
Dock on mac is gone

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The finders Go To menu shows you all the shortcuts. Look into the preferences - maybe it's something trivial such as dock hiding on the side or on a second monitor. Now, unless you have ssh or Remote Desktop enabled, your practical next step is to power down the Mac and hope you don't need to wipe it and restore from a backup.

If you don't have a back up that's current, don't power on the Mac until you've gotten some help on how to do a back up.

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Once you have a back up or have decided you can risk losing your work, you can try starting the machine back up. In the vast majority of cases where the UI gets hung like this, it was an unlikely event that caused to hang and you won't be able to reproduce it.

macos - Mac has lost its Dock and menu bar - Ask Different

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Downloads Folder Missing from Dock on Mac: How to Restore It

Spotlight doesn't work either! Why might this have happened and how do we fix it? Toni Leigh Toni Leigh 1 3 In answer to your last question, no, there aren't any global keyboard shortcuts for that. There's no shortcut for opening Finder from anywhere, and the only shortcut for opening the Applications folder requires Finder to be the frontmost application.

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Excellent, I too faced this problem and "killall Dock" helped me to resolve this issue. Thank you very much!!!

My Dock is gone?

If finder is not running then something has been removed from the system folder or the startup routines have been corrupted. I'd say reinstall the OS and make sure that user doesn't have admin access unless they know what not to do. I've used Macs and Unix for 30 years and haven't seen this.