
Mac os x menu bar items disappeared

How to Remove System Icons From the Menu Bar

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It looks like this: This phenomenon appeared with Yosemite. Although I do not know the problem, there are several solutions. Reboot or Log out. The UI server will restart and the problem will be gone. I've seen it happen that I needed to kill it twice to fully take effect. Thank you. Option 2 is much better than restarting the whole thing from scratch! It doesn't help for my one drive icon s You can access Safe Mode by holding Shift right after the chime during startup. If you write killall SystemUIServer in terminal it will fix it!

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macos - Icons disappearing from menu bar - Ask Different

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Thread starter itinerant Start date Jun 17, The menu bar icons and clock have disappeared from the top right corner of my screen. I don't have a recollection of a specific incident that may have caused this, although I had just changed the desktop background image a short while before, and had a number of strange keychain messages pop up while in System Preferences.

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A lag in my keystroke to response time meant that I missed a couple of these popups, which may have taken attempts to Cancel and Abort any changes as instead an acceptance of something more dire. Eventually, I got out of the system preferences but I did not notice any problems as yet. I put the iBook to sleep. When I woke it up a half hour later, I immediatley noticed the absence of this icons and clock. Any ideas as to the cause, but more importantly, the repair? I have already done the Disk Utility repair of permissions, and reboot, also tried setting up another admin account.

The second admin account also does not display this information. I even repeated installing the comprehensive I have found very little on the Web about this problem, but what I have read indicates it may be related to the OS component that displays Menu Items crashing on startup--possibly because of corruption to a preferences file, or files. Please help. Thanks, Scott C. Yes, there is always the possiblity of a corrupt prefernece file now and then; but, then that too is really rare.

Fixing the Problem of Missing Dock Icons on Your Mac

You did not provide any specifics as to what you were doing, what applications were running, whether you use 'FileValut' a 'System Preference' , etc. Knowing what the keychain messages displayed may have been helpful. As a result, some settings you make, may not remain set One example comes to mind: There may be times when you will hear sounds as you click about. To resolve such [not having to hear such sounds] will require you to go to 'System Preferences' 'Sound's 'Sound Effects' tab and remove the check mark from the 'Play user interface sound effects' check box.

Even if you have done such in the past.

All My Menu bar/Finder Icons Have Disappeared. What Gives?

In your case it appears some settings you made previously, had their check marks removed from various 'System Preferences' Utilities. Thus, go to 'System Preferences' and click on each Utility and make the needed changes. Such as to add the 'volume' control to the menu bar - select 'Sound's 'Sound Effects' tab and click on the 'Show volume in menu bar' check box. At this point, it is only hopeful that your setting changes will remain in effect, now and in the future.

Unfortunately, if it was as simple as merely resetting the System Preferences for individual items and having them reappear, I would not be posting this thread. Hence, my 'chicken waving' exercise. I should have mentioned that I had tried resetting these items in my first post. Now knowing that the System Preference settings are not sticking for Menu Items, what next? Therefore, I presented an answer based only on what was provided.

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If you have some or all of the above files - where specified then consider doing the following. If 'System Preferences' is running, quit it. Locate the above files and rename them. For example, place a 'z' in front of each file name.

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  4. Now, launch 'System Preferences'. Again, make any needed settings changes. Quit 'System Preferences', and see if the changes now remain. If so, locate, trash, and delete via 'empty trash' in 'Finder' the files renamed with the 'z' added to them. It wouldn't hurt for you to Google or Versiontracker or a program called Preferential Treatment. It looks for corrupt pref files. I don't know if it works, but. Doug P.