
Send magic packet from mac terminal

Access files on sleeping computers. Follow This App Developer website: Download Now. See discussion. WakeOnLan discovers all other computers in your LAN, and enables you to wake them up by clicking a button. If your remote computer is a Mac you can put it asleep too.

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Sending WakeOnLAN Magic Packets

Current Version 1. Downloads 79, Version Downloads 46, License Free. Date 10 Jun Price Free. To leave a comment, you need to be logged in.

Log in. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Sopalajo de Arrierez Sopalajo de Arrierez 1, 2 20 The minimum requirements I can think off: Bash supporting brace expansion I think it is v3.

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The sed command 1. The command line would be: Or, this time in a two-liner: The sed command is used here to remove colons: SoCat can be used instead syntax will differ, of course. To take under consideration: CygWin's NetCat version doesn't need for -b parameter. NetCat's OpenBSD version has a bug as for today Juy on broadcast data sending -b , so you will have to replace it by NetCat Traditional version netcat-traditional package on apt-get installers.

Waking up Sleeping macOS Computers

This example uses UDP port 4. The specific port number seems not to be important on WOL. The above one-line bash command should work too for wake on LAN via internet. WOL magic packet string for the above example: I think it is not, but it is under debate here: In short: This worked great for use with MobaXTerm's bash session uses cygwin , thanks! I think it's worth mentioning that in certain distributions such as Ubuntu If your system uses the openbsd flavor like on Ubuntu To check which flavor you have, run man nc.

ColinMaudry - the actual error message when the wrong netcat version is installed is: The default port for the wake-up transmission is UDP port 9. From Review: Hi, while links are great way of sharing knowledge, they won't really answer the question if they get broken in the future. Add to your answer the essential content of the link which answers the question. In case the content is too complex or too big to fit here, describe the general idea of the proposed solution.