
Mac os x 10.6.8 python 2.7

Having said that, I would strongly recommend that you install the tools and libraries described in the next section before you start building Python applications for real-world use. In particular, you should always install Setuptools, as it makes it much easier for you to install and manage other third-party Python libraries. The version shipped with OS X may be out of date from the official current Python release , which is considered the stable production version.

The fastest way is to install the Xcode Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install. In combination, the software can cause issues that are difficult to diagnose. If you perform a fresh install of Xcode, you will also need to add the commandline tools by running xcode-select --install on the terminal.

yakshaving to get nltk working on Mac OS X with brew and python · GitHub

While OS X comes with a large number of Unix utilities, those familiar with Linux systems will notice one key component missing: Homebrew fills this void. The script will explain what changes it will make and prompt you before the installation begins. Homebrew names the executable python2 so that you can still run the system Python via the executable python.

Homebrew installs Setuptools and pip for you. It also enables you to add this network installation capability to your own Python software with very little work. Homebrew is an excellent package manager for Mac OS X that can install a large number of packages. To install it simply launch a terminal and enter. Homebrew will install a couple of packages required by Python and then Python itself. You should close your terminal and open a fresh one right now so that it has the updated PATH from the previous section.

Otherwise you run the risk of executing the wrong scripts during the rest of these instructions. Homebrew is for installing system packages and tools; for managing Python add-ons we want pip. We need gfortran to compile SciPy but it is not included with the other Xcode tools. Luckily, Homebrew can help us out again:. This should install matplotlib 1.

Fire up Python and make sure things worked. The following should work in Python with no errors:. It looks like this is a known bug in matplotlib that should be fixed soon. You might try reinstalling from github. You might also want to take a look at this thread from a few days ago. I just did pip install matplotlib on my machine and it compiles with llvm-gcc. I have a problem running homebrew command in my mac terminal.

I get the following error: Hi Sylvester, which shell are you using?

Your Answer

I seem to remember that the Homebrew install command is specific to bash. Matt — thanks for writing this. Couple things: No module named numpy. I installed numpy but from there onwards everything is bad! Any ideas?

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This is my. What exact errors are you seeing? Has something changed in the current version? Ahhh sorry for not doing enough googling: Glad you got it working! That may be part of the issue and manually installing NumPy works around it. Although scipy now compiles, scipy.

mac osx 10.6.8 python 2.7.2 cxfreeze 4.2.3

If you run an matplotlib example, you may find the script though not showing any errors, just hanges and does not plotting anything. Thanks for the post, it motivated me to finally get all this installed on my mac. It seems the url for installing homebrew has changed, though.

It was super-convenient to use the double-click install on my work machine, however I wish that python had tab completion presumably from readline. You should be able to install IPython regardless of which method you used to install Python, etc. So you totally answered my question, but I asked something different that what I intended. I also have just learned that, apparently, the libedit library on OS X can provide this, and it may be possible to turn that on post-install with just a configuration file.

Thanks, I appreciate you sharing your expertise! The last time I installed a computer with all my analysis software was more than a few years ago, and a lot has changed since then! Homebrew does compile Python against readline so all of the Control-letter commands work in the interactive interpreter. I had trouble with scipy, this was necessary: This is awesome. Thanks so much. These were the changes to your directions above that I had to make, all very painless: Homebrew url changed again. I used: I follow your post to install python and numpy.

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Broken toolchain: Running from numpy source directory. C compiler: A commenter on another of my posts recommends this answer on StackOverflow: Thanks a bunch for this concise and correct guide to getting Python up and running on Mac. I can support you there just open an issue when you get into trouble instead of spamming in this comments thread: You can then: This is my little contribution to the Python community. Hope my homebrew scripts may save you the one or the other minute in getting a decent scientific Python setup on the Mac. Thank you for the feed back. Is there a particular version of Anaconda that you would recommend for osx The archive of installers is at http: Maybe try 1.

These instructions differ from my previous set primarily in that I now use Homebrew to install NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib. I do this because […]. How were you installing SciPy? I got this error installing matplotlib: Reblogged this on Shanshan Chen and commented: Great summary of python, numpy,scipy installation on a mac. Thanks for the thread. I followed the steps exactly however when I type which python it comes out: How to change it? First few lines in my.

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The following error occurred while trying to add or remove files in the installation directory:. The installation directory you specified via —install-dir, —prefix, or the distutils default setting was:. Could you give me some suggestions? You might consider cleaning up your. Have you thought about using Anaconda? See https: Yes I did install fink before. My suspicion is that you are having trouble because the Homebrew installed stuff is not coming up first on your PATH.

What do you see with type pip? Hi I found this article really useful god what a pain scipy is to install on the mac. If, like me, you get the error:. Nice instructions. Worked for me on Mavericks I did, however, have to brew install freetype to get rid of the fatal error: For example, follow the instructions here. Trying to follow your instructions to install everything on Mac OS X I have followed all instructions up to installing NumPy.

I would strongly encourage using the Anaconda Python distribution: In fact, these days I use Anaconda for all my personal development. The current version of Anaconda is Thanks for all the help. I run I am trying to install python and I have been able to do everything but scipy.

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I get the following: Traceback most recent call last: Read timed out. I strongly recommend using the Anaconda Python distribution to get scientific Python: I follow this page: This appears to be a bug in Python 2. I strongly suggest installing Anaconda unless for some reason you need the bleeding edge version of SciPy.

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For me, it is still complaining about 2. I tried to install Anaconda as well python 3. How can I fix this? Please help.