World of warplanes mac wine
Today when launching there was an update. Same thing after update plus that inventory new option does not work either. Report post 4. Update - couple of screen captures. Report post 5. Posted February 12, Report post 6. Posted February 21, Any solution? I have the same problem. Report post 7.
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Posted February 27, Finally, in spite of the joy of playing this with friends, this game and the support or lack of it , is leaving a bitter taste. If someone has any solution for this, please feel free to PM me or just post here as I've heard of another friend with the same problem. Edited by Jenny, 10 October - This post has been edited by the moderation team due to exchanges with our Customer Support Services. Second, you say the game worked before but you give no possible explanation whatsoever as to why at may have stopped working now.
Im guessing that would not be the issue; your issue is that you cannot access the game right? Also, a premium plane from the shop may actualle be refunded if not played i think once per account, not sure , but i recommend you try to find out what the actual issue is first.
World of Warplanes
Although it may be uncommon, this game is advertised as working for the mac. There is even a Mac client for it:. As such, it is this company's responsibility to make sure that it works and if doesn't, they must provide adequate solution and solve the problem. Second, the game did work perfectly but I'm not a developper.
I have no clue why I stopped working.
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All I could do and did was open tickets with support, send them screenshots and the crash logs. I don't know how to read crash log codes but since you asked for an explanation, here it is:. That's the issue! I can't access the game, therefore can't access the products I've purchased! Also, i'd prefer much more that the game works like it did a few days ago then get any refunds.
I was enjoying myself. However this may be related to some change in the code or to the new event "summer storm" that brought some conflicts to Mac users even if I'm the only one. Thank you for the possible solutions. Unfortunately none of them work.

Support has suggested those and a few more that I've tried for these past two days, sadly without success. Support or Mac player with expertise will be your only hope I'm sorry to say. My experience with Mac is next to zero and I wouldn't know where to begin to offer help with the client you have other than attempting all of the WGC tools like check and repair and a complete uninstall and re-install of the game. Support will have asked for a WGcheck to be able to run through the code and compare with the crash files. In this case not possible, making things more difficult. If you are able to look at the crash logs, or if you can roughly figure out what actions it is that causes the crash.
Whether it's logging in itself, clicking certain buttons etc. Usually crashes and issues with logging in are dealt with by clearing AppData I have no idea what the mac structure would be or if it has an equivalent sorry. No, unfortunately not. Connectivity has improved but the game freezes now while loading every maps. What is frustrating is that that advertise "World of Warplanes" as - I quote: I have tried everyday to login again but it is still impossible to launch again. I suspect that this is related to the "summer storm event", for which something must have been changed in the code and is causing problems for the "Mac Wrapper" as devs calle it as Wargaming.
The summer storm event ending tonight in less than one hour, I'm hoping that it will work again as I really love world of warplanes and it's really a shame that I can't fly it since they launched the event and to a lesser degree, that I can't access in game the items I've purchased. Although it's not "loads of money", it's the principle and consequent response of support that disappointed me very much and will most likely deter me from continuing to support this game by investing in game cosmetics or in planes that are otherwise unavailable through the tech tree available only through premium shop - this without prejudice to any legal action I make take or not, against wargaming.
It's not a drama to be deprived from gaming as I have other possibilities like War Thunder, Warbirds online, WW2 online, etc As I've said previously, I do love World of warplanes, as it offers the perfect balance between arcade and realism, for those moments just want to steam off. Besides, I'm playing this with a friend, which makes it still more fun - frustrating for both of us now, since we can't enjoy it together.
Hi Eeskebo and thank you for your answer. There is only an ". I need ". Finally, support admitted by writing in the tickets that they don't support Mac. They wrote this on their answer I have kept screenshots of this. I'm not a dev, I'm a user, so if support needs me to supply them, it is necessary to supply me with the tool WG check or suggest another way on how to do this. They have done none. I have cleared everything App Cleaner for Mac - including caches.
I've roughly installed the game three times. This means that they changed something in the code that the "Mac Wrapper" wine can't handle. This is what is probably causing the game to crash. As for crash logs, support was given through the "my tickets" page, screenshots and the actual "backtrace. However, the conversion from PC to Mac has apparently been ordered to "Codeweavers", from what I could understand and support has declared itself as "not supporting Mac".
Can not join clan (with mac running under wine) - Archive - World of Warships official forum
This says it all, doesn't it? It is incoherence to advertise something as ready for the Mac when it isn't and far worse not to support it or not to demand the people who have created this conversion to either finish the job or correct what is wrong. As of now, in addition to declaring - I quote: As I have suggested on my previous messages, I think that this is related to the new event "summer storm".
Maybe the Wargaming. Hopefully, after the event is withdrawn 17 minutes from now No that is incorrect. The game launches, I can access the Hangar. It is impossible to launch any battle.
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The game freezes during the load map phase. Before the event , it was smooth and fast. Now for some reason, not only maps seem to take more time to load but they crash before allowing me in game - and this in all maps before the event only the "point of no return" and "white fortress" maps made the game freeze during loading and crashing. By pressing tab, now I can see the players list online on this battle, until the game freezes and crashes which I said previously, happens now on all maps. I still can't fly as the game crashes during the loading phase on all maps.
Just having access to the hangar for now. This topic Forums. Please log in to reply.
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- Mac OS X issues - Off-Topic - World of Warplanes European official forum?
Hi guys so I have decided to try experimenting with running WoT on Wine or PlayonMac, to see if I can get better performance and also to see if I can install external apps such as Wot Tweaker on it. The Macwrapper does not allow this. May I check if anybody has tried running Wot on Wine or Playonmac? May I ask how did you set up Wot using Wine, and also, how was the game performance? Thanks for any help!
Mac OS X issues
AndrewSledge 3 Posted Sep 12 - Both play on Mac and the official WoT ma wrapper are both variants of wine. I think wine stands for "Windows in Native Environment" or something like that. Anyways, it's highly customizable and play on Mac is a generic program that will create a wine wrapper for you that is tweaked to run whatever program your choosing better.