
Mac os disk space viewer

It provides all the information you'll need, in multiple ways, when analyzing your disk space. It isn't exactly a pretty app like Daisy Disk, mentioned in the competition section and the amount of information it provides might be overwhelming for some users at first. That said, these are very minor complaints. For the most part, Disk Inventory X should handle just about everything you'd want out of a disk space analyzer.

How to Free Up Disk Space on Mac Easily

It's the preference of many Mac users. What it does differently is display disk usage data as a sunburst map, which some may find easier to read and definitely more pleasant to look at. DaisyDisk is very fast and very pretty. The interface also feels a little old, combining some of the new styles of OS X It's a perfectly functional app that creates comprehensive disk usage maps, but it doesn't give you a disk overview like Disk Inventory X and Daisy Disk and no simple breakdown beside the map, either.

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That said, GrandPerspective does offer a information drawer that provides plenty of other data about your volume and what's on it. If you're not in love with Disk Inventory X and want something a little bit different, you might want to give GrandPerspective a look. Lifehacker's App Directory is a new and growing directory of recommendations for the best applications and tools in a number of given categories.

Free Disk Space Analyzer for Mac OS X

The A. Filed to: This functionality comes in handy when selecting how to clean up disk space Mac, as critical documents, photos of loved ones, or favorite songs or movies, can be easily identified. Disk Drill 3 has the added advantage of being a data recovery software, so if the user mistakenly deletes the wrong file, it can also solve the recovery problem.

How to check disk space on Mac

In summary, Disk Drill 3 Mac disk space analyzer is a very comprehensive tool, allowing the user to clean up disk space, and to correct unintended deletes. All operations are intuitive, which enhances efficiency.

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  6. This is mainly because it has a beautiful interface, presented in the manner of an interactive wheel for easy and intuitive visualization. DaisyDisk is very fast, and shows an overview of all disks connected to the Mac. Changes are updated in real time, making it ideal for analyzing and taking a wise decision on what to delete and what to keep.

    How to check your Mac's free hard drive space | Macworld

    This tool is very popular amongst IT professionals and artists, which are the most common users of Macs. Although this is a commercial tool, it has a free trial version available, which can be used to clean up disk space Mac in a casual manner. Overall, DaisyDisk presents an option for analyzing disk space on Mac and deciding where to clean, which is very user friendly and easy to learn, even for the non-technical user.

    Although some reviews indicate that the interface appears a bit old, results are presented in an efficient way, by means of a drawer like information display.

    Disk Inventory X

    In general, GrandPerspective presents a good option for the average user, who is looking for a simple tool, which can do a good job in freeing up drive space quite quickly. This app presents an overview of all disks on a machine. The results are presented in a graphical way called tree map.

    The tree map shows the files and folders coded by type, and showing the sizes and amount of files contained in each folder, inclusive of subfolders. The size of each file in a folder is also specified. In addition, more information about specific data is available, when the user clicks on an item on the map.