
Windows 7 mac keyboard delete key

It appears that if I want to delete characters to the right of the cursor, there is no way to do that directly and simply. Am I correct about that? I must either use a second key or I must first highlight the text and then delete it. Using a non-Apple conventional keyboard, it is also possible to delete an entire word and one adjacent space in only two strokes by using a combination of the control key and the delete key. The same can be done in the other direction using the control key and the backspace key.

windows - Ctrl + Alt + Del with a mac keyboard - Super User

How would these two types of deletion most efficiently be done with an Apple keyboard? The reality seems to be that two keys to delete can operate more efficiently, in more directions, than only one Apple. Do you agree that the Apple keyboard is less efficient in making deletions than the conventional keyboard when using Word software?

What is the best way to get around that inefficiency in a MacBookPro? If there is no way around it, should this discourage me from getting an Apple since I do lots of word processing and deletions? Does the Apple keyboard have any advantages over the conventional keyboard that I should be aware of? So, in summary, Thanks mostly to Ricky C's answer below and to some experimenting for those of you coming from PC's who would like to use the same shortcuts you did with a mac, here is how you do them on a mac: Backwards delete 1 character at a time: Delete Delete 1 word backwards: George H from Dayton: In order to quickly take screen shots-it will save the image to the desktop: When the window is blue and cursor turns into a camera, click the screen with your mouse and it will save an image of the window to your desktop.

Also, there is an app called Grab that comes with all Macs that does the same thing. And yes, I agree, it is better with two buttons. The Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad is a full-size keyboard. It has a backspace key and a delete key.

Using the Delete Key on a Mac & Adding a Forward Delete Button

They are in the exact same locations as the backspace and delete keys on Windows keyboards, and they function in the exact same way deleting characters to the left and right of the cursor, respectively. There is one cosmetic difference, though. The 'backspace' key on a Mac keyboard is labeled with the word "delete", and the 'delete' key is labeled with the word "delete" and a tiny arrow pointing to the right, indicating that the key deletes characters to the right of the cursor. Before buying a MBP; i was concerned about it too. After some googling i found a program KeyRemap4MacBook.

It remaps your eject button to a forward delete. MacBook keyboards require a fn-delete combination for the "delete-right" functionality. Deleting a whole word requires a double-tap on the trackpad to highlight the word followed by hitting the delete key. Having switched from Windows many years ago, these maneuvers are second nature and non-issues for me. As another poster commented, people can adapt to most things.

I have not felt the need to research this, but I would expect there are key-mapping utilities that might offer other options. As for whether or not this should discourage you from getting a MacBook, what are the reasons you are considering a MacBook in the first place?


Does the delete key issue in addition to any other negative attributes you come up with trump all other positive attributes of the MacBook? It is difficult to justify a switch from PC to Mac or vice-versa. My personal feeling is there are other aspects of the switching question that will ultimately have a much bigger impact on your experience than the keyboard. Much of the differences in Windows vs.

Magic Keyboard on Windows 7 (Delete Key?)

OS X come down to personal preference. I might actually consider switching the other way if I could run on the Windows desktop the few Mac-only apps that are essential for me. I've used the laptop keyboard for several years now and this is the only compliant I have but it's a constant irritation.

Yes you can use the Fn and delete key but that takes 2 hands since they are kitty corner to each other, as far apart as they can possibly be, and no one with hands smaller than an NBA basketball player could do this one handed, my hands are about 5" too short! It is by far less efficient and certainly less elegant. I did see I can remap the eject key but then I have no eject key, not what I see as a reasonable solution when shift delete would serve as well and make more intuitive sense. I like the apple products, mostly because of fit and finish of the products.

As for the keyboard, its a matter of getting used to the it and unlearning the PC keyboard. Early on, I found out that apple products are more intuitive than most other products I've used. Just play around with the keyboard and when in doubt, use the control keys along with the main key, chances are you will get the desired response. Pain in the toucas! I am constantly annoyed at not having a delete key.

I purchased a 3rd part keyboard for mac, and it was great for a little while and it had a delete key but then it stopped working. So, I'm headed to the Apple store today to get another keyboard I hope it also has a delete key. I really miss the numeric keypad It make a huge difference in my work. I have the new wireless keyboard for my new iMac 27". Now the backspace should be your del key.

I've been using this since installing X4 and haven't had any problems - it works as it should whether I'm editing curves, deleting objects or whatever. Hope this helps.

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