
Mac os x find large hidden files

Click that header again to change the sort order, showing the apps you haven't used in the longest time first. If you see apps that you recognize, and know you don't use any more, delete them.

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Don't delete anything if you're not sure; there may be apps that you might need at some point. In the screenshot above, taken on my MacBook, you can see a folder for Microsoft Office I rarely use Office—as you can tell from the version—but I won't delete it, because I may need to open or edit an Office file at some point.

If you're not sure about any apps, don't delete them.

Next, sort your apps by size. To do this, click the Size column header.

84 gb hidden file in user folder...?

You may have some very large apps that you don't use, and some of these may be Apple apps. For example, if you've downloaded iMovie and GarageBand, but don't use the apps, they take up, respectively, 2. You can always redownload any apps you've bought or downloaded from the Mac App Store; for other apps, ones that you may have bought directly from developers, it's best to hold on to them if you're not sure. You can do the same with iOS apps in iTunes.

How to see hidden files and folders in macOS

Go to your Apps library, view it in Apps List View, and sort by Date Modified this is the date an app was downloaded or updated. Check the oldest ones, and delete the ones you're no longer using. Then sort by size, and delete the largest ones you no longer use.

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  • Check The Most Likely Places.
  • You may save a lot of space. One of the most useful features of Mac Washing Machine finds and deletes caches; these are folders that contain temporary files that certain apps write to help speed up performance. Next, if you go to the Library folder in your home folder that's the folder with the house icon and your user name , you'll see lots of surprises.

    To view this folder—it might be hidden on your Mac—choose the Go menu in the Finder, press the Option key, then choose Library. This Library folder contains a lot of files you generally don't need to see, but some of them take up a lot of space and can be deleted. View this folder in List View, and then click the Size header to view the largest folder first—it will probably be the Application Support folder.

    While there are a number of files you could delete here, it's best to be careful. I'll mention just a few folders you can safely delete.

    How to see hidden files and folders in macOS

    For example, there is the Caches folder. You can delete this folder, but you should restart your Mac immediately after you do so, since some apps may think certain cache files are still present. The Containers folder contains many important files, but also some you may not need. Please don't delete things at random here; for example, the com. BKAgentService folder contains the contents of your iBooks library. But there's one you should check; it's in com. This folder contains attachments that you have viewed in email messages, but that Mail neglects to delete.

    There's a setting in Mail's General preferences about removing unedited downloads, but it often doesn't work. Notify me of new comments via email. Unfortunately, these files were hidden so I had no idea they existed.

    In order to see hidden system files you will need to run the following command: Click the Finder icon in the Dock. Open the Kind pop-up menu, then choose Other. Make sure no other checkboxes are selected, then click OK.

    How to Uncover and Delete Hidden Files Cluttering Your Mac

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