
Download java for mac 10.9

I downloaded the file and installed without a hitch. I checked my security settings etc. When I visited the site, I was prompted to accept the user certificate and allowed the site access to Java.

How to select JRE 7 on Mac OS X for LO x? [closed] - Ask LibreOffice

It started to work and then I received a pop up window indicating that I need to install the most current version of Java. The strange part is that I have it. Needless to say, I was not able to gain access because my Java isn't working. Is there a solution to this? Will I need to bring my Mac to my neighborhood store and have one the Geniuses configure my system? Posted on Nov 5, 5: Page content loaded. Nov 5, 8: Have you tried installing Apple's version of Java?

Apple Java

Yes, I tried that last night and experienced the same issue "please update your Java" even though I have installed the most recent version from Oracle. Java is working fine i. Please select a different folder. This is an earlier version of the same question, without any satisfactory resolution. From your question:. Are you certain you are running the original Oracle version instead of the Apple-supplied variant? The answer here indicates there are differences in install location between the two e.

Apple Footer

Also note my answer here. I didn't see that previous question initially.

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As far as I know, Apple doesn't supply Java anymore. If you install LO gives the same error from any path involving Java, including the ones you list for "Oracle" above. I don't have the path you list as "Apple". Here's what I did: I think that's it.

Oracle’s Java 8 and Mac OS X 10.7.x

James Moore James Moore 1 3. Walid H. That didn't work for me. The way I did it was creating a soft link: Mureinik 2, 7 16 Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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