
Network administration tools for mac

Chicken is VNC pure and simple -- it just works. Oh yeah, and it supports SSH tunneling, which you can configure as part of server preferences for each server.

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My only gripe: If you log out, you've lost VNC. Jason Harris SourceForge Compatibility: Mac OS X. There are many password vaults available. I chose SplashID a long time ago to help me keep track of my 1,plus user accounts, the passwords for machines I maintain, and my personal Web info. While SplashID isn't all that yet, it's close. I can sync my desktop, phone, and an encrypted USB key, and I can email an encrypted file to myself for backups.

If someone tries to break in, the system will scrub the database. SplashData Compatibility: Camtasia Studio is one app I'll never be without. I use it to capture PowerPoint presentations during symposia and lectures, and it's great for capturing online demos. The fact that it's also a darn good video editing tool cinches the deal.

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Because Camtasia can nicely combine other video sources and stills, it has become an indispensable part of my toolkit. The latest version even has the ability to insert a moving mosaic to blur out passwords or faces of people without model releases. TechSmith Compatibility: The Mac has a great set of keystrokes that will save screen captures or portions of the screen as fast as you can hit the keys. SnagIT can do all that, plus add graphical annotation, perform simple video capture, and automatically upload your images.

An excellent use of SnagIT is to capture an entire Web page -- it scrolls the page down if necessary -- and save it for documentation.

Top 17 FREE Tools for Network Administrators

SnagIT and Camtasia Studio form a powerful combo, and if you buy them together you can save some bucks on the purchase. The iSight camera is great, as is the noise reduction on the built-in microphone, but the lighting is rarely perfect. I've saved some presets for the places I do my videoconferencing my desk, my easy chair, outdoors. I also use iGlasses to rotate the video on my external iSight camera the old FireWire version when I mount it to the underside of a shelf with the magnet. A bunch of other programs share similar features, but iGlasses has been my pick for years and it works great.

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  7. Both the Mac and the PC suffer from the proliferation of new video formats. VLC is the do-all and end-all of video players -- I can't recall a single video file it wasn't able to play. Beyond handling obscure formats, I also use VLC to test multicast configurations, since it can stream not only to unicast IP addresses but also to multicast addresses. It's also a great way to set up a demo, because you can create a playlist of videos and have that list loop over and over. VideoLAN Compatibility: I run Air Display on my iPad to use the tablet as a second monitor for my Mac, and it sure beats traveling with an actual monitor.

    The downside is that this second monitor must be on the same Wi-Fi network as your Mac. Although video can be jerky, ordinary application video refresh is pretty quick -- very acceptable for most applications. Avatron Software Compatibility: To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. We found 6 helpful replies in similar discussions:.

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    Fast Answers! Shaun Apr 23, Windows is definitely the biggest of all evils. This while the VM is doing absolutely nothing. Was this helpful? Anthony-Puma Apr 23, See all 6 answers. Popular Topics in Apple. Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Ghost Chili. Skeeredfitless Jun 2, at Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

    Personally I prefer Linux on my own system so that I have more control but that's just me. Space Force Jun 2, at Sergio Jun 2, at I did this in a previous employer where there was a mix of Mac and Windows machines. Mac OS and Windows run perfectly. Why carry two laptops? Spike Jun 2, at Orvis Jun 2, at RoguePacket Jun 3, at Need for a serial port can be an issue. Usually just need to find an adapter you like. Orvis wrote: Slather the case with stickers— https: Didn't read anyone else's replies yet but: Ansible is a simple and powerful automation engine with the goal of reducing repetition by automating tasks.

    From a network perspective, I like this tool for generating configuration files based on my custom templates. Super clean. Created by Kirk Byers, Netmiko is a multi-vendor Python library that simplifies Paramiko, gearing it toward network devices. Each vendor has their own quirks regarding shell interaction. Whether is privileged modes, expert modes or commit functions, Netmiko is designed to simplify this lower-level SSH management across a wide set of networking vendors.

    As a bonus little feature, you can actually authorize specific IPs or ranges to limit sending and receiving directly to the server for advanced security. You can authorize specific IPs or ranges to limit sending and receiving directly to the server for advanced security, and run it as a service on a centralized server. I am intimately familiar with several very large networks that use SolarWinds NCM for configuration, compliance and image transfers. Step up your text game with one of these text editors.

    Top 17 FREE Tools for Network Administrators

    I guarantee you will not regret it! PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers. Enter Cygwin. Not only can you run familiar commands, but also you can load similar to apt-get or yum various Linux tools. Some favorites of mine are wget and curl. I love Visio. However, it can be expensive, and it only runs on Windows. It connects to online storage environments like Dropbox and Google Drive for real-time saving. No more losing data. For enterprise networks, you need robust monitoring, advanced troubleshooting, historical analytics, system analysis, fault alerting, capacity forecasting, detailed reporting, and a constant finger on the pulse of your infrastructure.

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    Watch Your Interfaces Like a Hawk! Real-Time Bandwidth Monitor makes it easy to keep a close eye on a troublesome interface and monitors the bandwidth usage in real-time! Netmiko Created by Kirk Byers, Netmiko is a multi-vendor Python library that simplifies Paramiko, gearing it toward network devices. Netmiko current supports the following platforms: Privacy Policy Affiliate Disclaimer.

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