
Gourmet mac and cheese with pancetta

If you like, you can also share your specific comments, positive or negative - as well as any tips or substitutions - in the written review space. Cancel Print. Submitted by frontiero Updated: September 28, Add to collection. Add to menu. Yield 10 servings. Preparation Melt 1 tablespoon butter in large deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add crushed red pepper and garlic; stir 1 minute. Stir in 3 tablespoons butter; allow to melt, then add flour and stir 1 minute.


Remove from heat. Whisk in cheeses. Season with salt and pepper.

Chill uncovered until cool; cover and chill. Rewarm, stirring over medium heat.

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Melt 4 tablespoons butter in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add panko and stir until very light golden, about 5 minutes. PS-I had help with the cheese. If I didn't, I would have cracked the seat of my office chair!

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Roasted Garlic Macaroni and Cheese with Pancetta Parmesan Crust

Oooeee, I'm SO excited to try this! Fontina is one of my favorite cheeses ever and combined with the allure of Asiago? Some would say pure is better but some times a cross is just the perfect blending. Love the sound of this cheese I have a bunch of pancetta in the freezer, now all I need to do is find some of that cheese, and I'm all set! This sounds just right for a wintry Saturday in Minnesota.

Homemade Creamy Baked Pancetta Macaroni

I add Fontina cheese to baked polenta. I'm going to look for some Fontiago to add next time. Well done. I made this tonight, and everyone from age 2 to 65 loved it! Thanks for another delicious recipe, Susan. Post a Comment. I had heard of Fontina and Asiago, but what was "Fontiago?

Fontina is mild and nutty and prized for its melting ability. Asiago, although similar in taste to Parmesan, is more assertive.

Homemade Creamy Baked Pancetta Macaroni

Fontiago is a unique cheese that marries Fontina with Asiago in one creamy, tangy, aromatic cheese. The crust, however, gives way to a luscious, soft cheese filling flecked with salty, diced pancetta and fragrant fresh basil and parsley. A couple of dashes of crushed red pepper flakes provide just the heat it needs. Since I found Wisconsin Fontiago, living the good life got a whole lot easier. Coat a 9xinch baking dish with butter or cooking spray.

In a small skillet over medium-high heat, add pancetta. Cook 3 to 4 minutes, or until browned and crisp. Set aside. In a small bowl, combine breadcrumbs and olive oil, mixing with your fingertips. Cook pasta in salted water, about 2 minutes short of being fully cooked; it will finish cooking in the oven. Drain the cooked pasta, but do not rinse. Place in a large bowl.

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Meanwhile, melt butter in a small saucepan over medium-high heat.