Product key for microsoft office 2011 mac
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You copy all Microsoft Office for Mac folders and files except the licensing file to a second computer, and you try to start an Office application on the second computer. In this case, you are prompted for license information because the information for the program is missing. Your licensing files are corrupted.
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Your Office for Mac installation is corrupted. The name of your computer's hard disk drive contains special characters. For example, the name contains slashes. Your user profile is not working correctly.
Getting product key for Office 2011 for Mac
To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods. Last Updated: Apr 16, Did this solve your problem? Yes No. Tell us what we can do to improve the article Submit.
Find your product key for Office for Mac - Office Support
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How to retrieve Office 2011 product key from old machine?
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Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. How can I find the product key of Office after restoring from backup?
Ask Question. I had to restore my iMac from a Time Machine backup. I am trying to locate my key I believe I downloaded this version originally and it should be in my email but I can't find it I tried a program that is supposed to "find the keys for products installed on your computer" Mac Product Key Finder and it found my very old Office key, but not Jish Jish 2 4 Oops, I lost my keys so I have to buy a new car now! This thread is a bit old, but in case someone else finds themselves looking for the answer, this just worked for me: Anonymous Anonymous 1 2.
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