
Best software for mac os x lion

The app is super fast, even when dealing with larger files, and supports lots of different file types and Automator Actions.

The First 10 Mac Apps You Must Download For OS X Lion

Other low-cost Mac image editors are available -- including Flying Meat's excellent Acorn 3 -- but Pixelmator 2 manages to be powerful, easy to use and beautiful to look at. Application launchers are a dime a dozen and most are just poor man's versions of the dearly departed QuickSilver. On the paid app side, LaunchBar 5 has long been the gold standard of application launchers for power users -- and it continues to be a great app.

Upstart Alfred recently hit version 1. If you have been looking for an updated, fully-Lion compatible QuickSilver replacement with a very dedicated development team, give Alfred a try. It probably won't be long before you're reaching out for the Powerpack.

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My favorite aspect of Reeder is its ease of use in sharing and syncing feeds with other services. It also makes it easy to post links to Twitter.

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I'm utterly obsessed with the lightweight markup language, Markdown. With the exception of email, nearly everything I write is written using Markdown or to be more specific, MultiMarkdown and I find that it is the easiest way to format my thoughts and add links, images and code to my writing without losing myself in the flow. Marked is a cool Mac utility that allows users to instantly preview their Markdown files from any text editor as that file will appear in formatted HTML.

For instance, while composing this entry, I was able to use Marked to make sure that the text and formatting were as I wanted it to be for this gallery.

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Camtasia 2. The race for "best screen capture Mac app" got a lot more stiff with the release of TechSmith's Camtasia 2 for Mac. The apps share a number of similar features -- including built-in editing, annotations, motion and tilting options and the ability to add call-outs and emphasize cursor movements. Camtasia 2 for Mac features a new device framing feature that makes it easy to showcase how an even would look running on an iPhone or iPad.

That, coupled with some of the new closed-captioning features just edge out ScreenFlow 3 in our tests for screen captures. Clarify from Blue Mango Learning is a great app for individuals that frequently need to create and annotate documentation using screenshots or photographs. In other words, it's a tool that lets you explain a problem, outline a procedure or showcase a technique. I see a new speaker on the horizon read: Check out my review here. With a single hotkey, you can switch from Apple Mode to Function Mode — useful for those apps that use F keys in their menus, such as Sublime Text.

Bartender is a menubar app to contain other menubar apps. Bartender is perfect for that kind of scenario. Bartender has lots of options, supports Mountain Lion, and even system icons like Spotlight and Notification Center. I like Fantastical for two reasons: Ridiculously awesome.

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The best Twitter client for Mac. Sublime Text 2: But if I had to pick only one, I would say: Trust me on this one. I personally recommend AirServer if you plan on mirroring multiple iOS devices simultaneously through AirPlay, but for single-user sessions, I prefer Reflection. I write articles in Markdown, and eventually that plain text has to become valid HTML for this website.

My teammates have been using ImageOptim for years now, but for some reason I had always ignored the app. Earlier this year, when Cody linked to a post detailing the benefits of running ImageOptim — an image optimizer — without losing the quality of images at all, I decided it was time to try it. Basically, ImageOptim works like magic, cutting down the size of images without making them look worse.

Download Os X Lion for Mac - Best Software & Apps

With the help of our Graham Spencer , we've visualized my setup over the years using different criteria. Here's a timeline of the apps I've used since I like to look at data before drawing conclusions. Still, I think it represents a segment worth considering: In , I expect my setup to be even more divided between Mac-exclusive software that automates and speeds up my workflow, and apps that work in conjunction with iOS versions. Club MacStories offers exclusive access to extra MacStories content , delivered every week; it's also a way to support us directly.

Club MacStories will help you discover the best apps for your devices and get the most out of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Plus, it's made in Italy. Join the Club.

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Federico Viticci. Federico is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of MacStories, where he writes about Apple with a focus on apps, developers, and iOS productivity. Smart Converter is currently the top free app in the App Store.

OS X Lion: Top 10 Features in Under 3 Minutes

And with good reason. The app lets you convert video files so they can play on any of your mobile devices: Just drag the video file into the app, select your device, and watch the magic happen. Djay is another immensely popular app for Mac. It syncs with your iTunes library and lets you create your own DJ mixes. With Djay's latest update you can spin tunes in full-screen mode and take advantage of some cool multi-touch gestures. World of Goo is another one of those addicting games that made it's way from the iPhone to the Mac.

The goal is to guide a bunch of little goo ball creatures into a suction pipe. If it sounds weird, that's because it is.