
Ruby on rails mac os x lion

There has been an error while running configure. Halting the installation. Please install the mysql adapter: Add it to Gemfile.

Install Command Line Tools for Xcode

Possible alternatives: This eliminates the need to determine your username ahead of time, and makes it easier to share your shell configurations across multiple platforms. Though the computers in the stores currently may not have Lion preinstalled, Apple is giving a voucher to all customers who purchase d a Mac on or past June 6 to download Lion for free.

How to setup OS X 10.8 for Ruby on Rails 3.2

Thank you Jason! Another tip: Having said that, you should only ever need something like that on your dev box if you are doing something that requires DBMS specific features. That creates a gemset specific for that project, all gems used by that project will be held in that local gemset. You can add additional things to your. Combined with Guard that works pretty well to make sure your gems are in line with your Gemfile at all times. Just a quick tip, if you want to always be running the Ruby 1. Today, there are more than half a million developer positions in the tech industry waiting to be filled , and that number is only going to rise.

Install Ruby On Rails on Mac OS X Yosemite | GoRails

Treehouse , 7 years ago 4 min read. Install Developer Tools Before we install either Homebrew or rvm, we need to have a compiler installed. A Word of Warning The instructions that follow run a shell script directly from a web site that you are not in control of.

Type the following: Install Git This part should go by pretty quickly. Open up a terminal and type the following: You can verify by typing the following: In the same terminal, type the following: Test it with the following at the command prompt: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. All rights reserved. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

1.4. Mac OS X 10.7 - Installation of Ruby on Rails 3.2 with RVM

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement. Open up terminal again and type the following to install rvm: Place the following inside: You can find that by typing the following in to your terminal: If you already have a. With those things done, you can now close terminal.

With terminal open, type the following: As Ryan Townsend points out in the comments, if you'd like to use this version of Ruby every time you're in a shell, type the following: So instead of going to http: Now we can install our rubies. At the time of writing this I had projects running on both 1.

I typically always just use Google and the online documentation for ruby , rails , and other gems.

  1. How to Setup OS X for Ruby on Rails - Simone Web Design.
  2. router mac address filtering safe.
  3. Installing Ruby, Rails, and MySQL on OS X Lion.
  4. Install Rails via RubyGem.
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I prefer to disable this in a. Remember that we want to use MySQL as the database for the Rails project so we are going to pass that in with the rails command. This sets a local per-project Ruby version by writing the version name to an. If you ever get into a situation where your gems are working correctly, you can simple delete that entire bundle directory and run bundle install again to get fresh versions of everything for your project. I highly recommend using GitHub to host your projects.

Install Homebrew

They offer a free app for working with git repositories and it makes it super easy to use with their service. However Xcode 4. Jun 28 '12 at 8: This also works well on Ubuntu. Thank you so much!!!!! Idris 2 9 Awea Awea 2, 8 32 Linked Related