
Mac terminal download file command

  1. Mac Terminal SSH file transfer? - Super User.
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Perhaps using SSH? The first command would copy a file to the remote machine, the second would copy a file from the remote to the local. You need to have SSH logins enabled on the destination computer, and know the username and password for the destination computer.

Download Files With Terminal

Now open new terminal window, on your local system and do:. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

How to Manage Files from the Linux Terminal: 11 Commands You Need to Know

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Mac Terminal SSH file transfer? Ask Question.

Mac Linux Terminal: SSH File Transfer

JShoe JShoe 7 21 Yes, you can use scp , which basically cp over ssh. It can work either way also, so: Ryan Gibbons Ryan Gibbons 5 The scp command on Linux is how you do file transfers using SSH.

Download Files from the Web via the Mac OS X Command Line

CenterOrbit CenterOrbit 1, 9 9. In this case, that additional information includes the name of the user who owns each item in the directory.

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  • Download Files from the Web via the Mac OS X Command Line.
  • The kirk kirk next to most of those items above means that each one is owned by the user kirk , who is in the group kirk. The other understandable bit of information next to each file and folder is the date and time each one was last modified. One other handy option: These hidden files all have dots.

    Understanding the syntax

    From the command line, you use the cd or change directory command instead. Remember to always type a space after any command that has an additional argument, such as the name of a directory in the previous example. That should be enough to get you started. Try playing around in Terminal, exploring your folders and files with just those two commands.

    macOS: How to Download Files From the Web Using Terminal

    He's also the author of Take Control of iTunes The FAQ. Type Less in Terminal. How to make a bootable Mavericks install drive. Master the command line Master the command line: Last login: Tue Apr 23 If you type cd..