
Backup mail on mac os x 10.6

Simple as that! This offers a simple way to rebuild the various mail folders, removing any stray files cluttering up the mailbox folders.

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Restoring preferences is not always a sure-fire solution and can sometimes cause more trouble than it solves, if the wrong files are removed. But it's almost always worth a try since sometimes the only solution is OS X recreating the.

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Archiving offers a way of exporting data from Mail to an alternate location, in the hopes of removing it entirely from Mail. This method allows one to keep the emails for future perusal without it impacting negatively on Mail's daily usage.

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While it is possible to select multiple folders to export, bear in mind that when working with large amounts of data or many folders or folders nested within folders, keeping track of which. Instead, focus on keeping folders to be exported grouped together, similar to the Apple Mail structure for the sake of simplicity.

This way, if it's necessary to revisit these files later to recover a missing message, it won't be so complicated to find, plus, I find it minimizes the possibility of merging corrupt data with non-corrupt sets. This process can be one of the most nerve wracking when it comes to dealing with importing mailbox folders or worse — the last stand between restoring an end-user's months, years or even decades worth of emails and complete loss of email.

While most organizations still rely on the venerable POP3 protocol to retrieve email, it must really be noted that the IMAP protocol eliminates a lot of this from occurring at the desktop-level with its built-in synchronization features. Going somewhat off-topic, this is a good time to reiterate the importance of timely backups for all of ones important data.

However, in the event that backups of email messages are not possible or expressly prohibited, an IMAP-enabled account could simply be removed from Mail.

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This is a worst-case scenario for recovering from severe email corruption, brought on by any combination of the previous levels above, combined with the sheer volume of messages contained in Apple Mail. If the size of the mailbox was not difficult enough to manage on its own, when you sprinkle in file corruption, missing data, and an application that is literally paralyzed for minutes before opening the main window, you have a recipe for disaster! By the time Apple Mail gets to this level, some if not all, of those symptoms would have set in, making resolving the matter something else entirely.

How to back up email in Mac Mail

How do you battle this beast and live to tell the tale? With careful planning, exercising caution, and a little help from a third-party Email Management application. I researched several applications that would serve well to help get Mail. Here are a few that stood out:. Just to be clear, I'm not advocating a specific app over the others. The bottom line remains that each scenario will be a unique issue all unto itself due to the sensitive nuances of the user's email and what resources are available to you.

While similarities exist and many of the troubleshooting tips above will work, you'll find that they won't all be a right fit to resolve the problem. Ultimately, at this level, the program that works best is the one that fills a specific need most completely. Most offer a free trial to test out which will allow for the best chance of recovery. However, the best tools in overcoming email corruption or preventing a catastrophic loss are a good, recent backup of the data, caution, and lots of patience.

Once data is backed up and in a recoverable state, safety measures can be implemented to minimize the possibility of a repeat failure. A secondary backup archiving solution, while completely optional, never hurt anyone either.

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Note this works even when the import function in Mail will not recognize the mbox file. I ran into the single inbox oddity when trying to migrate from Eudora to the new Mail. I solved the problem by removing the inbox file and renaming the imported one.

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  • It's worked fine ever since. It kept wanting to add another account I didn't even set up!

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    • I didn't want to have click twice to get to my new mail, so my remove and rename process proved a usable solution. However, I quickly gave up on the new Mail. Mail has come a long way, but not far enough to get me to switch. Even the simple task of sending a cover letter with an attached resume is a kludgy process in Mail, but not nearly as obtuse as it is in Eudora. Perhaps in Lost your password? Powered by the Parse. More Mac Sites: Macworld MacUser iPhone Central.

      How to import old Mail inbox to new Mail inbox Nov 07, '03 I used the system upgrade to Panther for a full backup and a clean Panther installation. Therefore, I had to import my old e-mails back to Apple Mail. Apple Mail puts all imported e-mails in a folder called "Imported" or something similar - I use the German version , so I had to move them manually to the desired locations.

      13 Replies

      Everything worked fine, except for the Inbox folder: I always got an error message that I cannot put my mails in there. Well, the problem can be solved easily: It does not need to be a working account. Notice that in the folder pane on the right side, there are now two subfolders of the Inbox, one for each mail account. Dragging my old mail directly into one of these subfolders worked without any complaints.

      This problem seems to exist only if you use just one mail account. The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say. How to import old Mail inbox to new Mail inbox Authored by: Bottacco on Nov 08, '03 C14ru5 on Nov 08, '03 Search Advanced. From our Sponsor Latest Mountain Lion Hints