
Blue square with question mark on mac

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Blue Square with question mark instead of… - Apple Community

Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums--revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. In reply to: Blue Box with question mark inside. The former discussion on this. Read http: Here is an example website www. Blue box question mark instead of picture. I ran this site through the W3C site validator and it did not do well. If this is one of your regular sites, I would consider contacting the webmaster with the problem, which is not a Mac problem.

The problem is that the site is badly coded and does not conform to the XHTML standard that it purports to be in.

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A good webmaster will take notice and correct the issue, a not so good one will tell you that it works with Internet Explorer. The fact that the site does not work with Firefox or Safari should be a point for them. You can find the W3C validator Here P. Bad site coding.

Images no longer display – replaced by blue box with question mark

I think this is a mac problem. I went to the mac web page and there is one image that appears to me as a blue question mark instead of an image. It is also on various other sites as well. If this was a Mac problem and not an individual problem, this blue question mark thing should be there for all of us P. Which Mac page? It is not entirely unreasonable for him to think that someone else has had this same problem and has come to a solution. Anyone who's had this problem would probably be able to identify it by what he has said.

It sounds possible that you have some kind of content filter installed, and it's become over-aggressive. That said, yes, specific links would help.

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You may think this problem stretches to everything, and you may be right, but from our perspective, it's still possible that you just unluckily run into the few places where this problem occurs, and that the same would happen to us in those same places. Without an actual example, we can't determine that. It seems that nobody else has a far-reaching image loading problem, so the natural next step is to see if we have the problem with the exact pages you do.

Also, which version of Safari are you using? If you're using the 3.

Betas are bound to have problems for some people. On the other hand, if you're using version 2, you might want to try the 3. Cheryl Rosie Moderator Staff member. Aug 19, The problem was explained: Ignore most of the above. First thing, I would check your plugins. Is your Quicktime up to date? Okay, I'm seeing the three blue boxes as well, in both Safari and Firefox Interestingly, this pic is all one.

pictures on safari page show up as blue square???

I would also check the Safari Beta discussions on Apple Support. Madelin Registered Aug 19, Everyone knows that its a link to a screenshot not the problematic site. If Firefox is doing the same thing, then it is indeed a plug-in that is either not working, or not set correctly. User profile for user: GERD Dr. Blue Square with question mark instead of pictures I have been having this problem for a while and haven't been able to find a solution to it.

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When I go on to some websites, I am unable to view certain pictures, because a blue square with a question mark appears instead of the picture. I have changed my quicktime settings to allow for still images to be shown except for PDF's and I have updated my flashplayer. Also, when I right-click on the picture and select "display in new Tab" the picture is displayed. What settings do I need to change for these pictures to be displayed? The website that I'm currently having the problem with is: More Less. All replies Drop Down menu.

Loading page content. Klaus1 Klaus1. GERD I get the same. Most unusual, and evidence of poor programming.

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