
Sims 3 lifetime happiness cheat mac

I got about , to , lifetime happiness points per Sim in my household in a very short time even shorter than the way you described. Save the game once they're moved in, then head back to the main menu. Once you load your Sims game, the testing cheats will still be on. This will allow you to go to the lifetime rewards tab, then control click in the area around the treasure chest icon.

The game should be unpaused to do this, or it may appear to not be working. Each click will give your Sim an additional lifetime happiness points. Click away, you've got infinite reward points to spend! Go out and snag that Food Replicator. My Origin ID is Coolsim so you can find my stuff.

Now, start a new game or load a saved game. Once in the game, you will not only have access to the regular testing cheats but also unlocked the ability to increase points.

Execute the Rewards Cheat by heading to the Lifetime Rewards tab of the interface. There you will see a treasure chest icon. Hold Control and Click in the blank space just to the right of the treasure chest. Move your mouse around while quickly clicking to find the sweet spot.

Once you hit it, click like mad to increase your current Sim or Pet's Lifetime Points. Testingcheatsenabled true is a very powerful tool for people who like to cheat, and even build. Head to our cheats guide to learn more. This system was around back in the Sims 2, in the form of lifetime aspiration rewards, where you could pick nice objects for your home like the money tree, love tub and elixir of life. This time around, your lifetime happiness points will keep adding up so long as your Sim is in a good mood.

To get nice bumps to the total number of lifetime happiness points, accomplish your Sims' wishes. Lifetime rewards in the Sims 3 come in the form of gadgets like the teleporter, collection helper, or food replicator and even superhuman abilities, like steel bladder and hardly hungry. Getting Happiness Points Quickly A massive influx of lifetime happiness points can come from completing your Sim's lifetime wish. If you want an easier time getting any of these objects, it's then best to choose an easy wish.

Some can be more challenging than others, such as super popular. Perfect mind, perfect body or The Tinkerer are fine examples of an easy lifetime wishes. Managing all their Desires Your Sim can have only four active wishes at one time. This means that you should continually stay on top of what they desire. That way, you can keep completing and adding new wishes. These wishes get harder and more rewarding at the same time, as you continue to knock them out. Sims may desire to catch a perfect fish of a given type, or even something simple like have a trip to the day spa.

Lifetime happiness points will continually roll in if the Sim's bar is at least to the first line. Even higher, and it seems to move a bit faster. Read the aforementioned moodlets guide for more information about the best, and most easily attainable moodlets to keep your Sims happy and rolling in Lifetime Happiness Reward Points. Interest and Traits As a Sim continues to do something, like fishing , they'll get an interest in that field and wishes about it will begin to appear for you to select.

If you want your Sim to desire to fish, then keep going fishing. They'll want to catch multiple fish, find new types of fish and even head out before dawn on their fishing trip. This is just one example. Your Sim's traits also help determine their interest. Bookworms will want to spend more time at the library, and daredevils may occasionally desire to do something shocking or daring in front of another Sim.

LTR List and Lifetime Reward Cheat

Choose Your Wishes Wisely Just because your Sim cooked a meal , and suddenly wants to learn a new recipe doesn't mean you should add that to your promised wishes list. Try to promise those that help them complete their other life objectives.

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Actions you were planning to make them take anyway. Always take wishes that are about to happen, even if you must ditch one. Unfortunately your Sim won't receive happiness points and the desire will be gone. On to the Lifetime Happiness Rewards List There is a list of all lifetime happiness rewards available in the game, however many of the objects aren't explained with any detail. Thus, I decided I should describe each reward and give my personal opinion. Here I'll list what information I have on the lifetime rewards in the Sims 3. This is a full list - I haven't left anything out.

Above Reproach Lifetime Happiness Points: To see your reputation, go to the Simology tab, select scrapbook, and go to the statistics page. If you're not already a cheating betrayer, then this can keep you from being known as one. Acclaimed Author Lifetime Happiness Points: It boosts the royalty checks for every book your Sim writes.

Very handy for professional authors and journalists who may occasionally put out a book. The boost here can be pretty hefty when your Sim writes a masterpiece. Age Freeze Lifetime Happiness Points: This can't be crafted from Chemistry. This will produce a neat gameplay effect, where the Sim stays the same and all others age up around him. This makes them more likely to win. The primary use of this would be to get more festival tickets and, later in life, humiliate the grandkids. Alpha Dog Lifetime Happiness Points: Alpha Dog gives your Sim an irresistable bite interaction, so there will be no more failures when attempting to turn Sims.

Last, the Sim will have a new interaction when you click them - Terrible Howl.

Unlimited Lifetime Reward Points!!!!!!!! cheats for The Sims 3

Using this can frighten Sims so much that they faint! Always on the List Lifetime Happiness Points: This is helpful for people who have Late Night and would rather ignore that feature, but most Sims shouldn't need this. It's easy enough to get to celebrity level 3, and you can buy your way into any establishment at that point.

Animal Expert Lifetime Happiness Points: This reward makes it so dogs, cats, and horses live much longer lives. Pets kept in a terrarium and birds are also less likely to die. This reward isn't great, given you have great control over life spans in the game options menu, but it will give you a longer time frame in order to afford Lifetime Happiness points for pets, so that you can afford the Pet Young Again Lifetime Reward, which is the only way to keep them alive forever without disabling aging.

Artisan Crafter Lifetime Happiness Points: This helps you achieve crazy-high profit with either of those skills. Between Artisan Crafter and Suave Seller, I'd choose this as my top pick, although it costs 5, more. With the Master Inventor skill challenge completed and Artisan Crafter, my Sim made widgets and gizmos double their original value. Attractive Lifetime Happiness Points: With it, your Sims will start at a higher relationship with other Sims. They're pretty, so people like them! Here's an idea: Spend a few days playing guitar on the corner in town until you've gathered up enough acquaintances to complete the celebrity charisma challenge.

