
Iphone 5 mac bluetooth koppeln fehlgeschlagen

I recently bought a new iPad air that can't seem to connect to my Tivoli Audio radio. We have an iPad mini that pairs just fine, as do both of our MacBook Airs. I've tried forgetting the pair, turning off and on both devices but nothing works. Any help would be appreciated. Posted on Dec 16, 4: Page content loaded. Dec 16, 5: Jan 4, 6: I have the same problem - bought a tivoli Albergo, iPads and old iPhones connect fine, my iphone 5s paired once with this radio, but no more.

Tried all the tricks. So, how do you reset pairing info on the tivoli? No info anywhere I could find. Jan 4, 7: Just called tivoli.

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Apparently they have heard from apple customers about this. The latest version ios has affected bluetooth connectivity. It's strange though because both my iphone 4 and 5s have 7. Who knows, it's a technology blame game. Jan 8, 7: Having the same problem here, two 16gb iphone 5s units, not pairing after one paired the first and only time with Tivoli One BT.

How to pair your AirPods with your Kindle Oasis

Waiting on a reply to an email to Tivoli. Should be worth their while to figure it out. Jan 18, 4: I have 3 iPhone 5S phones; two of them will pair with the Tivoli often, several attempts are required , but the third iPhone will not pair -- ever. Have found suggestions to "make sure the volume on the iPhone is turned up and playing music" and "turn off LTE when pairing". Have tried those and the obvious shut down each device off and turn it back on.

Odd that it's just the one phone. Feb 2, 7: Quick update: It's a shame, this was my first Tivoli - and after this nonsense I won't buy another. On a side note, I did just pick up a Bose sound link mini for my office - bluetooth connects instantly every time, no problems - and the sound is pretty amazing for a portable. If anyone has any luck with this situation please write Mar 3, 7: One more for the fire I was using the iphone 4s up until about end of January, which worked fine, but neither radio will pair with the iphone 5s paired once, but that was it - similar to Supergimp.

How to pair your AirPods with your Kindle Oasis | Cult of Mac

At least they are not total paperweights in that I can use the radio, but I really bought them because of the bluetooth functionality. Please - if anyone gets a response that works, please advise. Tivoli's suggested method does not change anything; still not connecting. I would hope a company like Tivoli would be working towards a solution. Apple for that matter too Mar 13, I was in the same boat.

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I patiently waited and downloaded 7. The problem was not fixed in the software update. I called Tivoli again to express my disappointment. They then informed me that there is a software update to the radio to fix this problem.

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The email me a UPS label and promised return service within a couple of days. Why don't they publish this "secret recall" on their website? Anyway, contact Tivoli customer service. Another thing, when the radio was new the first device paired with the BT and then would automatically reconnect. After pairing a second device you lost auto connect functionality and there was no way to reset it, even by forgetting the first device.

I am wondering whether this will be restored with the update, since that was very convenient. Mar 13, 2: That includes your Apple AirPods, if you have some. Pairing is dead easy. To get there, tap My Library on the home screen, and then filter the list using the drop-down menu second from the right. Pick the entry for Audible.

Audible is the Amazon-owned company that makes and sells audiobooks. One neat feature of Audible on the Kindle is called Audio Companions.

Bluetooth Not Working in iOS 10 on iPhone/iPad? Tips to Fix It

This is where a written Kindle title is paired with an audio version, and the two stay in sync. This is a very neat feature that lets you switch between audio and written versions, pretty seamlessly.

The big downside here is that you have to have purchased both the audio and text versions of a book to use this. If you have a set of AirPods, then it is almost certain that you also have an iPad or iPhone. And that means that you can use the Audible app on your iPhone to latent to Audiobooks. Any Bluetooth headphones or speakers will work, and the pairing process is the same. This firmware update also brings long-needed storage management features.