
Ntfs usb drive read only mac

Try these tips without worries! I'm having this problem that my Seagate external hard drive suddenly turned to read-only this morning when I connected it to Mac.

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I could only read and view saved data on the drive. But get no access to use the data on my external hard drive. If you have any clues to get permissions to access the read-only external hard drive on Mac, please tell me. Thanks very much. If you right-click your external storage device, select 'Get Info', and see 'You can only read' at the bottom of the info window, you are encountering one of the commonest problems with an external hard drive.

When you can't use your external storage devices normally, it could be quite annoying and frustrating for the problem not only represents a threat to your work efficiency but also shows the possibility of data loss. Why can you only read the external hard drive that is connected to your Mac? There are three possible reasons. Right-click your hard disk and select 'Get Info'. If you find your external hard drive is NTFS format, that's what the cause is. The incompatibility of the file system is the main cause of the error-external hard drive 'Read Only' on Mac.

NTFS is a file system that is optimal for Windows-based computer.

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Although the Mac operating system allows you to read the files on external hard drive, you can't write files to it because the way that NTFS writes data to the device is incompatible with the way of macOS doing it. Go to the Fix. An external hard drive is subject to the access permission set up by OS X for all files and folders on the system. When you use the device on another computer with a different OS, the permission settings with it may not be recognized or prevent access to the files on the hard disk. Another common cause for the external hard drive 'Read Only' problem on Mac is the formatting errors of the storage device itself.

If you see a warning says the device is only being mounted in read-only mode while connecting, your hard disk is diagnosed to have formatting errors that prevent you from writing files to it. Identify the cause that leads to the 'Read Only' error on your Mac from the information above, then follow the corresponding solution to solve the problem with ease. If your external hard drive is read-only on your Mac due to its NTFS file system, you can easily fix it by reformatting the device to a Mac-compatible format with the built-in Disk Utility on Mac.

Before that, remember to back up your external hard drive quickly with a highly-efficient data backup software since the formatting will erase all the files on the device. Step 2: In the list of available drives on the left, choose the problematic external hard drive. Then click the 'Erase' option in the main window. Step 3: Choose a proper file system and rename your hard disk. Wait for the reformatting process to complete and then go to the information window, this time you will see the 'You can only read' has changed to 'You can read and write', which means you can read and write the drive on your Mac normally.

Generally speaking, when a storage device shows up as read-only, you can still copy files off of it. If you cannot view or see all saved data on the drive, don't worry. Step 1. Click the Scan button.

Step 2. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac will immediately scan your selected disk volume and display the scanning results on the left pane. Step 3. Did you get everything working? It might be a permissions error but it's hard to troubleshoot without being able to actually test things out. Dear Justin Pot, I'm personally amazed with your detailed solution here. Tons of gratitude would not be enough to say. Thank you very much, it works on my Macbook with OS Yosemite.

Keep going on with any other solution Sir. Thanks for stopping by and reading the article! It means a lot to us, check out MakeUseOf. This is one real super nice blog to fix the related problems The Free Alternative This help me a lot Thank you so much This worked beautifully. I use Yosemite OS X Did NOT want to reformat my hard drive, and this installation took maybe 10 mins.

Thank you! Glad to hear it's still working for Yosemite, I haven't tested this in a while. Thanks for leaving a comment! You the real MVP. Thanks for the article. If you already have a working filesystem, and you get the read only situation i. I had all my user directories on the second drive first partition and my workspace on the same drive in a second partition - both were showing as read only huge hint.

Three Options

I read this, tried it, and guess what Reminding you that you still need to backup invaluable data or at least have it on box. I'm sorry my article wasn't the help you were looking for, but I'm glad you figured it out! We take cables for granted, it's often the last thing we'll think of. Bought Paragon, installed, finally read users manual that admitted that Paragon does not work with Yosemite. One way around it is to create a symbolic link or a shortcut on your Desktop. A shortcut should now appear on your desktop for more convenient access to your write enabled external drive.

You're right Justin. My mistake. I had a few tutorials open and posted to wrong one. Feel free to delete my entry. I had a few tutorials open and I posted to the wrong one. Feel free to delete my post. Thanks I followed your instruction on: Mine is OS X Mavericks v Thanks so much! I'm glad it worked for you!