With that challenge reward, in combination with this lifetime reward, your Sims can start at friends with anyone they meet. This is great! In addition, the bar will rise faster for every Sim you know when trying to befriend them. Better Mixologist Lifetime Happiness Points: It improves drink quality.

That doesn't have much of a bearing on the moodlets your Sim gets from their drinks, but it's sure to impress Sims when your Mixologist is trying to get in with celebrities. Body Sculptor Lifetime Happiness Points: Takes the need for exercise out of the game and Sims can eat to their hearts' content because any weight gain can be immediately fixed.

This LTR is not all that useful in my opinion. Bookshop Bargainer Lifetime Happiness Points: I didn't think so! Born to Cook Lifetime Happiness Points: Naturally, experience with a particular dish will still help -- this just cuts down on the time commitment required to be a great chef. It's a very welcome addition from Showtime for a very old skill.

Carefree Lifetime Happiness Points: This doesn't make your fun bar go down slower, it makes it go up faster. So you won't be having a blast longer than ever, but it will take less time to reach that point. It of course is a major help when your Sim is focusing on having fun to satisfy the need, like with playing a computer game. It can also help in the situation where your Sim is doing a lot of an activity that's only a little fun, like with painting.

It'll help pick up the pace and ensure they are having a blast from that activity more often. I'd prefer meditative trance sleep over this. EA doesn't want us to be able to complete multiple lifetime wishes on one Sim, so the option to take this reward will vanish once you've completed the original. Change of Taste Lifetime Happiness Points: Its use would be very situational. One reason you might care is if you want them to listen to their favorite music all the time and are getting sick of a particular radio station yourelf. Clean Slate Lifetime Happiness Points: If they've cleaned up their life and are ready to settle down, this will make a spouse much easier to find.

A very situational Lifetime Reward. If you want to change seasons, you can do this from the game options or by using testingcheatsenabled true. Clone Voucher Lifetime Happiness Points: Don't get weird, you can't marry yourself. This clone will count as a child of the maker, and starts in Childhood.

It should look like the grown up did as a child. The Cloud-inator Lifetime Happiness Points: A rain or snow cloud can be shot over a Sim's head, which will chase them around as they try in vain to flee. Collection Helper Lifetime Happiness Points: When activated, it will allow Sims to choose a type of item to track, be it rocks and gems , insects , seeds , or fish.

Once a type is selected, the map view will display icons with locations. In the normal town view, objects will glow brightly so they're also easy to spot there from a high altitude. It's extremely handy for finding obscure fishing spots , helping with gardening to find seeds , or making extreme cash finding gems from collecting.

The collection helper lifetime reward is highly recommended to most Sims 3 families. Competitive Eater Lifetime Happiness Points: This will help you earn more festival prize tickets.

Complimentary Entertainment Lifetime Happiness Points: It's one I'd save for when you've got the other, more valuable rewards. With this, you won't have to pay to go to the theater. Dirt Defiant Lifetime Happiness Points: There are two reasons I say this. First, your Sim will save loads of time every week from not needing to shower as often, and requiring shorter showers when they do.

Secondly, since the hygiene bar falls slower, your Sim can enjoy the squeaky clean moodlet for a longer period of time! Discount Diner Lifetime Happiness Points: I don't like the time that it takes to get a restaurant meal in the Sims 3. I prefer to just have my Sims cook. Eventually they can do even better than the chefs at the restaurant by raising the cooking skill and perfecting their meals. The genie can make all kinds of wishes come true, but needs about 12 hours of rest inside the lamp in between wishes.

While the genie is outside, you can befriend him or her. Befriending them lets you use your third wish or sooner to free the genie and have them join your household. We'll add a page on genies soon! Efficient Inventor Lifetime Happiness Points: Very, very handy as collecting scrap takes time and you get much more bang for your buck.

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With Master Inventor many inventions can be made completely free, out of thin air, and still more for a single unit of scrap. Engaging Lifetime Happiness Points: Entrepreneurial Mindset Lifetime Happiness Points: It's not as handy as you might think. Your points are probably better spent elsewhere, unless you want a Sim who will gradually cycle through multiple professions. After all, there is no shortage in job experience out in the world. Why not save up for something better instead? Excellent Groupie Lifetime Happiness Points: If you invite Sims out, they expect you to bring them along for a good time.

This lifetime reward will improve their perception of the outing. Extra Creative Lifetime Happiness Points: It boosts the quality and value of any paintings created by your Sims. A great reward for this specific profession and hobbyists. Once you get it out and hang it on a wall inside the home, your Sims will get the opportunity to meditate in front of it. Eye Candy Lifetime Happiness Points: The primary application will be for multi-Sim households as they can bestow this to other members of the family. It doesn't work for the Sim with the reward, so singles will find limited use.

However, it should be helpful in social situations as Sims you're interacting with need to be in a receptive mood at times and this boost can help. Fast Learner Lifetime Happiness Points: This is awesome for a Sim that you want to have in the neighborhood that has a mastery level in every skill.

Best taken before you've gained too many skill levels. Fast Metabolism Lifetime Happiness Points: This will help them to achieve the desired shape faster. It doesn't help you to avoid gaining weight exactly, but your Sims can work out and get back into shape more swiftly if they do. My Sims never gain weight. They only eat when hungry! Fearless Voyager Lifetime Happiness Points: Log into your account here: Not registered?

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