Loud mac miller clean version
But this isn't the case for Miller—he'd just "done so much" and got "bored of it all.
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He says:. The idea of being percent clear-headed was something I realized I had never done. As soon as I felt what it felt like to wake up every day and feel good every morning, I realized how important that was for me. You can do so much with a day.
Mac Miller's house was 'swept clean of drugs' before police arrived on the night of his death
I spent so many days just waiting for the next one to come. Now, I'm excited for every day, which is really great.
As soon as I learned that I could do things creatively sober, then it was good. As long as I can still be creative, I'm geeked. It's even better because before, my every other aspect was destruction. Now I can do both which is important because they feed off each other.
You can even hear this new mentality on songs like "Planet God Damn. The fact of how the things that I dreaded the most are now my favorite things. Like, just being percent honest all the time is great and going out into the world is great," he says before adding:. I think you build this narrative in your head about the world being this fucking terrifying horrible place, and living in fear and misery is comfortable. It's easy because it's just like, "Everything sucks and I can't do anything about it.
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It's not just one thing and that's really what I wanted to capture with this album is all the different aspects of it. The work she did was great and just the texture that she gave stuff is really cool. In hindsight, it's sort of remarkable how successful Mac has been as a rapper. For me, I think it's just taking your time and not expecting everyone to get it right away and letting people question and letting people wonder what the fuck you're about and not letting it throw you off.
As I learn more about myself, I think people learn more about me as well. It seems to correlate that way. I learn how to represent myself more as it goes on.
I just have always felt as long as I'm percent honest, then it's just me. It's a lot easier to sleep at night that way. I'm not saying anyone's not honest. I think people just don't know what to make of things right away.
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I think you have to give everyone some time to let their eyes settle It's a lot of "Why are you here? I think everybody asks that about everyone. I'm figuring it out. It's the reason that Mac wants to be remembered for is "bring[ing] as many different worlds together as possible. With Vince, he's someone whose voice should be as loud as possible. No matter what platform that man speaks on, it's incredible. Same with Kendrick and Earl," he says.
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You should always root for good people to win. I didn't want one single person who looks up to me to be like, 'Oh, Mac Miller, he fucks with Donald Trump. He adds:.

I got a platform to say how I felt. Discography Production discography. Live from Space. On and On and Beyond. Retrieved from " https: Hidden categories: Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history.
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Languages Add links. This page was last edited on 23 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Psychedelic hip hop , electronic rap. Jeremy Kulousek, Malcolm McCormick.