and more complex, less cloying, the bite nearly all but gone it will still bite if you're a huff-n-puffer. This definitely isn't your dark matured or stoved VA, but it is much changed from what came out of that g tin five years ago. I can't recommend this as-is, but if you're willing to put some away and while your time with other pipe-fillers, VA 1 will serve your taste buds well at some point down the road.
As a returning piper, I found the initial package scent so enticing I could hardly wait to get the honeyed mixture into a briar for a go. Right away it bit me, as others have noted, even in a small Yelo Bole. After a few more nips, I hit upon the idea of mixing it with some of my remaining stash of Macbaren's latakia blend, and voila; no more bite.
I mixed it 1 part to 3 parts latakia. It makes both blends easier to take. This tobacco was a little misleading at first as I could not detect any aroma other than the sweetness of the Virginia, maybe cause I also love a good aromatic. I also found that I needed to rub this tobacco before packing my pipe, once rubbed to my satisfaction and packed my pipe I had no problem in keeping it lit.
The sweetness of the Virginia became more predominate as the tobacco reached the half way point of the bowl, although the aroma was never overwhelming in the room. This like any Virginia needs to be smoked slowly and with Mac Baren's Virginia 1 maybe a liitle slower that most to enjoy the fullness of the blend itself. Hay, Grass. I was searching for a no-nonesense, no pretence simple clean tobacco. Far away from the snobby other tobaccos. And this is it.
It's like a Fender Stratocaster. This was one of the first blends i smoked. One of them. I mean, it wasnt my very first bowl of borkhum riff original, and it wasnt one of the myriad aromatic house blends i picked up from the tobacconist when i asked for something "smoother than borkhum riff original" either.
So, come to think of it, i guess it wasnt one of the very first blends i smoked. What i mean to say is that i smoked this blend in my very early piping days, back before i knew my castellos from my caminettos or comoys, for that matter. Before i had a pipe or three dedicated to my favorite blends, before i knew you should dedicate pipes to similar genres, or that there were genres of pipe tobacco. So i mean, a while ago. At that time, i thought that this was a cigarette like, hot, bitey catastrophe.
Into a mason jar it went. Life went on. I kept smoking my latakia bombs and reading pretentious reviews of nightcap here. Suffice it to say, that if one is lucky, with time and experience comes growth. I learned to smoke so not to scorch myself. I learned that sometimes simple and inexpensive are not synonymous with crap. I learned to follow my interest and tastes where they led me. I tasted Carter Hall! Long story short, i picked up the jar again. So glad i did. I find it now to be fairly cool burning for a mac baren va product.
Certainly it could bite if puffed, but i have not been bitten. It is very nearly my favorite straight virginia to date. A mild, hay like plum and spice experience. Perfect moisture content, very easy to stuff and light, very enticing odor in the jar. It is quite sweet, but i feel some of these reviews overstate its sweetness by a good deal.
It is not cloyingly so, overall the spice note seems to balance the sweetness nicely. There is a sourish fresh piquancy that i adore, like the dryness in one's mouth from biting into a tart crab apple. Its not an over the top smoke, it is subtle, sweet, pleasant. A year of age makes it a thing of beauty, so much so that i have a pound aging presently. If you appreciate such a classic offering as Orlik Golden Sliced, i cannot imagine you would not be satisfied with this.
I will hopefully never be without it. I borrowed some on a field trip, was loving it, I may try other blends, but always come back. Purchased From: Gene Crawford retired man. I have an old tin from ebay of V 1 that is from the 80's and maybe the 70's. It was a bit dried out and needed some TLC. Keep that in mind as you read on. It still smells good, as real Virginia should, with a pronounced sweet, tart cherry in the tin not Sweet-Tarts , which is very promising and may come from aging, but I'm not sure.
I do not taste that cherry in the smoke or smell it in the room note, though. If pipe smoking was all about the tin note, my aged V 1 would be top of the heap. I have not tried a more recent vintage of V 1, believe it or not, and perhaps should, but it is not calling to me that strongly. It is still a bit bitey, after all these years. I can smoke two bowls in an evening, but not three.
Push it and it will push back; even old age don't make it toothless. The Virginia is pretty good, a bit grassy and actually somewhat refined. If you have had great Virginia, this is not on the same level in my opinion but is notches above drugstore tobacco. I don't mind smoking it now I've got it and would smoke it again, but would not buy again -- there's just too much out there. Yeah, age may have deadened its charms but might also have improved it. MacBaren non-HH blends either bite you or they don't. If they bite, and a lot of Danish tobaccos do, you hate them.
If they don't, they're pretty good and really hard to beat for the price. If you are on the fence about trying MB tobaccos, you have to try them--only way to know. There is a reason that blends like V 1 have been popular since the 50's, trust me. It is amazing to me how I can smoke one company's Virginia tobacco, but not another one, in terms of tongue bite.
There are very few MacBaren blends that don't just absolutely scorch my tongue. The tin note of this Virginia is totally sublime. Notes of sweet honeydew, sorghum, and rich fermented tobacco. Lights and packs easy, and the initial portion of the bowl is super sweet, and produces a great aromatic room note!
However, this blend truly burns my tongue. I've tried many pipes and many methods to cure the dreaded MacBaren bite, but at some time I need to face the realization I cannot smoke MacBaren Virginias anymore. It's kind of sticky out of the tin and similar in bulk. That's not a real promising sign at all. The flavor is appropriate for a Danish straight VA, and the cut is excellent. It can be made to burn cool, but why anyone would expend the effort is kind of beyond me. It is not tolerant of distracted puffing and will remind you quickly that it's in the pipe if you forget.
I hold the bowl constantly when smoking this, any spike in temperature a warning sign to back off. Erik Stokkebye has shown with his marvelous that a straight VA in the Danish style with appropriate smoking characteristics can be built, it's time for Mac Baren to retire VA No. As of late I have gone back to this tobacco. It is sweet and easy to light. Packs ever so nice into my pipe and leaves no bad after smell.