
Scr3310 v2.0 driver for mac

Windows 10, 8. Once you have the zip file downloaded, open the zip file Windows built in zipping program. Copy the folder inside to a new folder. It will unzip the contents, this is the folder you will need when you are doing the steps below. It will then ask where you want to save the file.

WinZip- Use the Extract button. It will ask you where you want to save the extracted files to, I recommend your desktop. Click the desktop icon on the left. Push the little yellow folder in the upper right corner of this active window. It will prompt you for a name for the folder type in CAC Driver. Hit OK, then select Extract lower right corner of this window. You should now see your new folder on your desktop to open up. Keep this for a later step.

PC-Linked Smart Card Readers

Click the Device Manager link on the left side of your screen. Select the triangle next to Smart Card Readers. Browse my computer Select Browse, then desktop or wherever you made the folder. One person had to select "Search automatically for updated driver software" This is very rare. Select the folder if using the firmware update driver below, stop at the driver folder, do not 'dig' down to AND or Intel folders and then OK. It will NOT work in virtual Windows examples: VMware, Parallels, or Virtual box.

Verify your firmware version before going through this process How do I create a bootable CD from an. ISO file on a Mac? How do I create a bootable USB drive from an.

SCM PC-Card GmbH - SCR v2

The firmware update "should" fix the following problems: Card reader is not recognized. Does not read your CAC when using your Mac. NO TE: We are hearing Mac users having problems with the SCR reader. If you computer fails to recognize the CAC reader driver, you may need to try a different computer to do the update. Now your SCR reader can be used with Windows 10, 8.

There is no firmware update for a V2 reader because it is already updated. Click on FWUpdate.

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  3. Smart Card Not Read - Mac OSX El Capitan - Centrify Community.

Here's how: Go to: Start , Search programs and files in Windows 7, 8. Windows 10,8,8. If you have questions or suggestions for this site, contact Michael J.

uTrust 2700 F Contact Smart Card Reader

Last Update or Review: Saturday, 20 January Installation Steps Step 1: Page Quick Links: Also available at: Installation Steps. I followed the instructions to clean and uninstall everything. I restarted.

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  • Re: Smart Card Not Read - Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.6.
  • SCR3310v2.0 USB Smart Card Reader.
  • I figured it must be an issue with the firmware update on the SCR, so I tried updating the driver for SCR as recommended by http: I still had the same error. Often Smart Card issues are caused by OS X not using the correct driver to detect the reader or when there are remnants of old drivers or previous versions of firmware. This can be corrected by performing cleanup and reinstall steps below. I would recommend double-checking through all of these steps - even if you think have done them before. Please create a new thread in this board if you continue to experience technical issues after performing these steps.

    I went through those steps exactly twice, and it still wasn't working. I'm assuming there must be some drivers that weren't deleted when it executed that sudo command. Also, can you include a screen shot of the system report screen? New to the Community? Start Here.

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