
There is a red light in my mac headphone jack

Thanks again. None of these worked for me, but eventually I jammed a plastic tube the inside of a pen into the socket and rotated counterclockwise. After a few tries it worked! Definitely a stuck switch. Got the idea from here: Saddly, It didn't work!

My headphone jack glows with a red light

Help me! This has been annoying me for a few days now and with your advice, YOU fixed it for me in less than a minute! However the Toothpick trick DID work!! I thank you so much for this link!

RED Light coming from headphone jack. | MacRumors Forums

Thank you so much. Your help was unbelievably perfect. Now I can play my music. Thank you for your excellent help!!!! I am so happy! Fiddled with it for ages! And the only way I could find this was by print screening the mute sign and using google image search! A fix: Had an old set of bad headphones, cut off the jack, and used that jack plugged in, with the INPUT setting, and get speakers to work.

Or buy a jack at Radio Shack for a few bucks if you have no defective phones laying around? Good luck! I had to try a couple of different times, paused the music, then unplugged the headphones, but it did finally work! Thanks so much! I followed the rules and it didn't work. I did a slight variation in that whilst the song was playing in i-tunes i pulled the headphones out and it then started to play through my internal speakers again! I am happy camper once again!

Thank you SO much. So helpful. I spent 10 minutes sticking toothpicks in my headphone jack. This worked for me, eventually, but had two do it twice. Failing for you?

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Try it thrice. Thanks you very much, i had been trying to fix this problem two months ago, now it is fixed You're awesome. I was just about to give up and schedule an appointment at an Apple Store. You just saved me a like 4hrs. Had no idea where to start trying to fix this problem! Thanks again bro'! Thank you! Why is this working to everyone but me? I did exactly what you said.. I tried, I failed, I tried again, repeated those steps a few times, and boom!

Just to say thank you!

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People if this solution isn't working on its own, please try it again and then restart your comp, restart hadn't worked before but after this, magic!!!! Your a star, ta!! This trick didn't work from me. On another web forum though I found a trick were you use a tooth pick and it didn't work either. I decided to try with the end of a bobby pin and I put both chunks at the end of the bobby pin in.

It worked after turning it counter clockwise a few times.

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I got scared because it wasnt working.. LOL thanks:. Had to do this a few times for it to work but it is back on - Thank you!! Mine had a bit of dust over the optical sensor so this didn't work. You'll be happy to note that I didn't even need a proper jack.. I was stuck on mute with the red light, put the inside of an old biro in since it was sitting near.. Hi, sorry to see so many people have this problem - the problem two fold - cheap parts and bad engineering. At least some of the jack detection is hardware based, so although everybody wants to believe clicking and unclicking will fix it, if you really have the problem, it won't.

I have an actual proven fix that doesn't require replacing the jack or the logic board - although it disables the digital out, so this may not be for you. Its a permanent fix, and is reversible. Email me for more details. I solved this on macbook pro by plugging in a usb headset. Then volume in system bar was not greyed out and everything worked. Also I did not have red light issue described above. Not sure what caused this but i was using iTunes and Toast Titanium 11 to convert flac to apple lossless and importing to itunes before this glitch appeared.

You're a genius! I was so frustrated and Apple wanted me to pay to ask a question. So glad I found your page. Thanks again! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise! This worked perfectly for me. Thankyou, I was using my boyfriends macbook and thought I had broken it! This worked like a charm and he never has to know, phew! I just kept doing what you said and it worked after a couple tries!!!! I had to try it a few times, but it worked eventually.

Thanks for sharing these instructions. Posted on Jan 29, Dec 12, 4: Blowing air into the port worked for me - definitely worth a try for anyone else with this problem. Jun 13, 8: I had this issue on my MBP 13" and I just blowed hard for like 5 seconds in the headphone jack and the red light turned off and audio came back. I think worth trying, since it only take just a few seconds. Apr 26, 9: Plug the earphone back in, then while pressing and holding one of the volume buttons you plug out the earphone.

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  • Oct 21, In responce to those suggesting using a toothpick; that would simply not solve the problem. It may mutilate the red light, but will not fix the audio. This is a common software issue on Mac OS X Unfortunately there was not software hotfix ever released. The problem you are experiencing is that the computer does not recognize the "internal speakers" as an active sound component.

    What this action does is reset the potentially corrupted audio prefrences.

    Your sound should immediately return after this action. Thank you! Jan 29, Try the headphone plug again, this time wiggling it from side to side while it's plugged in. Repeat as needed. If no luck, take the machine in for repair under your warranty. Get a toothpick, insert it and gently turn the toothpick in a circular motion around the internal circumference of the jack until the light goes off. Jan 14, 2: Feb 10, 5: I'm really glad that the method I suggested of "blowing air in the headphone jack" worked for many people.

    It's a really quick and easy fix, but if it doesn't work I suggest you to contact Apple Care or nearest Store to repair or replace your unit. Page content loaded.

    Fixing a MacBook Stuck on Mute

    You probably have the problem correctly diagnosed. The volume icon in the menu bar was grayed out and System Preferences said that my output was set to Digital Audio instead of Internal Speakers like it normally is and Digital Audio is my only option. The audio output is as Graham Min describes a double output, working for headphone jack or Toslink adaptor. In my case the problem appeared as I disconnected my headphones: OSX didn't switch to integrated output but stayed on digital optical output.

    This page describes an elegant non invasive solution and in my case the solution was as simple as connecting the headphones again, and diconnecting them gently. Also known generically as an "optical audio cable" or just "optical cable", its most common use is in consumer audio equipment via a "digital optical" socket. See also: There is a metal prong in the jack and sometimes it can be bent , causing the digital audio to be turned on when it shouldn't be.

    The problem is there is a switch in the jack that tells it if you have a mini headphone plug or an optical plug plugged into the headphone port. The problem is when you remove the plug, the jack doesn't know it and keeps shining the red light to talk with the optical. This disables the internal speakers and you see digital out instead of internal speakers in the speaker conrtol panel. Plugging and unplugging the speakers may get it working right for awhile but it won't last forever. I slid a paperclip in, and pushed out a little metal on the side. That did the job, and I have internal sound again.

    And the digital red light, is now off. I struggled for a long period of time trying to find an answer. Tried blowing in headphone jack but with my mouth not touching it, deleting audio files, updating OS, doing a toothpick trick.. Anyone who's having this problem, just put tour mouth directly on the port and blow as hard as you can.

    Problem solved! By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.