Move steam games to another hard drive mac
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- How to move Single or Multiple Steam Games to another Drive or Folder.
- To exclude the SteamApps folder from TMB:.
The only potential problem here is that the Steam folder can be huge depending on how many games you have and how much game data is stored. I migrated a huge Steam library for a friend using this method, which I found on MacLife.
If you know of any other approaches to offload a Steam library to another drive, or to move a Steam library to another hard drive, share your experiences in the comments below. Enjoy this tip? Subscribe to the OSXDaily newsletter to get more of our great Apple tips, tricks, and important news delivered to your inbox! Enter your email address below:.
How to Move Steam Games to Another Drive
The biggest offender here is Steam, where if you play a lot of games it tends to gather a very large Application Support […]. Name required.
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How to move Single or Multiple Steam Games to another Drive or Folder
I have gb mac air and want to move all my games to an external hard drive how do i do it? Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. Winter View Profile View Posts. That's pretty easy.
Moving a Steam Installation and Games - General Troubleshooting - Knowledge Base - Steam Support
What you need to do is reinstall them, except this time you are going to pick your new hard drive as the location for your files. Steam will realize that there are already files in the folders you chose each and every time you reinstall a game, so it will just confirm them then add whatever else it needs to make them work.
Last edited by Winter ; 15 Aug, Thanks i've been trying to do it and just couldn't. So did it work? It will take a while for the games to copy so ill tell you later.

It tells me that some data can't be read or written Originally posted by battlepriestone:. When you got the new drive did you properly format it? Sorry I'm not an expert on these matters