
Install mac os x 10.8 on vmware esxi 5.1

Follow the simple steps to achieve it. Grab the Sierra installer app from the Apple App Store. Note, you need a real Mac in order to download and convert the Sierra installation disk.

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Once downloaded, minimize or close the installer. Open the terminal and run the below command one after another. The next step should be fairly simple if you have used ESXi before. As usual open your datastore and transfer the iso to wherever you normally store your installation files.

Without it Mac OS X might not awake from sleep and in general be very unreliable. Very Important: I also recommend to turn off sleep and the screensaver in settings as these may cause issues.

25 Replies

You may also wish to read the software license agreement for Mac OS Sierra. Follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds for new releases, updates, insightful posts and more. Please check the Agreement before following these steps. How does this change for esxi 6. It definitely supports it out of the box.

It might work on ESXi 6. If you have tested, kindly update in the comment section and it might be useful for other users. Meanwhile, we will also try and add a note on it.

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I gave it a shot. Toggle SlidingBar Area. Previous Next. By Kameshwaran T VMware ESXi 6. So, the first thing you need to do is to customise the hypervisor layer by executing an Unlocker script by insanelymac. From here click on Properties in the upper right corner where it says Services. No space left on device. I am getting an error and the method that u suggested is not effective in my case. Could you help me out in this? And then it hangs. I can start it up from fs0: Any thoughts or suggestions? Oh sorry, that was a typo. Still when I do npci, it hangs at that same place.

Any suggestions? It seems like boot -v gives no usable information because it hangs at the same place. I too am stuck at this part.

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Same with trying a fresh ISO install it just hangs. Is it AMD related or are we just missing something? I thought this would work on non-apple iron. What hardware are you trying to run it on? You will need hardware virtualization support VT-d etc as a bare minimum i think. What version of vSphere are you using? Initially I installed ESXi 5. When I downgraded EXSi to 5. You were correct. Install these updates in the following order on your ESXi: This will result in a. Just remove the.

Create a new VM, select OS Install Mac OS as usual 9.

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  6. How to Virtualize Mac OS X using ESXi 5.1.
  7. Install VMware tools Going to try that later once the Lion install finishes and I can take a snapshot! Everything is working post Anyone have a resolution for either of those? I read something about SMC. Hi Brian Thanks for the post. How did you exactly resolve the boot speed? Is there any way to roll this back? I have to migrate them off and then boot them and then migrate them back.

    [SOLVED] Installing OSX on ESXi - Spiceworks

    I can confirm that Mac OS X Small advice: Hello, I am still having issues no matter what I do and use. I cannot run direct IO on my but it is VT enabled. Is there any other thing that I can try? Thank you in advance!

    Mac OS X Lion on ESXi 5

    Hi rick I have a stack of these too and am trying to install osx with esxi like yourself did you have any luck mind giving us a little guide on this? I am unable to see my virtual disk to install to. Not listed in the diskutil list. All I see is 12 kb disks inadditional to my boot media. Reblogged this on Another WordPress Page. Restore From Time Machine Backup 2. Reinstall OS X 3. Get Help Online 4. Disk Utility. So what I am saying is first choose option number 4. Disk Utility, prepare the drive, and then exit Disk Utility and now choose Option 2.

    Reinstall OS X. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

    Install macOS on ESXi

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    IT Stuff — 71 Comments. Issuing the command: And voila- the Lion installation begins! Unable to write to the last block of the device I found a few suggestions: Good luck! Share this: Like this: Like Loading Comments RSS feed. September 16, at September 17, at October 3, at October 4, at October 5, at November 23, at November 24, at October 7, at October 11, at October 15, at October 16, at October 24, at November 5, at November 14, at Gary Ghotra Pherasl.

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