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Allows setting and clearing cpu flags. This option is intended for testing. These options are provided directly by the libavformat, libavdevice and libavcodec libraries. To see the list of available AVOptions, use the -help option. They are separated into two categories:. These options can be set for any container, codec or device. These options are specific to the given container, device or codec. For example to write an ID3v2. In the above example, a multichannel audio stream is mapped twice for output. The first instance is encoded with codec ac3 and bitrate k.

The second instance is downmixed to 2 channels and encoded with codec aac. A bitrate of k is specified for it using absolute index of the output stream. Force input or output file format. The format is normally auto detected for input files and guessed from the file extension for output files, so this option is not needed in most cases. Set number of times input stream shall be looped. Loop 0 means no loop, loop -1 means infinite loop.

Select an encoder when used before an output file or a decoder when used before an input file for one or more streams. When used as an input option before -i , limit the duration of data read from the input file. When used as an output option before an output url , stop writing the output after its duration reaches duration. Stop writing the output or reading the input at position. Set the file size limit, expressed in bytes. No further chunk of bytes is written after the limit is exceeded. The size of the output file is slightly more than the requested file size.

When used as an input option before -i , seeks in this input file to position. Note that in most formats it is not possible to seek exactly, so ffmpeg will seek to the closest seek point before position. When used as an output option before an output url , decodes but discards input until the timestamps reach position. Like the -ss option but relative to the "end of file". That is negative values are earlier in the file, 0 is at EOF. The offset is added to the timestamps of the input files. Specifying a positive offset means that the corresponding streams are delayed by the time duration specified in offset.

It is also possible to delete metadata by using an empty value. This option overrides the disposition copied from the input stream. It is also possible to delete the disposition by setting it to 0. To make the second subtitle stream the default stream and remove the default disposition from the first subtitle stream:. Specify target file type vcd , svcd , dvd , dv , dv All the format options bitrate, codecs, buffer sizes are then set automatically.

You can just type:. Nevertheless you can specify additional options as long as you know they do not conflict with the standard, as in:. As an input option, blocks all data streams of a file from being filtered or being automatically selected or mapped for any output. See -discard option to disable streams individually. As an output option, disables data recording i. For full manual control see the -map option. Set the number of data frames to output.

This is an obsolete alias for -frames: Use fixed quality scale VBR. In the filtergraph, the input is associated to the label in , and the output to the label out. See the ffmpeg-filters manual for more information about the filtergraph syntax. This option is similar to -filter , the only difference is that its argument is the name of the file from which a filtergraph description is to be read. Defines how many threads are used to process a filter pipeline. Each pipeline will produce a thread pool with this many threads available for parallel processing.

The default is the number of available CPUs. It is on by default, to explicitly disable it you need to specify -nostats. Progress information is written approximately every second and at the end of the encoding process. The last key of a sequence of progress information is always "progress". Enable interaction on standard input. On by default unless standard input is used as an input. To explicitly disable interaction you need to specify -nostdin. Disabling interaction on standard input is useful, for example, if ffmpeg is in the background process group.

Roughly the same result can be achieved with ffmpeg Print timestamp information. It is off by default. This option is mostly useful for testing and debugging purposes, and the output format may change from one version to another, so it should not be employed by portable scripts. Add an attachment to the output file. This is supported by a few formats like Matroska for e. Attachments are implemented as a specific type of stream, so this option will add a new stream to the file.

It is then possible to use per-stream options on this stream in the usual way. Attachment streams created with this option will be created after all the other streams i. Extract the matching attachment stream into a file named filename. If filename is empty, then the value of the filename metadata tag will be used. Technical note — attachments are implemented as codec extradata, so this option can actually be used to extract extradata from any stream, not just attachments. Set the number of video frames to output.

As an input option, ignore any timestamps stored in the file and instead generate timestamps assuming constant frame rate fps. This is not the same as the -framerate option used for some input formats like image2 or v4l2 it used to be the same in older versions of FFmpeg. If in doubt use -framerate instead of the input option -r.

As an output option, duplicate or drop input frames to achieve constant output frame rate fps. As an output option, this inserts the scale video filter to the end of the corresponding filtergraph. Please use the scale filter directly to insert it at the beginning or some other place. For example "4: If used together with -vcodec copy , it will affect the aspect ratio stored at container level, but not the aspect ratio stored in encoded frames, if it exists.

As an input option, blocks all video streams of a file from being filtered or being automatically selected or mapped for any output. As an output option, disables video recording i. Select the pass number 1 or 2. It is used to do two-pass video encoding. The statistics of the video are recorded in the first pass into a log file see also the option -passlogfile , and in the second pass that log file is used to generate the video at the exact requested bitrate. On pass 1, you may just deactivate audio and set output to null, examples for Windows and Unix:.

