
Minecraft 1.2.5 jar file download mac

Is this normal for 1. I believe so. Basically we are copying the configuration files for minecraft in the beginning, and then bringing them back in the end. I am struggling with this as well. I get the error: I updated to the latest java per your link thanks for that. Not sure where to go next. JR Jul 19, OK — this is really beginning to bug me. Too many people are struggling with this. What we need to do, is see what that java console is saying.

There is some error message, that is we can just see it, we can figure this out. Fill in the above with the name of the jar file we are trying to execute. And tell me what error message you see. Then we can try to solve this once and for all. I believe this is what you requested. Bah this frustrating. I just tried this and I see the error now that everyone is getting.

The console output I get is:. I am sorry.

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I tried upgrading my version of java to 1. I am in the middle of a move right now boxes everywhere. I will try again in a few weeks once I get setup. But if anyone wants to try something, see if its the java version. Try installing java 7 or java 8 and then run the jar and see if it fails. I started from scratch. JR Jul 22, But thats computers and software.

When in doubt, get out of the car, walk around, get back in, and restart the engine. Good work and good luck! I am back again. I was able to install Forge and it seems to run. I put the mod into the mods folder, and i get the following error:. Or, if I try other mods vanishing block or trick block the game loads, but the mods are not in the Mod folder inside the game.

JR Jul 27, Then check the website where you downloaded the mod and see if there is a forge version requirement. You may need to installer another version of forge. Kevin Roa Jul 22, I have no clue what to do. I figured it out. Thanks for putting up this web site. I now have Mo Creatures working. The things a father does for his daughter. I think I hate Minecraft now. Thanks again. You are very welcome. Happy forging. Zoe Jul 24, JR Jul 25, Meera Thilagaratnam Jul 26, JR Jul 26, Thank you!

Everything else was so confusing, but this was so clear! JR Aug 21, Only way to find out would be to try.

1. Download minecraft forge.

Let us know if successful. Chris Aug 22, What application do you use? I use the default one and it says: Kaitlin Aug 23, Hi I loved your tutorial! It really helped me but I have one problem near the end, theres no mods folder for me?? BigDaddyHotGue Sep 01, Well deserved accolades from everyone else here… Just installed forge and trying the Lucky Block mod now.

Thanks heaps! JR Sep 01, PDD Sep 29, Iain Jamieson Oct 04, Guys I need help I am trying to install Forge, but am getting the same message as some other people have before — You need to run the version 1. I go to Minecraft selection the client profile 1. Any ideas anyone for a technophobe like me whose children are driving him nuts as he cant get MODS for them!!!! Thanks Iain. AR Nov 30, I did this with 1. JR Dec 01, Angelina Lim Jan 19, What are the 6 mods? Radixcore is an add on that is needed for a mod forget the name of the mod that needs this to run, I do have this installed too to run.

Forge is what is needed for all mods work. Amelia Jan 28, Noah Jan 28, JR Jan 29, Corey Jan 31, For those who are getting the error that the forge installer could not be launched. I had this problem and I think it relates to the version of OS you are running. This worked for me after much research into Java versions and OS versions etc etc.

Download this version of forge installer from here not sure links are allowed on this site but happy to be told off. Ensue you have run 1. Once done rune the forge installer you downloaded from the above link. JR Feb 01, WILL Feb 15, JR Mar 07, QZ23 Mar 21, Johnston42 Apr 03, Tyler Tran Apr 09, Plz help if you can.

Chris D. Apr 19, JR Apr 19, Johnston42 Apr 19, Can you please help me? It says my forge cant be opened for some reason and a message comes up and tells me to check the console for errors. Kari Apr 21, Thank you sooo much for your instructions. They are by far the best out there! My ten year old Minecraft fanatic is thrilled he will finally be able to use mods. From both of us, thank you, thank you! You have done millions of parents an incredible public service.

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Bless you! JR Apr 21, Thanks for the tutorial! Where is the best place to download mods? Emre May 25, Hello Jonathon i have a problem: Would you know how to fix this? After i pressed play, the thing loads but nothing happens. Help please, i did the exact same steps mentioned. Plus i have the shignima sponge edition minecraft launcher. Dalal albairami Oct 26, I tried to uninstall it but I kept getting the same problem.

