Backslash sur un clavier mac
Had the same issue with non-English keyboard as well.
Turns out it is rather easy to customize PressAndHold feature introduced in Lion. Here's how i did it: By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. The backtick character is one I use on a regular basis on StackExchange.
Which keyboard layout do you use? On my keyboard, it is next to Shift. What keyboard layout do you have? Can you submit an answer? Then select that Layout and press the key right to left Shift. I just said U. To make a backtick on the US English keyboard - Use the key just to the left of the 1 key To make a backtick on the British or International English keyboard - Use the key just to the right of the left shift key.
Tom Gewecke BAngel BAngel 1 3. Only on a US keyboard - also note that the other answers already covered this. Mar 30 '17 at Thank you for clarifying, I was referring to a US keyboard, I'll update it to clarify. I was hoping the photos would help. I added my answer since the majority of the other answers were incorrect in suggesting that the single quote key was a backtick as requested by the OP.
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Hope It helps someone: On an US keyboard, it is right next to Shift. Search and use that key on a french keyboard: Gizem 3 2. Priit Priit 2. Those will be used downstream by the OS. The second is slightly simpler approach, so I started there, especially because I had already used it for VNC connections to Windows computers from a Mac.
hardware - Difference between US QWERTY and International QWERTY Apple keyboards? - Ask Different
On Windows , it appears that the management of keyboard layouts has been greatly improved. Also, if you define a keyboard layout for your Mac client, you can:. This application is no longer maintained. Historically, it was use to switch the Cmd and Ctrl keys on your Mac keyboard often useful while going to Mac from the PC world. Karabiner seems a very good and very configurable tool, but not particularly user-friendly.
It is easy to use, but the creation of a specific mapping remains difficult. Finally, we can tell karabiner to apply this remapping for a particular application: Microsoft Remote Desktop. E, ModifierFlag:: In fact, we will fill the gaps in these versions of Windows versus Windows 8 or Server , i. Little howto:.
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Run a script on login is really easy, but executing one on reconnection to an already open session is far less documented. A way that works is to go through the task scheduler which allows the execution of a script when reconnecting.
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It works as good with wired or wireless Mac french keyboard now. Your email address will not be published. About keyboard management by operating systems Schematically, we can say that a keyboard is managed by the operating system OS at 2 levels.