
Oracle virtualbox mac os x lion image

Since it is set up to do a diskless install by downloading an app and then running it, a bunch of weird Apple-specific stuff happens. As far as I can tell, the installer writes out a bunch of data to the disk and then sets startup disk and NVRAM properties that are not typically of the installation processes for other versions of OS X or other operating systems. The VM then has to reboot under these special conditions in order for the installation to complete.

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  • How to install Mac OS X Lion in Virtualbox.

So, passing board ID is pretty simple and allows Lion to bootbut there is a bunch of unknown voodoo that has to occur in order for the installer to succeed. But after the installation, should then everything else work OK?

My PC Configurations.

That computer is not automatically halted or rebooted. Also "About the Mac" does not work, they say. Did not try "About this Mac". Note that VMWare Fusion version 4. Also note that as of VMWare Fusion version 4. I don't see anything in that article that could be construed as "fully supported".

agfox.com • View topic - Mac OS X Lion

If anything, they "look the other way" while the user does something illegal. By contrast, VirtualBox is avoiding a lawsuit in the first place by explicitly supporting only those OS X versions for which the SLA allows virtualization. I see that this has not been updated in 7 months. An unexpected and pleasant surprise.

VirtualBox Images

You also need about 10 GB of unused hard drive space. Right click on "My Computer" on your desktop and click "Properties" to check the stats on your computer. If it doesn't directly tell you how many cores your processor has, look up your processor model on Wikipedia or Google. You also want to find out whether your processor is made by "Intel" or "AMD". Computers with AMD processors will not work with Lion. General Requirements. Step 1: Step 2: Create a new virtual machine. Virtualbox lets you run Mac OSX within Windows by creating a virtual machine, which is a program that simulates a normal computer.

To create a virtual machine, open up Virtualbox and click "New" on the upper left. If your version of Virtualbox asks you to choose between bit and bit, be sure to choose bit. Choosing bit will result in a critical "Guru Meditation" error later on. The RAM will be given back to your normal computer after you turn Virtualbox off. You'll need to create a new hard disk for the virtual machine. Virtualbox will ask you what type of disk you want to create: Otherwise, just choose VDI.

I recommend creating a dynamically expanding disk; the only other option, fixed-size storage, will eat up your hard drive.

How to install Mac OS X Lion on Virtualbox

Step 3: A must read if you want to know what we're talking about. Install Linux Guest Additions Howto: Try searching the forums first with Google and add the site filter for this forum.

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I officially deleted the VM after success. A relevant section, 2B iii: Board index All times are UTC. Get VirtualBox. Sponsored by.