
Mac os x lion x86 usb

Open the Downloads folder and move the. And a handy USB rescue drive to boot from in case things go pear-shaped. It's easy to get frustrated, but don't give up! If you get stuck, there are many users with similar hardware in the tonymacx86 Forum to provide support.

Special thanks to everyone in the community, and our Mods for testing!

tonymacx86 Blog: UniBeast: Install Mac OS X Lion Using an All-In-One Bootable USB Drive

If you've had success using this guide, consider a contribution to help keep the sites going. We're constantly updating and tweaking our tools to help you. Good luck and have fun! Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, Once Unibeast was completed everything working great.

I noticed that unibeast timeline progress bar is screwed up though.


Not just 1. No big deal for me as it completes the installation to USB but some people may think its stuck or not longer responding. But still not happy i have to use a Mac to make a bootable Lion drive. Tony, I know it can be set by a flag at boot, but it may be useful to be able to set the PCI flag in the Unibeast installation tailor to our system. Great job on the upgraded ML guide. Is there a screen shot of which options to use for that board to get it functioning optimally and with USB 3 enabled? It's my first time installing using Tonymac method. Excited by the potential of this board.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. Did the install. A few things: I'm not getting any errors returned to the screen. So what are my next steps? I tried to perform an update to my I then booted into my backup I figured it couldn't hurt to try. I couldn't find the way to determine if my MB had a rate matching hub, and so I erred on the side of caution. Introducing KextBeast!

MacMan and I made this quick little package to help us test various drivers, and we thought it would help you al Building a Sandy Bridge CustoMac: Buyer's Guide. Building a custom computer for Mac OS X can be a very rewarding experience, When you choose compatible hardware, the results can be asto Using Chameleon as your bootloader, you can boot an infinite amount of operating systems on your PC. It's simple to use a separate hard Building a CustoMac: By request, here are three updated builds, based on the original CustoMac post from June Any OSx86 installation guide can seem daunting at first glance, especially when trying to remember cryptic terminal commands and sorting thr Introducing my latest creation MultiBeast is an all-in-one post-installation tool designed to enable boot from hard drive, and install One of the most important components in a custom build is the graphics card.

If you're building a CustoMac, it's an especially tric Enable Full Graphics Card Acceleration: ATI and nVidia. When installing and tweaking your Hackintosh, one the first things to do is enablie the full power of your graphics card. The download size is very small, only MB or so. Sir, can you tell the latest the available configuration for an assembled pc with i5 4th generation to install Hakintosh? Man, this post is some good stuff!

I was wondering if there's anyway to split up the 6gb dmg image file onto 2 4. I don't have a dual layer disk laying around. Thanks for the help in advance! I don't have any experience with Mac OS X on those systems. I am looking at a few laptops dell studio 15, HP envy 14, Lenovo Ideapad Y are any of these hackintosh-able?

Have you seen any good posts on those forums for the best hardware setups for compatibility? Or any tips how to search for said "best compatible setup" to allow sleep mode, and all other normal functionality? Sorry if that's too magnanimous a question By the way, Multibeast has updated, and the part about selecting Optional Kernel The new options available read quite differently from what Any insight into that at all? The iBoot disk image must be placed on a disc.

Hi, thanks for the detailed description! Never mind- I found it I'm not sure, but you should be able to revert to the I would suggest going to Tonymac's forum and see if others have had similar issues. They may have already posted a solution for it over there. However, I'm not sure about the integrated graphics accelerator. That may pose issues. Again, I would suggest reading the forums to see if anyone has installed on your hardware or similar hardware.

If not, post your system specs and inquire if anyone has installed on your system. I would like to know how to install and run OS X Is it a different process from the way it was explained here because of the specs of my computer? There's really only two ways to find out: I think it should work, but I don't know for certain. I would recommend checking the Hardware Compatibility List. I got a problem here. I keep getting instant reboot when loading the MacOS install disk using the iBoot supported, how do i fix this problem?

It sounds as though you may be using the wrong disk image. I have tried using the iBoot supported disk image and i almost succeed for the installation, but Please help me Hi all, I would like to extend to my thanks for this howto. I am happy to report that I have completed the install and all seems good. I would like to make one suggestion. The howto instructs us to download the DSDT file and you have kindly provided a link.