I'll have to check and see if it works for Yosemite or not at some point Although I still get the warnings when mounting, installing the ntfs-3g plus its 3 dependencies did the trick on mavericks. Thanks very much! Open your Mac's System Preferences, then click Security. Good luck! However, I have a small problem. Though I can freely read and write on my external hard drive, I can't make other changes to it, such as renaming it.

Solving the "Read Only" External Hard Drive Problem on Your Mac

When I click on "Get Info" of the hard drive, it shows that I have custom access. Is there a way that I can change my status to administrator so that I can rename my hard drive?

  • Case 1: The read-only external hard drive is NTFS formatted.
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I have to say: I've no idea. Are there other changes you're trying to make, or is it just the name thing? It's just the naming: So far I haven't encountered any other problems with that custom access. Thank you anyways: Thinking about this more, I suppose you could try disabling all the tweaks you made, then changing the name, then re-enabling them. If you want. Likewise, it was upsetting me so much, as I used PC and am now stepping up on Mac in addition, and I was guessing there were incompatibilities.

Thanks so much for taking the time to help by posting, it makes a difference. Sadly Apple file sys is not supported by my TV and other usb readers.

Cant Transfer File from Mac to External Hard drive? Drive Formatted in NTFS?

Oh I didn't know that. However this post helped me a lot. Maybe I will install this driver in some other Mac. This is not working on my Mac, it used to, but now I have to turn paragon off to access my seagate hard drive, and even then it's only read only. FAT32 is such a crappy filesystem and it's a shame there's no filesystem with full default support by the main 3 OSes. Then there's exFAT which is more geared towards Flash drives as opposed to spinning Hard Drives, but you need to install an extra package in most Linux distros to get it to work. FAT32 has a 4 GB file limit, which is annoying on large drives.

High res or long videos. I often record videos on my capture card that are hours long, and they can be over 4 GB, and I need to transfer them to my Desktop. It doesn't come up all the time, but it's definetely annoying when it does, and I'd rather not have to deal with it.

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Nice article and helpful one. Was looking for easier option and i think the first option of formation USB drive to FAT will give easier solution as most of the time i need to transfer data from windows to Mac. Could you please expand on that part exFAT and how to do it? I am a noob in Macs and I just bought this new hard drive and unable to turn it to write. Please help. With your hard drive plugged in, select it on the left column.

Then click the Erase tab. Choose ExFAT from the drop down and name it what you want limited to 11 characters. Then click the Erase button. Top Deals. Email Facebook Whatsapp Pinterest Twitter. Enjoyed this article? Stay informed by joining our newsletter! Enter your Email. Read our privacy policy. Thank you. Hello Hebah, Thanks for posting the link- I had the same problem, now solved! My third attempt to post a comment. Chandrashekar Paladugula. Many thanks! You saved my day Can't say appreciation in words. Thank you, again! Thanks a lot.

Really appreciate for sharing the link and you saved my day s!! Could you please help? It looks like there's a new version of Paragon that works with El Capitan: Just tried that out.

Fix External Hard Drive 'Read Only' Error on Mac Without Losing Data

It works like a charm. Thank you so much! I'm glad it's working again! NTFS-3G worked as mentioned. I'm glad it's working for you! Thanks for letting me know. Hi Justin, I've just converted from an iMac to a Macbook Thanks, Alison. This works for me too. I'm really glad this is still useful! Feels good to know it's helping people.

The Best Paid Third-Party Driver: Paragon NTFS for Mac

Very clear documentation, thank you. Bless you. This helps A LOT! One way around it is to create a symbolic link or a shortcut on your Desktop Open a terminal window: The terminal wasn't mentioned once in this article, so I'm not sure what this is referring to. Well written and easy to follow. Thank you so much for the help! Now I can freely write into my 1TB external drive! Used the suggested workaround for the Mountain Lion. I was hoping to find a quick fix and this was it! It works, but can be a pain to set up on newer Macs. Glad your happy in any case. Oh great! It works! Thanks Justin! Good article, easy to read and understand!

Chanel La Viajera Morena. Thank you for this, easy to follow and understand: You've no idea how much of a compliment that is.