This is an alias for -filter: Set pixel format. If the selected pixel format can not be selected, ffmpeg will print a warning and select the best pixel format supported by the encoder. Rate control override for specific intervals, formatted as "int,int,int" list separated with slashes. Two first values are the beginning and end frame numbers, last one is quantizer to use if positive, or quality factor if negative.

Use this option if your input file is interlaced and you want to keep the interlaced format for minimum losses. The alternative is to deinterlace the input stream with -deinterlace , but deinterlacing introduces losses. Force key frames at the specified timestamps, more precisely at the first frames after each specified time. If the argument is prefixed with expr: A key frame is forced in case the evaluation is non-zero. If one of the times is " chapters [ delta ]", it is expanded into the time of the beginning of all chapters in the file, shifted by delta , expressed as a time in seconds.

This option can be useful to ensure that a seek point is present at a chapter mark or any other designated place in the output file. For example, to insert a key frame at 5 minutes, plus key frames 0. Note that forcing too many keyframes is very harmful for the lookahead algorithms of certain encoders: Initialise a new hardware device of type type called name , using the given device parameters.

The set of devices can also be filtered using the key-value pairs to find only devices matching particular platform or device strings. Initialise a new hardware device of type type called name , deriving it from the existing device with the name source. Pass the hardware device called name to all filters in any filter graph. This can be used to set the device to upload to with the hwupload filter, or the device to map to with the hwmap filter. Other filters may also make use of this parameter when they require a hardware device.

Note that this is typically only required when the input is not already in hardware frames - when it is, filters will derive the device they require from the context of the frames they receive as input. Use hardware acceleration to decode the matching stream s. The allowed values of hwaccel are:. Unlike most other values, this option does not enable accelerated decoding that is used automatically whenever a qsv decoder is selected , but accelerated transcoding, without copying the frames into the system memory.

For it to work, both the decoder and the encoder must support QSV acceleration and no filters must be used. This option has no effect if the selected hwaccel is not available or not supported by the chosen decoder. Note that most acceleration methods are intended for playback and will not be faster than software decoding on modern CPUs. Additionally, ffmpeg will usually need to copy the decoded frames from the GPU memory into the system memory, resulting in further performance loss. This option is thus mainly useful for testing. This option only makes sense when the -hwaccel option is also specified.

Set the number of audio frames to output. Set the audio sampling frequency. For output streams it is set by default to the frequency of the corresponding input stream. For input streams this option only makes sense for audio grabbing devices and raw demuxers and is mapped to the corresponding demuxer options. Set the number of audio channels.

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For output streams it is set by default to the number of input audio channels. As an input option, blocks all audio streams of a file from being filtered or being automatically selected or mapped for any output. As an output option, disables audio recording i. Set the audio sample format. If some input channel layout is not known, try to guess only if it corresponds to at most the specified number of channels. For example, 2 tells to ffmpeg to recognize 1 channel as mono and 2 channels as stereo but not 6 channels as 5.

The default is to always try to guess. Use 0 to disable all guessing. As an input option, blocks all subtitle streams of a file from being filtered or being automatically selected or mapped for any output. As an output option, disables subtitle recording i. Fix subtitles durations.

For each subtitle, wait for the next packet in the same stream and adjust the duration of the first to avoid overlap. This is necessary with some subtitles codecs, especially DVB subtitles, because the duration in the original packet is only a rough estimate and the end is actually marked by an empty subtitle frame.

Failing to use this option when necessary can result in exaggerated durations or muxing failures due to non-monotonic timestamps. Note that this option will delay the output of all data until the next subtitle packet is decoded: Designate one or more input streams as a source for the output file. Both indices start at 0. The first -map option on the command line specifies the source for output stream 0, the second -map option specifies the source for output stream 1, etc.

A - character before the stream identifier creates a "negative" mapping. It disables matching streams from already created mappings. A trailing?

Audio Converter

Note the map will still fail if an invalid input file index is used; such as if the map refers to a non-existent input. For example, if you have two audio streams in the first input file, these streams are identified by "0: You can use -map to select which streams to place in an output file. For example:. For example, to select the stream with index 2 from input file a. To map the video and audio streams from the first input, and using the trailing?

Allow input streams with unknown type to be copied instead of failing if copying such streams is attempted.

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Map an audio channel from a given input to an output. For example, assuming INPUT is a stereo audio file, you can switch the two audio channels with the following command:. The following example splits the channels of a stereo input into two separate streams, which are put into the same output file:. It is therefore not currently possible, for example, to turn two separate mono streams into a single stereo stream. However splitting a stereo stream into two single channel mono streams is possible.

