
Counter strike 100 fps mac

I am so glad I found this. Here is the script, more explanation is found on the original thread. Basically all you need to do is create a desktop shortcut for csgo, open the script editor in the finder, paste this in and put in your personal information, and save the script as an application. The original author didn't need it apparently.

How to boost FPS ON CS:GO on Mac OSX! - 2018

This will create an app in the documents folder by default, start the game with this from now on and see how it improves your performance. Hope this helps other mac users! Doesn't work. CSGO needs to be launched via a script otherwise Steam fails to find a load of stuff. Nope, running a modified version of the launch script doesn't work either -.

I don't ever do it as I don't really need to on my computer. I think that when you quit out of CS it doesn't actually kill the process, it might if you quit out of steam though. If the process didn't quit then you don't need to renice it again. Unfortunately do to the way steam handles the game, I don't know if its possible to change the launch options to do this or to start csgo from a script that does this. Do you know if there's a way to check the niceness value without just checking in-game FPS?

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But I figured that since ps prints info about running processes then it probably has the ability to give me that info. So I ran man ps which brings up the ps program's manual page. There is describes all the options you can give the program to affect its output. If you are interested in coding some sort of program to handle this yourself and are more familiar with traditional languages opposed to shell scripting, there is a BSD system call called getpriority that will return the scheduling priority of a supplied process.

Is there a difference between that and the mouse. A big one. System Events got an error: I get that same error, sometimes running the code from the script editor gets rid of it, rather than running from the app. Unfortunately I don't know enough about Mac scripts to isolate the problem.

My Mac book pro on CSGo is horrible - Apple Community

I close all my apps and even wake up early in the moring to play so my fam doesn't use up to much wifi. But still I only average 13fps. I notice huge lag spikes but my wifi company is good and internet online tests says it's good. The Mac books battery is dead can't go up higher than 0. My question is it the battery or wifi I'm running at newest software plz help.

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All replies Drop Down menu. Loading page content. Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options Link to this Post. I suppose I could do that, I've tried newer drivers but not older. Without fiddling too much I can try series as they are part of the additional drivers options. If something changes I will comment back. Well this is interesting, and shows me it's an Nvidia issue and that they are pushing for performance over stability. I'm on Can the other Mac users retest this issue? Still not an Nvidia issue, just different on different Nvidia driver versions.

Gist Link: Wed 13 Dec GO is broken again for Mac. It happened 4th or 5th time per last two years. Really, I have no idea how developers managed to do it again. I have the same issue. With in-game steam FPS measuring I noticed continously decreasing frame rate while I was in lobby with active game window watching the game while it was in idle. And that's just in lobby. Frame rate persists and it continues to decrease also during match. I play with lowest graphic settings possible with double buffering.

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At the beggining it is fine but over time it is not playable anymore and I have to restart the notebook in the middle of the competitive match to be able to play normaly again. It is not possible reconnect in time without loosing a couple of rounds. Symptoms are simple, frame rate decreases to unplayable minimum over time. It must be someting accumulative like memory leaking or something. Here is my system info: Same issue here. System Information: Have you guys tried installing macs fan control?

Set it to GPU diode between 45 and 85 for cooling speed.

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After that the FPS are more stable. Ok, so i have just tried out the solution provided by digitalbase but there is no change in my game, the fps issues are same, tried tweaking the temp ranges too! My sys info https: Update to my post: System info https: Sometimes the FPS just suddenly drops to 10FPS and I can not exit the game everything freezes , this sometimes occurs right after reboot.

Very weird. Good job Valve. This thread have been open for a full year soon. CSGO worked fine before the update where the problems began - please get your shit together now. I am on an iMac 11,3 mid 2,8GHz i5 with an ati 1gb and 6gb of ram. I could get easily fps in csgo like 2 years ago, now I am struggling to get I have problems with sounds. I get huge drops whenever I hear a smoke, flash, shots or see an enemy. I tried everything. I know source a little.

I tweaked everything to the most optimal settings. Obvious things like reinstalling or checking game's cache don't help. I really dug deep into the source engine and just nothing seems to be working. Rebooting doesn't solve the problem.

Crossover Counter Strike 1.6 - How to get 100 FPS?

It's very consistent. My configuration: With Panorama, FPS drops much more frequently, and for whatever reason they made some in-progress changes to the old UI as well, and now neither of the UIs work okay on my machine. I get crashes more often, too, and to top that off -- once my settings got corrupted because I changed them in Panorama and Scaleform separately -- but that's a story for another day.

On the bright side, the game does load faster, so it only takes about one competitive round of downtime to be able to play again about as little as three rounds of downtime in the whole competitive match.

The 10 Best FPS games for Mac

Phew, thanks Valve! I mean, darn it, if only the game developer actually claimed to support Linux and Mac, so us customers could reasonably expect the game to be playable on these OSes, or, at least, hope that Valve would perform gasp! Guess we are asking for too much folks. I would be happy to work in your Quality Assurance department, Valve -- just ping me when it's created. Hi i had the same problem. I found out that i used my integrated graphics card to run the came. What you should try is to gon kn device manager and turn the integrated graphics card off.

If you get an error when starting cdgo then you know the problem. I just plugged my HDMI cable in the wrong spot. That fixed it for me. Hope i could be helpful. Oh, so Scaleform UI can no longer be enabled after the latest update. Noice, keep up the good work! I'm starting to suspect the problem here lies in my machine actually being high -end.

While I'm researching the ways to downgrade my PC to be able to play, could you confirm whether that can fix the problem? Bonus question: If not, I would really appreciate you removing these OSes from the list of supported platforms, so as to not mislead people. I just played for roughly 90 minutes based on the update , and the performance was actually much better than the last couple of weeks.

Hope this sticks! Ubuntu I get FPS spikes on any map even with reduced settings.