
Mac os x desktop shortcut

By default, " Show Desktop - Spread with thumb and three fingers " checkbox should be checked: You now have the choice: Hit F11 again, or do a four-finger zoom-in trackpad gesture to cover your desktop and restore all windows to their original position. Clicking on the bottom edge of the slid-up windows will also bring them back down! Close the Preferences window. Web browsers: MS Office: Excel Outlook Word.

How to Create Desktop Shortcuts for Apps in Mac OS X

Bitdefender Malwarebytes Netgear Router. Rackspace Mail Outlook Mail. On a MacBook you will have to press fn F11 , as the keys are used for controlling volume by default. Note that F11 will not work if you have a full screen window on screen like the browser in full-screen mode , you will have to switch to the Desktop mode first using F3, for example before using F If F11 by default decreases volume for you, you need to instead press Fn F You can change that setting in the Keyboard System Preferences: Use all F1, F2, etc.

After enabling that, F11 will show desktop, and Fn F11 will decrease volume. If it's a new MacBook Pro, you can also use a three-finger spread to show the desktop.

Mac OS X Lion Keyboard Shortcuts

Check out Trackpad in the System Preferences for a demonstration of that:. That hides the current application and shows whatever's behind it, which may or may not be the desktop depending on what other applications are running. This would not show the edges of other windows.

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  • 2 Show Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac.
  • Quickly show desktop in Mac OS X (gesture or hotkey).
  • 2 Show Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac.

This doesn't require use of the Fn key. Just take a look into the settings. There you can configure an screen corner: When you move the mouse in this corner it will move all windows away from the screen und you can see the desktop.

Sleep, log out, and shut down shortcuts

Pressing F11 sends all the windows to the borders, showing the desktop. F11 again restores everything in its previous place. Personally, I tend to Apple-H all windows I'm not using, keeps them in the background but out of the way.

Mac OS X - Making agfox.com shortcut on Desktop

You could also look into using spaces. Here's a good cheat sheet for keyboard shortcuts on OS X. I like to use "Hide application" which hides the windows of the current application but doesn't close them. Setup Karabiner via https: You may also want to swap Command and Control keys.

3 Ways to Quickly Show the Desktop on a Mac - wikiHow

Good news, this option is now added to karabiner by default, you just have to enable it! On High Sierra you are supposed to use the all new Karabiner Elements app. It uses JSON based configuration. That's what this utility actually does and I'm using this for years: Lo and behold, you have a shortcut to reach your desktop.

This system works really well for me and helps me multi-task very well. It also has the added advantage of not minimizing any windows. All windows are a desktop away. I also set my Finder app to launch in my main desktop as I use it to browse and open files, which open in other desktops. Of course, this won't work for new apps unless you set the option for them too explicitly.

But I feel the purpose behind the question was to improve your everyday workflow, which would only involve frequently-used applications.


And this option will definitely help. For me, I explicitly made Preview, Terminal, Chrome, Sublime Text and some other apps to launch on the second desktop. Check http: Simplest display desktop program ever. The one I personally used. No settings. Just put it on the bottom bar.

Click when you want to clear desktop.

Show Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac OS

If you have a scroll wheel mouse then tap the scroll wheel ie depress it and it takes to straight to the desktop and back to the app when you press it again. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. It should hide all applications and show a clean desktop. InterLinked 1, 12 George2 George2 2, 10 30 There's also command-alt-H to hide others. See en.