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Page of 1. Filtered by: Previous Next. I have been toying with upgrading my computer and was looking at the Macs.

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Interested in any has done this, the good, bad, and ugly. Thanks Gerald.

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I did try Apple's "Boot Camp" which lets you dual boot between Mac OS X and a version of Windows that you install and it did work, although I did not do a lot of testing. Bryan - N0NHW.

Comment Post Cancel. I will try it and see what happens.

Download: Ham Radio Deluxe Mac Osx : Mac

Thanks for mentioning it. I will wait and check out windoze I use VMWare Fusion 7. With all that being said, the connection to the radio does time out occasionally, sometimes more often than other times, and sometimes fewer than other times. You just unplug it, close the software, and replug it.


Performance speed of the machine is fine, but running two operating systems on your Mac does tend to effect the performance, but it doesn't suck, it's just noticeably slower but not sluggish. Until then, this is more than acceptable.

Parallels works the same from the one time I used it. Parallels and VMWare are very much the same concept. Form data can be transferred between computers either using standard internet email or via radio frequency broadcasts typically made by an amateur radio operator on your behalf. Flrig is a transceiver control program designed to be used either stand alone or as an adjunct to Fldigi. GainIO has released aprs.


This is the official iPhone and iPad application of aprs. Obtain immediate, real-time access to current APRS position information, weather reports, telemetry graphs, and more. Zoom and browse around the world and see stations immediately — no waiting. Search […].

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Support qrzcq. Bill Myers, K1GQ, released version 2. If you had already downloaded that version, visit the web site to download this version.