
Minecraft bukkit server download mac 1.6.2

If you have not already done so, create a dedicated folder somewhere on your PC for which you will run the server in. You should not use generic places like the Desktop or your Downloads folder. Move the server software that you downloaded over to the new folder that you made and run it by double clicking it.

The first time you run the server it will close immediately after and generate a few files, one of which should be called "eula. You can then start the server again and it should continue starting the server as normal. If you are hosting the server locally on your PC, you may connect to the server directly by using localhost to connect in-game. To allow other people to connect to your server, you must use a method such as Port forwarding if you are using a router provided by either you or your Internet Service Provider.

This will give you a list of local IPv4 addresses that others on your network can connect to. When either port forwarding or letting people on your LAN connect, you must ensure that you do not have any firewalls, either Windows Firewall or any 3rd party software blocking the external connections.

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More advanced users can start the server command-line for more control over the server. This allows you to add JVM flags to the server that can help to increase the allocated memory that the server can use, for example. It is worth noting that increasing the memory on your server will not directly increase your performance, rather it will simply add more capacity to the server for running tasks and storing information to memory.

Create a text file by using one of the following commands depending on if you are using the Java archive or executable. A file named "run. You should be able to right click the file and select "Edit" to add additional arguments when starting the server. Right click "run. Refer to the first line and before the -jar argument, prepend the -Xmx argument to allocate more RAM capacity to the server.

Note that this argument will only be setting the maximum amount of memory that the JVM will be able to use. This means that when you start the server, Java will allocate more memory when the server needs it up until it hits the limit you set. Ensure you have the latest server application software. Look above for instructions. Some homes use AirPort Time Capsule as a wireless router instead of other brands. This section will teach you how to set one up without messing up your file server.

That's it! You're now ready to configure your server. Create a Mac OS X startup daemon. This tutorial for how to set up a Minecraft server on Linux was designed for people who don't have a lot of experience with Linux. There is a more advanced tutorial in the forums. This tutorial was tested on Ubuntu 9. If you get java: The official Oracle Java is recommended. A few individuals have experienced issues with OpenJDK. Others report that running on OpenJDK is completely fine. Ensure that the non-free repository is being scanned by apt. Unfortunately, some licensing issues have prevented Canonical from allowing repositories to have Sun Java, so you must either download it directly from Oracle, package it, and install it or you could use the PPA provided by webupd8 by following the instructions below.

Run the following commands in this order to add the PPA, update the source list and then install java: The output should be similar to: On Linux, you can do this easily by downloading Essentials.

Known Issues

Remove unwanted plugins. Start the server. If you made a backup of your config. Single File s Instructions Make sure your server is not running. If you haven't done so already, move the downloaded jar files to your plugins directory. Retrieved from " http: Essentials is one of the most popular Bukkit server plugins, for use on Minecraft servers.

Essentials is used on a wide range of servers, from large dedicated services, to home hosted servers. Essentials Breakdown. There is also custom server software available, which most large servers use, but these applications are not supported by Mojang. Since you're about to run your own server, you should be aware of the possible dangers. Running by the instructions below should not put you at any risk, but this is a wiki which everybody is allowed to edit, and we don't know about your system configuration, so we cannot guarantee you'll be out of danger.

In order to run your server and stay out of trouble, we strongly recommend you should at least know about the following:. Alternatively, if you decide that you don't wish to create your own server, you are welcome to join other servers, many can be found on the Minecraft Forum server list. For your security, you should only use the most recent version of Java.

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To verify that you have the latest version, do one of the following:. If you don't have Java, or your version is outdated, then download it at http: Begin by downloading the server software from the Minecraft download page. If you want older versions, find their links at their respective pages.

Minecraft Server Software File Mirror

The server is available as a Java. Before starting the server, be aware that wherever you run the server from your desktop, a download folder, etc. Double click the file and the server should start. It will write configuration files in the folder, and quit immediately. The first, and required, configuration you have to do is accepting the EULA. A text file call eula.

It signifies that you have read and understood the end user license agreement that you'll follow when using the software. If you don't do this, the server will shut down immediately when you try to start it. If you get an error such as "Can't save server.

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You may need the administrator password to do this. As we currently know there is no command prompt for java on the Windows platform that will run these commands correctly. That however is subject to change. To start the server, change to the Minecraft server folder find the file path to which your server's jar file is and open the windows command prompt in Start, just type cmd and it should have a file name of cmd.

If you prefer not to use the server's Graphical User Interface GUI to enter administration commands, simply add the option nogui to the end of the command:. You can also replace the java command with javaw.


This may be preferable when using a. See the next section. Note however that Javaw also doesn't show any error messages in the command window if anything is wrong.

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  5. Using the Xms and Xmx parameters, the initial and maximum memory size for Java can be specified. Most people will change their server to run with more, for example: Add in -d64 if your server is on a bit Solaris system using bit Java. Add -o true to tell the server to run in online mode so only authenticated users can join. To start the configured Minecraft server, without having to enter all commands every time, you can create a.

    Useful if you want to read what happened as it shut down. Double click the file to start your server. Read the sections Port forwarding and further for more information about configuring your server. Keep in mind that the server won't run correctly on macOS Download the latest server application software from the download page.

    Server Out of date!

    Java is updated through Java's website If you are running macOS Java 6 Download. Some homes use AirPort Time Capsule as a wireless router instead of other brands. This section will teach you how to set one up without messing up your file server.

    how to make a minecraft server 1.6.2 mac

    That's it! You're now ready to configure your server. This tutorial for how to set up a Minecraft server on Linux was designed for people who don't have a lot of experience with Linux. There is a outdated, but more advanced tutorial in the forums. This tutorial was tested on Ubuntu 9. Note that a bit version of Linux will probably perform better on a bit CPU, and that a bit version will only use the first 4 GiB of RAM if more than that is installed. If you get java: The official Oracle Java is recommended.

    A few individuals have experienced issues with OpenJDK. Others report that running on OpenJDK is completely fine. Ensure that the non-free repository is being scanned by apt. Unfortunately, some licensing issues have prevented Canonical from allowing repositories to have Sun Java, so you must either download it directly from Oracle, package it, and install it or you could use the PPA provided by webupd8 by following the instructions below.