
Open office gratis downloaden voor mac

Can accomplish all everyday tasks without problems. Not bloated and Great value and worthy of support. Crashes every few minutes on a dual core AMD64 machine running windows 7 home premium 32 bit. I am using Open Office instead of Microsoft Office.

I was fed up with most bloated Microsoft products. Open Office seems to be more flexible and intuitive than MS Office.

Download Apache OpenOffice - free - latest version

I am extremely pleased with this software. Great to be able to open and save documents in so many formats. I liked the drag and drop option in MS Office for inserting pictures.

How To Install LibreOffice For macOS (2018)

Placing pictures in an OO app is more long winded. I've had trouble opening particularly re-opening some documents by clicking on the document icon. I loved all the features that matched Microsoft. The programs that ran on my university computers mostly used Microsoft office and dream weaver. I was very much a nuby with this kind of word program, and I never did quite get the hang of everything.

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However, it didn't crash or stall as often as some of the others that I was using at the time also. Getting the tool bar buttons out and used is quite complicated. They don't seem to be that clear as to what they represent. It's very slow opening at least on my G4 iBook. This is a very powerful word program. It's packed with everything under the sun just about. It was helpful and very useful for me while I was in college as I often times had to write lengthy papers as an education major.

I had many drafts and rewrites. As a grad student, part of my education was to be able to use and navigate around the internet and use the computer in an efficient manner.

I'm glad that OpenOffice allowed me to "practice" using things that I don't normally use everyday like inserting links or anchors, placing frames or place holders,using tables etc. For an application that rivals MS Word and it's free, I say, it's well worth getting to know how and how to use this application. Login or create an account to post a review. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.

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I am aware I can opt out at any time. Overview Review User Reviews Specs. Pros Near-complete tool set: Cons Some functions can be clunky: Bottom Line Apache OpenOffice is a very good free, accessible alternative to expensive office software. Publisher's Description.

Software Review

From The Apache Software Foundation: Latest Stories. Read more. The best alternatives to OneNote for capturing all your dazzling ideas OneNote is flexible and much liked. Adobe Lightroom for iOS Review: User Reviews. If you have any experience with similar programs, such as Microsoft Office, then Open Office will feel like second nature to you. If not, and if you are new to these programs, then Open Office can be a great place to start as it is quick to learn easy to master.

Users who downloaded Open Office also downloaded: We are happy to recommend you programs like Open Office that other users liked. Software similar to Open Office:. Microsoft Office. Business Software. User rating. Microsoft Word. Microsoft Excel. Microsoft PowerPoint Free download available for all OS Has fewer glitches than pricy competitors Users find interface natural and intuitive.

Interface cluttered when sidebar is open Fewer features than more expensive options. In addition, a minimum of MB of hard drive space is required for the installation process. Once the suite has been installed, it will take up a minimum of MB of storage space. Since Apache released their first version of their OpenOffice software in , there has been at least one new version released each year. However, there has never been more than two versions released in the same year.

Therefore, on average, a new version is released every six months to a year. The suite is also available for Mac users.

Apache OpenOffice for macOS (OS X)

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