
Mac viva glam world aids day

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World AIDS Day - VIVA GLAM Inspired Makeup

We have to bring the conversation to them. Statistics indicate that this is an uphill struggle: While prevention is a key part of the message, Mahon is eager to highlight that thanks to medical progress the virus is no longer a death sentence. Rihanna, the current face of Viva Glam agrees: It could be any of ours.

Sia Is the Newest Face of MAC Viva Glam

One of the people Jenks documents in the film is Lucky Mfundisi, who is part of a MAC-funded organisation called Grassroots Soccer, which works with young people in the South African township of Khayelitsha, an area with a particularly high HIV-positive population. In the film he introduces Jenks and some of the young people he mentors to the only HIV-positive person in the township who was happy to be filmed. Those who have HIV are afraid of what is going to be said or done to them after they disclose. Mahon hopes that the film will encourage more people of all ages to share their stories: We need to have a more honest conversation about what sex people really have — and how we can help them out.

I mean come on!

MAC Cosmetics raises awareness for World AIDS Day

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World AIDS Day: Viva Glam, MAC Cosmetics AIDS Fund

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