
Show menu bar in itunes on mac

So, is this the huge user interface update we thought we were expecting? Probably not, I think it seems more likely to be in future seen as a maintenance release pending the future introduction of a new version of OS X in a few months time. Want Apple TV tips?

12 things Apple just changed in iTunes 12.4

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I'd like it if you chose to follow me on Twitter so I can let you know when fresh items are published here first on Computerworld. Jonny is a freelance writer who has been writing mainly about Apple and technology since Current Job Listings. To show the menus, click on the small rectangle in the top left corner of the iTunes window and select Show Menu Bar.

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You can toggle the menu bar on and off by pressing the Control and B keys on the keyboard. Pressing the Shift, Control and M keys expands or shrinks the full iTunes windows down to the miniplayer set of program controls. When the menu bar is showing, you can find a list of other Windows keyboard shortcuts for iTunes under the Help menu.

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  • In addition to user guides and tutorials, the iTunes Help menu contains a Run Diagnostics command for troubleshooting problems with burning discs or connecting an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to the PC. Does the new Nexus 7 tablet have anything like the Siri voice-command thing on the iPad?

    Add Menu Bar Controls for Spotify, Rdio, & iTunes on Your Mac [How-To]

    Apple Music Connect is still present, even though Apple has hinted that it would be removed. You still cannot get from the iTunes Store to Apple Music; if you want to stream a track you see in the former, you have to manually search for it in the latter. But this may change when Apple Music is refreshed, most likely next month.

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    Bringing back the sidebar, simplifying the navigation of media libraries and views, and the Back and Forward buttons help make iTunes simpler and more intuitive. The playlist functions are a bit hidden, and it would be nice to see color again in the sidebar, but the changes in iTunes Learn more about those changes. Editor's note: Updated at 1: He's also the author of Take Control of iTunes The FAQ.

    Use keyboard shortcuts to better navigate iTunes Ask the iTunes Guy: Missing apps, accessing your Wish List, and duplicate