When i did this for the first time it worked perfectly and then I downloaded a mod it started acting up. Callie Jul 09, Actually, I placed mods in the mods folder but my minecraft game seems to be crashing everytime I try to open it. Do I unzip the mods first? Juliana Jul 26, I hear you Juliana. I think you are going to be alright in this case though. But if you do, make sure to write down your username and password to login into Minecraft. Jack Aug 14, A Aug 15, It works, I had minecraft 1.

Cara Blessley Lowe Dec 12, You and your tutorial are a blessing! My issue is this: I can open Forge just fine but I am not seeing the MoCreatures mods that I dragged into the mods folder I tried dragging the both the zipped and unzipped folder from Dr. Kevin Roa Dec 13, Have you tried making a new world to see if the MoCreatures are available there?

Sinnah Saint SinnahSaint Jan 01, I get to step 5, click play, and the whole launcher just crashes every single time. No error msg, it just closes. Jenny Mar 06, RedstoneOfFlames Apr 23, Check the console for possible error messages. MiiMii Jun 15, Ella Olivia3 Jun 24, CharGotSwagger Jul 07, How do I get that?

Kevin Roa Jul 07, Remember this is the Minecraft folder that is in Application Support. Karli Sep 27, I have forge downloaded and can pick it up as a profile — but am lost as to where to store the mods as I cannot find a mods folder. Macobber Oct 28, The typical reply to that problem is that the. A simply way to find the. There you will see your. Miles Mar 14, JenMom3kids Jun 26, Henry Hudson Aug 27, You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Watch this video. If not there were a few extra things I needed to do read on. Download minecraft forge. Save old profile. Once there drag and drop these files and folders to your desktop. Then blow everything else away in the directory.

Create forge profile. Now start your minecraft application. This is going to download the latest minecraft version. We need to create a 1. Now you have a compatible client that is going to work with your forge! No you can go back to your login screen, select your new 1. Install forge client Drop the files we dragged to the desktop earlier, back into the minecraft application folder we deleted everything from earlier. It should look something like this: We are almost there!

Create client forge profile. Open up minecraft. In the profile areas, a profile option should now appear! Select that. And congrats! You should be in. You can tell your are running forge by the data in the bottom left hand corner. This is where you put your forge mods. Happy forging! Share this: Twitter LinkedIn Google Facebook.

Like this: Like Loading Thanks for the help. Made it easy. Any Mod suggestions for my 7 yr old? My boys like Lord of the Rings http: It worked, thank you so much. I too have a child who has been begging for mods. Good to hear Sarah. Good luck! Hi Sarena, I feel your pain! I want to help.

Can you tell me where it is failing? I would like this walk through to be fool proof. Cheers — Jonathan. You are most welcome Chase. Good luck. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. This thread was marked as Locked by webrosc.

agfox.com - Minecraft Versions Download List

Always think before you post! Everyone including you! Download ANY Minecraft release here. Minecraft or no Minecraft, my imagination runs wild Curse Help Register Sign In. Wondering how to use your own jar files ex. Well here you go: Method 1 Longer, but recommended for the less-geeky. Create a new profile click: New Profile with the original version of Minecraft corresponding to your custom jar file. For example, if you have a modded version of 1. If this version has already been downloaded, skip this step.

Go to the Local Version Editor tab on the launcher. Right click anywhere, and click Open Versions Folder. Make a copy of the version you chose in New Profile. Rename all files under that folder to the same name as the folder, but be sure not to change their extension.

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  8. For example, if the folder was changed from 1. Open the.

    Minecraft Server

    Windows users: I do not recommend using Notepad for this! On the second line, change the ID to the name of the version. This should also be the name of the folder, jar, and json. Be sure that it's still inside of quotation marks. Save and quit. Either mod your jar file, or replace it with your already modded jar file. Make sure the name still matches up with everything else! Start the launcher, edit the profile you made, and choose the newly listed version.

    Method 2 Shorter, recommended for the average computer user. Make sure Minecraft is fully closed before starting! Go to. Create a new folder for the profile Note: Name this folder what the profile should be named. Put your custom jar file in that folder, making the sure that the name is the same as the folder. It is vital that it's the name name. For example, the folder name is ExplosivesMod. The jar file should be ExplosivesMod. If this is a version 1. This should be the name of the folder and jar file 6. Make sure it gets saved as.

    You can do this in Windows by surrounding the name in quotation marks. It must have the same name as the folder and jar! After you have all of this done, start the launcher. Create a new profile and your new version should be an option now! If you want some versions to play around with, head on over to my Minecraft Jars topic. It has a download link for every Minecraft version released, and a server files for most of them! Tutorial updated. Hope this helps!