
Seashore download mac os x free

Seashore creates all new images with an opaque background — creating a new layer and then deleting the opaque background layer allows images with transparency. When saving, Seashore will automatically include or exclude the alpha channel of an image based upon its utility. Seashore, like Photoshop, also supports layers, which are like images or slides piled one on top of another to form a grand image. Apart from drawing, layers can be manipulated in a range of ways, some of which involve using the layer buttons.

All layers in Seashore have their own boundaries. Each layer in Seashore has either two or four channels. In the case of a grayscale image, these are the grey and alpha channels, and in the case of a color image, they are red, green, blue, and alpha channels. Seashore typically works on all channels at once.

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The 14 tools available in Seashore can be accessed through the toolbox. A number of tools also support textures, including the pencil, the paintbrush and the paintbucket. A number of tools also rely upon a brush shape to work, including the paintbrush, the eraser and the smudge tool. Selections can be either anchored or floating. The selection tool can select using three possible shapes: The ellipse and rounded-rectangle are anti-aliased, so when they are filled their edges appear smooth to the user.

The Lasso tool allows you to select an arbitrary shape.

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To do so, simply click at the point where you want the shape to begin, trace out the shape with the mouse button down, and release once complete. The Color Selection tool selects all pixels on a single layer that surround a given pixel and are within a given tolerance range. This allows the user to select all nearby pixels of similar color. To use the tool simply click on the desired base pixel. The Position tool allows you to adjust the position of a layer on the canvas; it also allows you to scale layers and floating selections — and to rotate floating selections.

The Zoom tool allows you to zoom in on any part of the canvas. To do this, simply point-and-click on the part of the canvas you wish to zoom in on. You can also zoom out by holding down the option key while you click. The Pencil allows you to draw squares on the current layer. The squares can range in size from 1 to 21 pixels. The pencil deliberately does not use anti-aliasing, as it is intended for users who wish to edit a handful of pixels in a very precise manner.

The Paintbrush allows you to draw various brush strokes on the current layer. By default, Seashore comes with a range of brush shapes and, using Brushed, users can add their own. The Paintbrush uses anti-aliasing so as to create smooth flowing brush strokes. The Paintbucket allows you to flood an area of similar color with a single color or texture.

To determine what area of the layer to flood, the paint bucket relies on a tolerance range that works the same way as the color selection tool. The Text tool allows you to place a line of text anywhere on the current layer. To place the text, simply click where you want the baseline of the text to go. The Eraser allows you to erase pixels from the current layer.

In the case of a layer with its alpha channel disabled, this means setting pixels to the background color. This program is ok. It will do enough if you have sufficient time and patience and don't mind a buggy undo function. It has limited tools. It's like the hammer and the chisel of digital art and photo manipulation, best wielded by professionals I think. Albeit cheap professionals as the grief hardly seems worth it. Gimp with X11 for all its hang ups seemed better toolswise. This review was originally posted on VersionTracker. This is an amazing app. Very lightweight, only the essential features, saves you the time and money of using photoshop for simple tasks.

Kudos for the developer and kudos for GIMP! Did you apply the patch for G3 compatibility, or did you just mouth off without paying attention to the instructions? Strange, but Seashore does not work on my ibook G3, although it worked flawlessly on my office Powerbook Ti. I vaguely thought that the older versions worked on G3. Running the terminal command with Seashore yielded an "incompatible cpu" error.

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  2. Seashore for Mac - Free download and software reviews - CNET agfox.com.
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  4. Seashore free download for Mac | MacUpdate.
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  6. Seashore: A Free, Basic Image Editor for Mac OS X | Low End Mac?
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Curious, since Seashore would be such a great tool for G3 users, because photo editing is not something some of us needs all the time, and that might mean a lot of G3 users. I'm speechless Very nice, Very fast and solid. I didn't get real into it but it handles great. The green leaves are a must have. I like the look of the tools myself. The tool windows on both sides retain their placement after application restarts. That's a sign of a good application.

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I would like to see the "new" window do the same. I'm going to keep this and keep an eye on updates. I will be testing it to it's limits. Login or create an account to post a review. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Click here to review our site terms of use. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use , you can report it below this will not automatically remove the comment.

Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed.

Seashore (software)

I am aware I can opt out at any time. Overview Review User Reviews Specs. Publisher's Description. From Mark Pazolli Software: Seashore is an open source image editor for Cocoa. It features gradients, textures and anti-aliasing for both text and brush strokes. It supports multiple layers and alpha channel editing. It is based around the GIMP's technology and uses the same native file format. Latest Stories. Please don't fill out this field.

Seashore is a free, open-source image editor for built entirely in Cocoa. It features advanced tools like multiple layers and alpha channel editing, alongside basic tools like gradients, textures, text with subpixel rendering and brushes. The Seashore Project Web Site.

  • Seashore (software) - Wikipedia;
  • Welcome to Low End Mac.
  • The Seashore Project.
  • Seashore 0.1.9?
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  • Check out Slashdot, the leading technology news and discussion site on the web. Slashdot covers news for nerds and stuff that matters. Latest version 0. Was ok editor before that. You've saved me from having to restart GIMP for every copy and paste. X11 clipboard updating issue, I suspect. Click URL instructions: Please provide the ad click URL, if possible: Help Create Join Login.

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