
Smart group address book mac

Simply click on, then drag and drop the contact in the group to add him to it. Repeat this process with every contact you want to add to specific groups. Pro tip: You can add several contacts at a time to an existing group by holding the Command key of your keyboard while selecting multiple contacts with your mouse.

Smart Groups in Contacts

Once you have selected several contacts, just drag them to the group you want to. As an alternative to the method described above, you can quickly create a group by individually selecting several contacts at a time and add them all to a newly created group. Hold the Command key of your keyboard while selecting several contacts with your mouse. The selected contacts will be highlighted in blue. This will automatically add your selected contacts to a new group. Step 6: For example, you can tell your Mac to create a group and include all contacts who work for XYZ company.

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Assuming you have this data in your contact cards, your Mac will be able to intelligently group these people together. In the following example, I will create a contact group of iDownloadBlog staffers based on their email address. Name your smart group whatever you see fit. Step 3: Select what piece of data you want to base your smart group on.

I chose email , but you can choose from many data points including company, name, city, etc…. Select the condition. In my case, I typed idownloadblog as I want all contacts that have an email address that contains idownloadblog to be added to a new group. Click OK.

Get Started With Mac Smart Groups Using These 9 Filters

Your new group will then appear in your list of groups on the left side of the Contacts app, in a newly created subcategory called Smart Groups. However, and this is where smart grouping gets even smarter, if I add a new contact to my address book, and assuming this new contact has an iDownloadBlog email address, he will automatically be added to the Smart Group without any manual input on my end. You can fine tune your Smart Groups by adding up to two levels of conditions. Let the Contacts app remind you. Create a smart group that goes with this condition: Birthday is in the next 1 month.

For anniversaries, create a separate group and select the Anniversary option instead of Birthday. You can select various labels from the dropdown menus to tweak your criteria. For example, you can also set the condition to Anniversary is within 2 weeks or Birthday is within 10 days. Have you ever missed out on meeting a friend during a trip because you forgot to plan ahead?

Did you forget he lived in the city you were visiting? You can prevent that from happening again. Use a smart group to round up contacts who live in cities you visit often.

Organize and Manage Your Mac Contacts with Smart Groups

Set it up with the condition City is [City Name]. The next time you plan your trip to a particular city, take a quick look at its smart group. Do you work on a remote team?

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  3. Create a Smart Group;
  4. Address Book: Using smart group for iCloud's contacts? - macOS Discussions on AppleInsider Forums!
  5. How to create a group of contacts on a Mac.
  6. How to quickly create a group from selected contacts.
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  8. With a little tweak, the smart group we created above can help you organize meetups for coworkers who happen to live in your city. All you have to do is add a second condition to filter contacts who belong to the your workplace.

    Mac Address Book OS version 10.6 Part 8 Making a smart group

    For this you can use a condition like Email contains Website. With such notes in place, you can filter people who can join you for a shared activity such as a dance class, a movie, or a football game. Do you find yourself sidetracked by unimportant emails while checking work emails that need immediate action? Set up a smart mailbox to display only the kind of emails you consider both urgent and important to get work done.

    You can filter emails:. Add those people to a single contact group or a smart group in the Contacts app, and then use a smart mailbox to filter emails from that group. Sender is member of group [Group Name]. When the history of Apple is finally written, it will be best remembered as the company that understood that making UNIX user-friendly was easier than fixing Windows, and the company that made databases fun to use and work in.

    Becoming a Group-ie In the early versions of Address book, you created a Group by clicking on the plus sign for the far-left column, and giving this group a name, say for example "Family. Groups works great for things like that -- members of the volunteer committee you serve on, work colleagues, ex-lovers, clients, or a custom group of people you sometimes need to email all at once; there are a million more examples. For those with long contact lists, however, or a need to create more complex lists, doing this manually was difficult.

    Enter Smart Groups. A great way to find and delete useless contacts, or fill in more info Remember as we discuss this that we're still in the Aqua-to-Brushed-Metal era of Address Book -- if you're following along with this and wondering why this description doesn't match up with what you're seeing, it's probably because you're in the awkward teenage years of Address Book, the Snow Leopard or Lion versions, which used the skeuomorphic "leather bound book" look.

    We will not debate those merits or demerits here, but simply tell you that Smart Group, at least, works the same way on your version as it did on the earlier versions: Apple usually had a built-in Smart Group called "Last Import" that showed the most recent name or names imported into the program's database. Since I routinely fill out birthdays of people I add to my list, I have a Smart Group of people who's birthdays are happening within the next 30 days time to buy and mail a present.

    There are lots of possible conditions and ranges you can use, and like other Smart Things, you can set multiple conditions, and tinker with the Smart Group until you get exactly the results you want.

    Address Book: Using smart group for iCloud's contacts?

    Scare-you-o-morphic Snow Leopards and Lions The menu bar controls work the same in the skeuomorphic version of Address Book, but it was not always very obvious how to find the groups or Smart Groups you created. By default, Address Book in Snow and Lion was set to open in a simpler two-page mode, with the list of names on the left and the selected name's details on the right. No more three-pane view meant no obvious visual way to get to one's groups. The secret was a hidden-in-plain-sight detail that proved that Apple's engineers are sometimes too clever by half: It becomes obvious the first time one finds this out, as once you switch views the "bookmark" switches to a single figure image, suggesting that you press it again to switch to the list with individuals in it.

    Before you set up that dartboard with Scott Forstall's picture on it, I must point out that while that was -- okay, a wee bit -- obscure, all the functionality was in fact still there, just a bit too subtle for some people. It just had to fit into the analogy of a two-page spread now, forcing some compromises, that's all. At least the plus button stuck around.

    Smart Albums in Photos

    For starters, the application was now renamed Contacts. Mavericks Late last year, Yosemite That's not to say there isn't still a bit of furniture-moving-around in the Yosemite version: One could either add a new field to the selected record, or create a new contact or a new group from that one button. Clever -- but what about Smart Groups?