Mac wont search network drive
I'm not sure if that is possible but you never know until you ask. David Anders Technician Commented: There is a free search utility called "EasyFind", it does not user searchlight. I use it, but not on SMB shares. You can also go to the command line and use the unix find command. If you want a spotlight type search speed on the command line and always remain connected to your SMB share, you can enable locate. I don't believe that Spotlight will work well if you are not always connected to the share.
Differences that may have appeared in between mounts will not show up until it is re-indexed. Thank you guys, I manged to turn on index on the smb drive. I also checked the window server index function is turned on.
But this mac user 's part daily work is to upload stuff from the smb drive by searching the name to a website. I will try to upgrade the osx to It's more than this solution. Get answers and train to solve all your tech problems - anytime, anywhere. Try it for free Edge Out The Competition for your dream job with proven skills and certifications. Get started today Stand Out as the employee with proven skills. Start learning today for free Move Your Career Forward with certification training in the latest technologies. Start your trial today. Mac OS X From novice to tech pro — start learning today.
Ken Mayer.
Search Not Working on Mac El Capitan
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Sandra Batakis. Cloud Computing. Microsoft Applications. Patrick Loner.
Your Answer
Sam Simon Nasser. IT Administration. Randy Kohler. All rights reserved. We had a hidden file in our root directory called. So here are the steps we took to solve the problem.
![Fix Your Spotlight Search Results By Forcing Spotlight To Re-index [OS X Tips]](
You will need to use a terminal window so get your keyboard skills ready. First start with opening up a Terminal Window. Now lets figure out the status of indexing. Type either of these commands, both should do the same thing:.
If you get a message that says Indexing and Searching disabled then we may have found your problem. Indexing is the process of finding all files, emails, and other stuff on your hard drive that you will eventually search for. Now run the same commands below we ran before. This will let us know if indexing and searching has been enabled.
Why can't my spotlight search work with my NAS?
You will need to perform Step 2 below. Otherwise if it shows indexing is enabled you should be all set. We are not certain where this file came from but in our case it was preventing the indexing for search functionality from working. If the next line shows the file then you know you have it on your hard drive. If you see the same result above then we need to delete this file. This is what is preventing the indexing from occurring on your Mac.
What is a network drive?
Run the command below which will delete this file from the root of your hard drive. If all goes well then you should be able to run the command below again and this time you hopefully see that Indexing is now enabled. Now Spotlight should start indexing your hard drive immediately. It may take some time for it to fully complete depending on how many files and emails you have. But you can see the progress by scrolling over the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of your screen.