
Find office 2008 product key mac

I have gotten an install disk from a friend, but am happy I can recover my legit serial. Thanks again!

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Good to know! I was going to try it anyway, but finding someone who actually got it to work is a bit more reassuring! Also for Office the serial info is held within only 2 files! Copy those 2 files after office is installed on both machines and your golden! The two files are….

Microsoft Office Invalid Product Key… - Apple Community

For me at least all I had to do was copy the files from one machine to another and it worked…. The problem I am having is I want to install a new copy of Office and it keeps showing a previous owners product key. I have searched through all the folders to remove everything relating to Microsoft Office and it keeps popping up with the same product key… Any ideas? Plug the drive into the old computer, copy the folder onto the drive, eject it, plug it into the new computer, copy the folder from the drive onto the new computer.

This really works! I was so shocked that my microsoft word suddently didnt work.

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Copy that across and you don't need to reinstall afterwards. I bought a new laptop and thought I was screwed.

How to change productkey Office 2008

Thank you!!! I copied the File to the new laptop, and then clicked on WORD to open the program, It said it doesnt work on this version of Mac , so I needed to install an update. Communities Contact Support. Sign in.

office 2008 for mac product key

Browse Search. Ask a question. User profile for user: After re-starting my Mac and clicking in MS Word the message reads: My product key is Genuine as i am one of three registered users after purchasing the Student and Teacher version.

Question Info

I cannot open any Office files and am furious to be honest that this can happen! I have followed the following help on Mactopia but still cannot find these lines for putting into Trash: Can you please help me on this issue? If your copy of Office was installed with an invalid product key, or if you mistakenly used the same product key to install Office on more than one computer, you must remove the invalid product key and enter a valid product key to use Office On the Apple menu, click Restart.

After your computer restarts, open any Office application. I was hoping there was a program or a command to run to get the key off a machine. There's a ton for Windows but I'm not finding any for mac. I have the keys on the boxes but whoever installed them didn't record which went where. I've also been wondering how to accomplish this. My reason, because when i bought my Mac at Best Buy, the Apple Representative offered to install Office for free if i decided to buy it.

It was a must because of the compatibility with classes at my University. I since have wanted to get the Key to keep for my records Technically, could I not make a copy of that file, and if i ever needed to install it later, install using a trial version and just paste the encrypted file in the correct folder and it be okay??