
Trackpad left click not working mac

This caused left clicks not to register but right clicks worked , as well as some odd problems not being able to navigate completely via keyboard. I hope this helps someone who has this problem, because it's really simple and not obvious. I never really looked beyond what was connected and it is wireless. Then, just hit the power button again to power up. So if you have a wireless mouse or trackpad somewhere in the house, go find it. Alternately, take your laptop away from your house and see if the symptoms change. Apr 7, 7: I just fixed the problem with the left click. I read briefly a recommendation that worked for me.

Here is my experience. Both my Apple magic mouse and my Microsoft mouse stopped working. Both are wifi. The left click was totally unresponsive on both mice. The right click was inconsistant, but I was able to somewhat maneuver it around, but not enough to work with. I noticed the track pad did work The recommendation worked for me. It stated to turn off the unit. When it comes back on press the shift key until the rotating round circle will come up not the beach ball.

Eventually, under the rotating circle a strip will appear that starts to fill. Upon completion of the fill the computer will go black and come back on with a note that asks if you want to close or open the unit.

Five ways to right-click on a Mac trackpad - CNET

Click open. Then, my desktop came back normally.

How to Fix Any Macbook Track Pad

Both my mouses work now. Everything seems to work like it should. Page content loaded. Sep 13, 5: What type of diagnostics did you do to check a battery? What does System Profile say about the health of your battery? Troubleshooting unresponsive trackpad issues.

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Sep 17, The bigger problem now is a hard drive failure that occurred yesterday. Service person says they are unrelated - that the timing is a coincidence, I'm not convinced. Nov 13, 7: I am having the exact same problems and it happened in the exact same way.

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It started highlighting everything and then shortly after my left clicking stopped working. I have worked all day trying to restore it with no luck, it just keeps getting worse and worse. Target disk mode unable to open it as removable harddrive, but ran disk utility, it says unable to repair. Tabbing to highlight and then pressing enter to start the install does not work. Even when you tab to highlight continue and press enter. Nov 13, Well it gets worse I have a total of four mac. Now a second mac less then one month old is doing the same thing now.

Macbook Pro 2014 No Left Click, but trackpad works.

In target mode I tried to run disk utility from another computer it says there is a problem and disk utility was unable to fix it. Nov 13, 1: Plus you have 90 days of FREE phone tech support on top of your standard 1 year warranty unless you also purchased AppleCare which gives you an additional 2 years of coverage plus FREE phone support. Strongly suggest that you take FULL advantage of the above before it runs out. Dec 2, Dec 9, 9: Dec 10, 5: I have my magic trackpad in the twelve wand a piece of matching aluminum that holds the keyboard and trackpad together.

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But I think that the H-shaped small piece you have to put between the both presses the trackpad and that makes it disfunctional. Dec 27, 9: That's what happened to me this morning! I was in a panic! So glad I read this discussion, thanks for mentioning this Joe. Jan 7, 5: Jan 22, I had this same problem until I figured out it was my fault. I got to work and opened my laptop but the trackpad wouldn't left click. I used the keyboard to restart and the trackpad worked for 30 minutes or so, then the left click stopped working again. After cursing for a bit I realized the magic mouse in my backpack was on and the left click was being depressed.

Without further ado, let us discuss the five ways in which you can perform a right-click on a Mac trackpad. Click with thumb while making contact with two fingers This is how your intrepid blogger initiates a right click. Since my index finger is usually mousing about on the trackpad while my thumb lies in wait to click, I simply drop the ol' middle finger down next to my mousin' finger and click with my thumb to perform a right-click. I use it because requires the least amount of movement from my standard mousing-and-clicking posture; my index finger and thumb remain in their usual position, leaving me to move only my middle finger down to the surface of the trackpad.

Click with two fingers Instead of placing two fingers on the trackpad and using your thumb to right-click, you can simply use your two fingers to click the trackpad. Assign the bottom-right corner If the two-finger right-click methods feel awkward to you, you can assign the bottom-left corner as a right-click zone in System Preferences.


Launch System Preferences from the Apple menu and choose Trackpad. By default, it's set up to click with two fingers, but you can set it to click in the bottom-right corner. Assign the bottom-left corner See above but change bottom-right corner to bottom-left corner.

  • Unable to Click with Trackpad or Mouse in Mac OS? Here’s the Fix!.
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  • Five ways to right-click on a Mac trackpad!
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  • Click the trackpad while holding down the Control key This last option requires two hands, but should you want to involve your off hand in the right-clicking procedure, you can hold down the Control key when clicking the trackpad to perform a right-click. Via Here's the Thing. How to set up Google's two-step verification: With a few minutes of setup time, your account will be much more secure.

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