
Ver archivos ocultos mac mavericks

It could involve a Terminal command, editing a. This question was asked a while ago with no satisfactory answers, so I'd like to see if there have been any changes in Mountain Lion, or if anyone knows an answer that just missed the first question. I'm currently running Thank you for your interest in this question.

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Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

Cómo mostrar o esconder archivos ocultos en MAC

Ask Question. This is NOT a duplicate. The other one apple.

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You have to do the solution in this one. Just adding the key to the global domain seems to work: Lri Lri How can I see the hidden files in Finder?

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For instance, if I have a file named: Right now I have to open the terminal and type ls -la. Robotnik 2, 2 18 OscarRyz OscarRyz 2, 8 32 You can use this keyboard shortcut. It's especially handy for "Open File Open a Terminal and enter: Bryan Schuetz Bryan Schuetz 1, 11 Service App To install just unzip, double click the file, you will be asked to install it, just click Install and then click Done.

Can you edit your question to include the information?


You can use this script toggle between states: Antonio Antonio 1 9 It doesn't work on Mavericks. Finder instead of com. It doesn't work too.

Something wrong on if section. So it is indeed the condition in the if statement that is the problem here.

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

I'd rather use case here for the multiple possible values. Hadi Sim Hadi Sim 11 1.

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It will allow you to toggle hidden files on or off and when you relaunch Finder it will reopen to the directory you were previously in: