
Revit architecture for mac 2011

Apple iMac for Revit Architecture - agfox.com

Has Revit Architecture been fully tested with version 6? I can't seem to find anything on either Parallels or Autodesk's website.

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated! Rob-D , Sep 16, I was also looking for information on this. I'm going to update to Parallels 6 this weekend and am hoping for the best. If anyone's discovered anything I'd be happy to hear too. KristinW , Dec 3, Kristin, I received a reply from Autodesk that V6 is compatible, and have since upgraded.

Seems to be working well.

Helpful answers

I can now use the Realistic visual style, as well as ambient occlusion. I still notice an occasional display artifact with 3D Hardware Acceleration enabled, but nothing major.

How to Run Revit on Mac without Boot Camp .

I haven't contacted Parallels tech support on this yet, so I'm not sure if there's a fix. Good luck! Rob-D , Dec 3, I heard the graphic card was an important factor. However, computeres get outdated so quickly and I do find myself getting something new every 2 to 3 years. Do I get something near the high end but not too high. I certainly dont want to spend on more power than I actually need when something newer and better will come out the next year, I think. If you truly want a macbook pro then get one. It will most certainly not dissapoint you.

Their founder and owner of www. They did the Cosmopolitan here in Las Vegas which at the time was the largest Revit model ever made. Since it looks like you are in Los Angeles do you have any plans to go to Autodesk University in November? I have had no issues with it at all, and find that everything runs better natively.

I use the mac version of autocad at home, and use Revit through Bootcamp on my macpro when i need to be mobile. I find that Win7 runs a hell of alot better on MBP, using parrallels etc just seems like such a power drain to me BlueFairy- i have to be careful what i say because i'm on probation here at revit city and i don't want to blow it..

Latino76, I did not like boot camp because I did not like having to shut down and boot back up to get into the mac environment.

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Maybe I did not give this much of a chance, but I almost felt that I should have on or the other. Alabaster, I'm still trying to understand Bim9. So is the advertizement saying I can install a program on a cloud harddrive and be able to access it from any place from new york to Los angeles? Since I am a solo architect, I dont know how much savings I would have.

I wonder how I can hook up with other solo architects to go in on me with this technology. Vector4, I do not work with anyone around me except when I go to the construction site. I guess a stationary desktop would be the most powerful and economical, but I do move around quite a bit and my work sometimes does go with me. Maybe I should wait a little longer for a powerful enough laptop to accomodate this revit program?

Apple iMac for Revit Architecture 2011

But then again, maybe i need to understand this Bim9 better. If you are solo I would just go with the high power laptop. My recommendation if you are struggling with the idea of the mac would be to look at the Dell Precision mobile workstations. I have used these in the past on a nearly 15,, sq ft. I just reference the Bim9 so you can get an idea for what people are doing with could computing. For example I can setup my bim cloud in my office on my high power workstation and if I need to head out for a site visit I can remotely connect to that workstation via my laptop, tablet, iPad or even my iphone and leverage data from the Revit model.

Since you are solo and are probably doing smaller projects this is probably a little overkill. I am attached a spec for a dell mobile workstation that is engineered for 3d work rather than media and entertainment. Revit architecture on Macbook pro i7 with flashdrive7?? Site Area: User Name: Quoting BlueFairy from Quoting alabaster from Attached Files.

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