
Linksys wusb11 ver 2.6 mac

XP Linksys WUSB11 v connection problem - Dell Community

First of all I would like to say congratulations on deciding to give Redhat and Linux in general a try! I think that once you get the hang of it, you will be quite pleased!

Now then, without knowing which chipset your WUSB11 is using 2. However, I have included some links to get you started. If you do not find the information you need within the links I have provided, please request a clarification of my answer so that I might respond to it before you rate the answer. Just simply provide me with the chipset of your hardware, and the version numbers of the kernel and RedHat OS you plan on using. Thanks so much, and best of luck to you! Also, where can Ifind the latest kernel - I couldnt locate the one you installed 2.

I'm also using a WUSB11 ver. I had to upgrade my kernel because of an incompatibility with my motherboard. But the kernel works with the latest CVS snapshot from Berlios. The kernel version I got is 2. I got the kernel from: You can give the full path to use them, ie: Find More Posts by freshshelf. Thanks for the pointers! Booting with the 2. Doesnt look like I have hotplug either to avoid the modprobe how do I get that?

I got the kernel from the link you sent.

Linksys Wireless USB Network Adapter Wusb11 Ver. 2.6

But how exactly do I install it? Found the following on the web rpm -ivf kernel-2xxx. Is there something else I need to do? Fedora Core 2 Name: The Linux kernel the core of the Linux operating system Description: The kernel package contains the Linux kernel vmlinuz , the core of any Linux operating system.

The kernel handles the basic functions of the operating system: This update kernel updates the Fedora Core 2 kernel to version 2. Included in this new upstream kernel are several fixes on the networking front, including traffic shaping and window scaling fixes. This kernel includes several Execshield cleanups and changes, and as a result programs that make certain restrictive assumptions about the virtual address space such as Wine need a different workaround than before.

The applications can get the old legacy VA layout via the setarch -L application option when a recent enough serarch application is in use, in addition there now is a global switch to go to the legacy VA layout: Likely this procedure is posted somewhere on the Red Hat website. Take a look at the FedoraForum.

Hope this helps. Thread Tools. BB code is On. Smilies are On. All times are GMT The time now is Open Source Consulting Domain Registration. If not, you would need at the very least to see to it that they use the same frequency and WEP encryption, either the same key or both off. Even were they to be able to ping each other happily via their wireless devices, you would still need to tell the yellowdog box to act as a gateway to the router it's on you said the wired card in that box get's it's ip address from a router?

Assuming there is a router connected to eth0 the wired ethernet card in the yellowdog box and that the router is acting as a dhcp server, you'll have to set the yellowdog box up to pass those packets to and from the wusb11 so the powerbook can get an ip address, a gateway address, and a dns server address to use. It would help to see how you've set up the eth0 device, ie: Hehehe, sorry about all the terms here. I have 2 machines. I have an Apple Powerbook Titanium with built-in That's what they call the built-in device. The Apple also has 2 OS, dual-boot. One is Mac OS X Currently, my PC's wired lan card gets it's IP from a broadband router.

1 159,40 RUB

My PC's wusb11 is shared so that my Powerbook can access the internet from anywhere around the house. This is the reason I want to share wusb When I do boot into YellowDog Linux, same is the case. I will try to post the contents of the lines above. I am again in the office, and will have to post it tonight. I hope you do understand now what I'm trying to set up: Yeah, I think I got it. Just to clarify: You must have set something up in XP for this, what was that like? Yes, the wired lan in the PC gets it's IP from the router, which also acts as the dhcp.

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I did the internet connection sharing in Windows XP, the only thing this sharing does is assign the IP address of the wusb11 as So I think I only need to get the wusb11 device up and share it's IP as I need to get my new Red Hat 9 box online. Can't run CAT 5 from router to the box. Can someone walk me through the Linksys thing in this distribution? Help - Freezing Up in Red Hat 9. Help, Please. I have RedHat 9. I followed akaBeavis' and others' helpful instructions in this thread to install Atmelwlandriver. If I plug in after booting up, the bar on the bottom of my window disappears and the system freezes until I unplug it.

Wireless devices were part of my install, but I can't "find them" anywhere which could well be a function of my ignorance -- very new with Linux -- only discovered how to use terminal commands a couple of days ago, although I used to work with DOS a lot. BB code is On.

Wireless USB Network Adapter

Smilies are On. All times are GMT The time now is Open Source Consulting Domain Registration. Search Blogs. Mark Forums Read. Linksys wusb11 ver 2. User Name. Remember Me? Linux - Wireless Networking This forum is for the discussion of wireless networking in Linux.

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View Review Entries. View HCL Entries. Visit akaBeaVis's homepage! Nov Location: Manila Distribution: Fedora core 2 Gnome 2.