If you need this feature, a possible workaround is to use the amerge filter. For example, if you need to merge a media here input. To map the first two audio channels from the first input, and using the trailing? Set metadata information of the next output file from infile.

Note that those are file indices zero-based , not filenames. A metadata specifier can have the following forms:. In an input metadata specifier, the first matching stream is copied from. In an output metadata specifier, all matching streams are copied to. These default mappings are disabled by creating any mapping of the relevant type.

A negative file index can be used to create a dummy mapping that just disables automatic copying. For example to copy metadata from the first stream of the input file to global metadata of the output file:. Note that simple 0 would work as well in this example, since global metadata is assumed by default.

If no chapter mapping is specified, then chapters are copied from the first input file with at least one chapter. Use a negative file index to disable any chapter copying. Show benchmarking information at the end of an encode. Shows real, system and user time used and maximum memory consumption. Maximum memory consumption is not supported on all systems, it will usually display as 0 if not supported. Show benchmarking information during the encode. Read input at native frame rate. Mainly used to simulate a grab device, or live input stream e.

Should not be used with actual grab devices or live input streams where it can cause packet loss. By default ffmpeg attempts to read the input s as fast as possible. This option will slow down the reading of the input s to the native frame rate of the input s. It is useful for real-time output e. Repeatedly loop output for formats that support looping such as animated GIF 0 will loop the output infinitely. This option is deprecated, use -loop.

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Video sync method. For compatibility reasons old values can be specified as numbers.

Newly added values will have to be specified as strings always. Frames are passed through with their timestamp or dropped so as to prevent 2 frames from having the same timestamp. As passthrough but destroys all timestamps, making the muxer generate fresh timestamps based on frame-rate. Note that the timestamps may be further modified by the muxer, after this. With -map you can select from which stream the timestamps should be taken.

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You can leave either video or audio unchanged and sync the remaining stream s to the unchanged one. Frame drop threshold, which specifies how much behind video frames can be before they are dropped. In frame rate units, so 1. The default is One possible usecase is to avoid framedrops in case of noisy timestamps or to increase frame drop precision in case of exact timestamps.

Audio sync method. Do not process input timestamps, but keep their values without trying to sanitize them. In particular, do not remove the initial start time offset value. Note that, depending on the vsync option or on specific muxer processing e. This means that using e. Specify how to set the encoder timebase when stream copying.

The time base is copied to the output encoder from the corresponding input demuxer. This is sometimes required to avoid non monotonically increasing timestamps when copying video streams with variable frame rate. Set the encoder timebase. This field can be provided as a ratio of two integers e. Assign a new stream-id value to an output stream. Batch conversion Add all files you want, select the output format and click Start — the program takes care of the rest. Support for lossless formats You can directly convert one lossless format to another, without intermediate conversion.

Automatic CUE splitting The program locates. Search for disk covers If a file contains ID3 tags but lacks the cover art, the program tries to retrieve one using several Internet services. Retain folder structure Command the program to keep the structure of your folders when running conversion. System Requirements: Step-by-step instructions: MediaHuman is fast and does two files at once! Superior to SoundConverter! Branden Baxley man i am loving this program i am using media human audio converter and i am convertings music files it has taken less than 5 minutes usually the other programs i use if i was doing this it would take about an hour to an hour and a half this programs is the best.

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It took me so long to find an audio converter that wasnt crammed full of useless, superfluous features that I couldn't possible care about. Euan Wanted to convert some audio files. Used MediaHuman today after struggling with several other apps and tools for the past 4 days. Can't tell you what a relief it is to get the job done so easily as I had thousands of sound clips. Thank you guys!!! Divya Raghuram I am converting thousands of iTunes files to. UR the only 1 that works!

DJ-KT Thanks for the fantastic audio converter! Dustin Hamilton First of all, I love your audio converter. It's all quite intuitive, I love it! Rory I just wanted to thank you for this software's existence - I used to use QuickTime 7 and it was clunky! It's saved me plenty of times. Josh W. That is a truly great product, much better than Switch, which I thought too expensive to pay for. I know it is freeware, but couldn't resist a small donation when I saw how beautifully written the software was.

Thank you. Jim S. I have been using your product for a couple years now. I just wanted to tell you folks how much I like it. It is absolutely my goto software for any media conversion. I don't have any money to contribute, but I wanted you guys to know how much I appreciate your software. Thank you very much. Mathew M. Your software is just making it a breeze. Having struggled with all the major "recommended" freewares available, I can say without a doubt that yours is just the best for the task.