However no mention was made about renaming the file to DSDT. As such Multibeast fails to install everything properly which borks the installation. It took some time for me to discover this.

Regardless If you could edit the howto to reflect this minor but important detail it would likely be of help to other Hackintosh NUBES like myself. Spot on Dan. I've updated the instructions to add that crucial step. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. How to connect to LAN. In network assistant setup expect isp all the options are de-highlighted. Please post the solution. Thank you. Just finished install snow leopard Until I update with multibeast with legacy audio, that when my onboard audio stop working. You may need to select the proper audio output.

Go to the sound preferences and change the output device. Also try different combinations of output jacks. You can try playing a Youtube video or something as you try different jacks, and eventually you should find the right one. It seems like a whole lotta trouble, and you miss out on cool. Just buy a Mac. It may be cheaper in the long run you will understand our problem and the time equation, and you will not look like such a Geek.

Just thought i would post back, after trying several ways i got it working, but for the fun of it tried E EFI which worked just fine with external drive with out any mods. I am now running in to the problem that MultiBeast installation is failing and will not finish tried it a couple times already with what you have as options. Did you properly put the installation image onto the USB drive using another Mac? I think it should work fine via USB drive with the installation image, although I haven't tried it.

For the P55 Gigabyte mobos this would be correct. But for the H55 mobos you do not need a separate video card.

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I think it is possible to get it working with quite a bit of hacking effort. I attempted to get it to work before giving into using my nVidia card, but had no luck. I don't think Multibeast has support for it, so you're on your own trying to get it to work. I have been looking to get into iPhone development but my not wanting to buy a mac has always been the barrier to entry.

Consider it solved! Working perfectly now except for hanging during sleep as you indicated. Any chance the SleepEnabler.

Before You Begin

It's worth a shot. I need to dig a bit deeper into some of the threads that discuss getting sleep to work. I was under the impression that having the DSDT would do the trick, but something is amiss.

Installation Guides

If you do manage to get it working, please let me know what you did and I'll update the article. Is the following link the correct motherboard as to what you used? That's the one. I tried to get the onboard graphics built into the i3 CPU to work, but didn't have any luck with it. Ok, I found the solution and fortunately, it's pretty simple. Just open Finder and Navigate to Hackintosh. Put the Extra folder in the trash. Use the I'm going to update the article accordingly.

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Thanks for letting me know about the issues with MultiBeast 2. Fortunately, the update makes things even easier now, as there is no needing to update the com. As long as they install it according to the new instructions, shouldn't have any issues. I've isolated the problem to the audio driver. I'm working on a solution to get sound working. Until then:. Nope, I did a fresh install as per the guide with the only thing different being the Until then: I ordered the exact hardware from the above shopping list and it arrived yesterday. Everything was going smoothly during the OS build except for a couple of things:.

How to Install OS X Mountain Lion on Your PC With IAtkos

Should I select the new I tried several variations of monkeying with it to make it look like the guide says but in all cases the box would simply go into the reboot cycle talked about or simply show the general kernel panic screen. You should be able to use the new Give that a shot, and let me know if it works for you. If so, I'll be sure to update the article with instructions for the new You could certainly try it on a laptop. She will likely have to use the USB installation method as described by Lifehacker.

This seems like a whole lotta trouble, and you miss out on the cool. In the long run it'll be cheaper if you figure your time and trouble in the equation, and you won't look like such a geek. I was about to get the pieces to build it but i realized there is nothing about the wifi. Can we add any wifi card? I'm only using the built-in ethernet, correct. For wireless support, you'll have to find the appropriate kext, depending on what wireless device you're using. Refer to the Often links to the kext files are included.

If it's older than when those chips came out, you may not have any luck.

How to install Mac OS X Lion from USB flash drive

I'm curious to find out if I can do this to replace Windows entirely. On the subsequent boot after I ran an update, I got a kernel panic. I re-ran the MultiBeast installation and I was once again able to boot from the hard drive without a problem. I would recommend using Time Machine and saving a backup before running any updates. You never know if something may get thrown into an update that would mess things up.