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When I had a Wintel box as my desktop I spent a lot of time configuring PearPC -- it would run using the official Apple installation media but not install my development environment. I can't seem to get "close enough" on either setup! Will I need to reinstall from original media or will I be able to "convert" my Basilisk disk image and move it over? By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

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I have followed your link and landed on: I am trying it in another window as I type. I'll report back if I succeed I'll just wait for more wisdom!

Quick news

I ignored the JIT Compiler folder. Alternatively, double-clicking the SheepShaver application file will just start it up, without giving you access to all those configuration settings.

The CD installation program started up, but first it initialized my newly created virtual hard drive file, treating it just like a real Mac hard drive. Following that, I was able to install Mac OS 8.

But First: The Games Themselves

When starting up for the first time, Mac OS 8. It seemed to be taking a long time to recognize the networking hardware, so I canceled it. It seems happy just setting up for DHCP and leaving everything else blank. At first, there was no sound. It turns out that with Mac OS 8. One more thing to avoid: Choosing it immediately crashed my virtual Macs.


One more problem: CDs were accessible without problem, whether the CD was inserted into the Mac prior to starting SheepShaver or afterwards. But ejecting them was problematic. But ejecting them in SheepShaver just got me a spinning wheel.

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Better to shut down the virtual Mac, then eject the disc. On my 1. That makes it way faster than it used to take to start up Classic Mode! Low End Mac is funded primarily through donations. All of our advertising is handled by BackBeat Media. For price quotes and advertising information, please contact BackBeat Media at This number is for advertising only.

Welcome Image and Text. Setting Up SheepShaver SheepShaver stores its critical settings in a text configuration file, but the Mac version includes a graphical front end that simplifies configuring it without having to ever touch a text editor. Like this: Like Loading Donations Donations Low End Mac is funded primarily through donations.