
How to enable auto capitalization on mac

In most Mac apps, just select text and right-click on it to see the text options. Hover over the Transformations menu, then select the case you want to capitalize your text.

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You can make your text upper or lower case—or use the Capitalize option to capitalize the first letter of every word. And if you don't see the options in the right-click menu, check the gear icon in the app's font settings—that's where Pages and other Apple apps put those same transformations. Some writing apps, including iA Writer , add their own smart Title Case function and other tools to the standard Transformations menu, so it's worth checking your app to see what options are included.

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One of the most popular code and text editors, Sublime Text also includes a capitalization tool. Just select your text, click the Edit menu, and select Convert Case followed by the case you want.


The built-in Title Case option capitalizes the first letter of every word. If you'd rather get a more AP-style title and correct capitalization on product names like iTunes , you can install the Smart Title Case package to quickly reformat your titles. Another option is to use a web app to format your text. There are a number of simple web apps, including TitleCase and Convert Case pictured above , that can swap your case for you. Just type or paste in your text and then in Convert Case choose the case you want to automatically convert your text.

How to turn on auto capitalization on my … - Apple Community

In TitleCase, choose each of the case options you want, and it'll give you your text in all of those cases for a quick way to pick what looks best. Apps with built-in capitalization tools work great when you've just written something and realize you need to switch the case—these are most often text editors. But when your copy is in other business tools , such as your newsletter manager or an email draft, you need something to make sure your text capitalization is correct before sharing with the world.

Say you want to automatically Tweet your new blog posts. Zapier can do that for you, watching your RSS feed for new posts and then sharing them on Twitter for you. But your titles will be capitalized—and that might not be your Tweet style. Or say you want to write your blog posts in Evernote, and then have Zapier publish them on WordPress automatically.

How to Automatically Capitalize Text the Way You Want

You might want something to double-check and make sure your title is correctly capitalized before it gets published. Test that action, and you'll see your correctly formatted text that you can then have Zapier share on Twitter, publish on your blog, and much more with your next action steps. And, for a bonus, if you need to also pluralize your text—to turn apple into apples or man into men —Zapier's Pluralize transform can do that, too.

Want to quickly try it out? Here's a Zap Template you can set up in a minute that will make sure your new blog post titles are lowercase before sharing them on Twitter:. Whether you're writing an essay or auto-publishing your blog posts—or anything else where capitalization matters—these tricks and apps can get your text looking the way you want automatically. You'll never have to hand-edit your caps again. Want to automate more of your work with text?

How to Capitalize Text in Google Docs (Web)

Check out the other tutorials in this series for more ways to use Formatter—along with handy tips for other apps you might already be using:. Matthew Guay is a senior editor and writer on the Zapier team in Bangkok. It's free and I guess that is the price for freebies. Mar 28, 9: Apr 10, Jan 30, 2: Do you have textexpander? I had the same problem and after scourging the web, I realized it could be text expander doing that. So I changed it in textexpander preferences and it resolved my issue.

Had such headaches coding prior.

Jan 30, 4: As part of the download, it installs, but does not enable the service items that you see in Kappy's image. The way the Initial Caps of Sentences service works is that you must select the block of text that you want this to be applied, and then from the Application menu: Initial Caps of Sentences menu selection, it will then auto-magically provide auto-capitalization of the selected sentences. This is the only mechanism by which this service will work — on selected text.

Its only function, through its Help button is to open Preview with a PDF that describes each installed service item. There is no auto-capitalization feature in OS X. There is a Fix auto-capitalization check box in Pages ' Auto-Correction panel. MS Word does not have auto-capitalization enabled by default, but that feature is in the Word Preferences panel.

Feb 5, 3: How to turn on auto capitalization on my mac? More Less. Communities Contact Support. Sign in. Browse Search. Ask a question. User profile for user: Mac OS X Speciality level out of ten: Hey guys, I want to know how to turn on auto capitalization on my mac.

How to Capitalize Words and Add Periods Automatically in Mac OS

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